Dawn-Marie's rescheduled surgery is Monday, July 21

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I hope you are feeling much better and are able to undergo your scheduled replacement on Monday.
You are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a recovery that will result in your soon being back with your Vr family.
Until then, God Bless and Godspeed
Great to have updates and praying for you everyday Dawn-Marie

Thank you for the update on Dawn-Marie. She has been so very much on my mind. Sending all good thoughts and prayers to Dawn-Marie and so eager to hear good news when her surgery has been finished.
My best wishes as well for a successful surgery and quick recovery.
My good thoughts and best wishes continue to infuse the ether.

May your climb be smooth and the descent to the other side even smoother.

Take Heart, Dawn-Marie. I pray for your continued strength.
I hope you are feeling much better and are able to undergo your scheduled replacement on Monday.
You are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a recovery that will result in your soon being back with your Vr family.
Until then, God Bless and Godspeed

Hello everyone,

I just got off the phone w/Dawn-Marie & she told me her surgery has ONCE AGAIN been rescheduled for later on this coming week!!
She did however sound in very high spirits, which lifted up my spirits when I heard the optimism in her voice! She said her doctor (Dr. Strzalka) is taking every precaution; dotting every i & crossing every t before proceeding w/her surgery.

She is very excited because the doctor is looking into ways to try to strenghten her lungs so that she does NOT have to be on the respirator for as long as they had previously anticipated. I think she mentioned a machine or procedure called, Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing (IPPB) Machines.

She will be in contact w/either Jane or myself when she finds out exactly when the surgery will take place. In the meantime, she sends her thanks & prayers to everyone on VR too!

Will keep you posted!

Dawn-Marie sounds like your Dr's are really looking after you
and sorry for the cancellations,but im trying to keep up
with threads here on you and remember theres always good
reasons for these cancellations.:) Prayers remain till this is
over for you and i'm certain all will go well for you,alot of support and
prayers on vr we're with you ((((HUGS)))):)
