Coumadin At Night Always?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
Does everyone take coumadin at night? Anyone take it in the am? Just wondering, because it's a pain to remember to take it before bed. Al?

I asked this same question here a few months ago and was told that it did not matter. My son has been taking it in the morning for a while with no adverse effects.


My cardio doc told me to take my coumadin at night. When questioned about his instructions he told me time of day is less important than taking the pills about the same time every day. Establishing a routine was his bottomline recommendation.

temp69 said:
Does everyone take coumadin at night? Anyone take it in the am? Just wondering, because it's a pain to remember to take it before bed. Al?


Hi Al.....I have always taken mine in the morning. My cardiologist said he does not care when I take it, just take it. I have always had a stable INR (knock on wood) and in range. I don't see why it would matter but I'm not a doctor. Also, I think I would have a problem remembering it at night.....I tend to fall asleep in the Lazyboy and wander back to bed in the wee hours of the morning.

Good luck,
Early evening

Early evening

Through habit I take mine around 7 p.m. when I sit down to watch re-runs of my favourite show--The West Wing. It's a good reminder.
I too was told to take it around the same time everyday, for me its just before supper (give or take 60min). Never had any side effects.
Doctors like you to take it at night so that it's easy for them to change dosing. That is the only reason. You can take it whenever you want too, but take it at the same time all the time. I take mine as soon as I wake up otherwise I'd forget it.
I have always taken mine in the AM after waking up. I try to be consistent about time. I've never been told that time is important. Problems arise when you don't establish a daily routine and forget or double up a dose.
My doc suggested I take it with my evening meal (6:00 pm).
I'm super sensitive to meds so I like the idea of taking it with dinner, and in the morning I already have to deal with my BP meds.
Also, since I test INR in the afternoon, any changes can be made right away.
My INR has been all over the place and dosing at night has enabled my clinic to change dosage if needed and like Bina, I take my BP meds in a.m. and feel like it's enough. My dr. told me what Ross said about why to do it at night and it's actually worked out.
I bet it's mainly a matter of convenience and getting used to what works for you.
When they first started me on Coumadin while still in the hospital, it was around 4:30PM. I have stuck with that all these years regardless whether I was at work or home.
As others have said just try for the same time every day. Consistency is what it's all about.
I also take other meds first thing in the morning and didn't want to mix everything together.
I take mine after lunch because it seems to cause heartburn if I take it before bed.

I think the posts show that it really doesn't matter when you take it as long as you remember to take and that you remember you took it.;) :D
i take mine at night because I'm always afraid I will oversleep and wake up at 3pm or something. Maybe it's my age and my extremely flexible work schedule (my hours are all over the place, but I never start work before 10:30am)
Ross said:
Doctors like you to take it at night so that it's easy for them to change dosing. That is the only reason. You can take it whenever you want too, but take it at the same time all the time. I take mine as soon as I wake up otherwise I'd forget it.

Yeah, and if you don't happen to wake up you won't need it anyhow.;) Seriously, it doesn't affect the end result what time it is taken as long as it is pretty consistent. I take mine at bedtime regardless if it is 9 o'clock or midnight and never give it a second thought. Just like I'm sure you set no alarm to wake you up at the same time each day to take your don't, do ya?:)
I am another who takes it after dinner, around 7pm. It works well for me and is something I rarely forget. Like the others have said its the consistency that counts. Pick a time that suits you and that maybe co-incides with soemthing else like a favourite TV show or after dinner or brushing teeth etc. and make a habit of it. I really have no idea why I ended up taking mine at night, may have been what they did in hospital.
I do mine in the morning. Easier for me to remember that way.
1) Shower, 2) brush teeth, 3) shave, 4) take pill, 5) go to work.
If I don't do the first three on the weekends I'll still be in the bathroom at some point soon after getting up - :D
I take my coumadin in the evenings usually around 7:00 p.m. along with my evening regime of pills. I have always taken it in the evenings just because that's when they gave it to me in the hospital.

I have a separate batch of pills I take first thing every morning which include my BP meds, Lasix, Potassium, vitamins, etc. I have an evening pill box & a morning pill box to make it easier for me to remember. :)
I take mine before bed with my Quinaretic. Sometimes that's 9:00 p.m., sometimes it's 2:00 a.m. My INR is quite stable, in fact I can't remember my last adjustment, so I don't think time matters that much. It generally stays in the system quite a while, so I think that it all levels out.

Last night, for the first time in years, I forgot! I've been fighting a cold and I was just extremely tired when I went to bed. I didn't remember until this afternoon at work. I took it as soon as I got home - at 5:00. I'm trying to decide what to do about tonight's dose, but in any case, my next INR check is in about 1 1/2 months, so I should be okay by then. As you can tell, my Warfarin philosophy is quite laid back and it's worked for me for almost 10 years!