CPX stress test - heart function test

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Active member
Jan 5, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA. Both surgeries in New Orleans, LA
I have been referred to a heart failure specialist, and he has ordered a CPX stress test. I'll be taking it tomorrow morning, and I'm a bit nervous about it.

I had my 2nd OHS last Aug 2009, and the difference bw the first and second surgery is remarkable different. Granted, I was 14 when I had my first surgery and bounced back fairly quickly, this surgery has had multiple complications (I'm 36 now).

Has anyone else taken at CPX stress test (I think they will put a mask over my mouth and nose). I've found info online, but personal experiences help a lot.

thanks in advance.
I have been referred to another hospital to see a physician who specializes in adult congenital heart diseases. I know my current doctors are good, but I've been having so many complications, that I'm looking forward to seeing someone who works with adults who have congenital defects.

The appointment is in 2 weeks, and hopefully the problems I've been having can be managed better. I know that I may never have the full range of strength compared to people who were born with healthy hearts, but I'm at the point where walking just a little makes me slow down to gasp, and I've never experienced this before. Thanks for the support!
I don't know if this is the same test or not but I have had a stress test that my ACHD clinic calls a V02 Max stress test that sounds like what you are describing.

It can be done on either the treadmill or the bicycle....my ACHD clinic uses the bicycle. They put a mask over your mouth and nose to measure the oxygen exchange while you exercise. Other than that, it is basically the same as your normal stress tests. You are hooked up to EKG leads and a blood pressure monitor. Then you exercise at an increasing intensity while they monitor your heart rate and blood pressure and watch for changes on your EKG. One difference is that on a normal stress test, you exercise until you get tired or reach a heart rate that the Dr. has pre-determined. On this test, you are encouraged to exercise until you feel like you absolutely cannot go any longer.

Good Luck at your appt with the ACHD doc in a couple of weeks......Be sure and give us an update afterwards!

A quick Google search says that the CPX just stands for Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test. It sounds like it is just a standard Stress Test.

Mine, had an echo, then walked on a treadmill for up to 20 minutes, then an echo immediately (really) after.

Good luck with the test. My cardio had me do this test because my echo results pointed towards surgery. Two years ago, it helped me to put off surgery for two years. This year, it clearly said it was time. It was able to show that when not at rest, my heart was not performing as well as it had been.
