Dennis "Stitch" Badingh 10/15/1948 - 11/18/2007

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I woke up Sunday morning,November 18, 2007, and found him on the floor next to the bed.
He died of natural causes somewhere around 5AM.
We did not do an autopsy but talked to the doctor who would have performed it.
His best guess is that the doctor would have found nothing out of the ordinary but because of Dennis's past medical history the heart in its transition from night to morning pace probably just stopped. The repairs to his heart we know were just fine but the damage of the 51 years before it was fixed took their final toll......He was also taking medicine for enlarged prostate that he really did not like taking but was almost done with. In my heart of hearts I will probably always wonder if that was part of it but have let go of that. He was very tired at that point in November because of work related instances and the fact that he had overworked for the months previous to deal with them................ But I also know he was not concerned about anything because if he had been he would have gone to his cardiologist to be checked. He had just ordered special spokes for his mountain bike, looking forward to going south to CA in December for vacation.

So at this point I am trying to work my way thru so many things and my most frustrating thing is to know that his job was to change this year so that he could step back, slow down and get out of the day to day pressure of running a 24/7 manufacturing operation. He did not get the chance!.............................

Thank You for caring, Barbara

I am so very sorry to read what happened to your dear husband. The fact that he didn't suffer is something to be thankful for. That was my biggest concern during Joe's last days, that he not suffer, and he didn't.

This year will be a difficult one for you. My husband passed away just before Christmas in 2006 and it does take a while.

Just go through the motions for the first few months, that's about all you can do, and you will be busy with all kinds of things.

Wishing you all the best and you will be in my prayers.
I am so sorry. And very sorry the both of you did not get the chance to spend time together after his job change.
Thank you for letting us know, Lyn
Sorry to hear another of our members has joined the ranks of the "beloved"...I hope you are finding peace at this difficult time.
Dear Barbara

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Stitch. He was a valuable member and good friend to us all here in Vr. We will miss him. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I have been a part of this website...although infrequently posting, but know all the names. Stitch will be missed. You are in my prayers. Blessings, Sue
Barbara I'm so sorry for your loss. May God put His loving arms around you at this time. Hugs & prayers are coming your way.
My sincerest sympathy to you Barbara. May all your fond memories of Stitch bring smiles instead of tears at this difficult time.
I am so sorry to read this news!

I am so sorry to read this news!

This just caught my eye! Stitch will be greatly missed. Please accept my condolences and I will keep you in my prayers. Hugs. Janet