Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down Thread

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Marguerite53 said:
BOB!! Go to Bubba's and buy a box of ziploc baggies. Then go fill them with some smart food to grab when you're on the go or hungry!!! Don't give yourself time to think bad thoughts...have the good stuff ripe and ready! ;)


Got me two deviled eggs and a chicken salad sandwich at Bubba's. Was about to have a blood sugar crash; had to have something. I know, loaded with mayo but there was a piece of lettuce in there somewhere. At least I think it was lettuce :eek: Oh yeah, got a can of good ole diet Dr. Pepper.:)

Least I didn't get me no muffins. :(

Will search for some of that good stuff to stow away for next time, Marguerite.
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, three slices ham, 3 slices turkey, 3 slices cheese and dill pickles. Dinner will be a small steak with a tossed salad. Night cap: one tall glass of orange flavored Metamucil:D :eek: :D :D
Bob. I LOVE your Wimpy avatar! ......I would rather pay you tuesday......

And hey, this may not work out so well. I have a quick cup of coffee in the morning, and then I go do my walk/Curves routine, come home at 10, stretch, then eat breakfast. Then I come online and you east coast people are already describing LUNCH!!! I'll have to time this out differently or I'll always be hungry!

Remember, with those hard-boiled eggs. 'Tis better just to eat the whites. If you have 2 eggs, just toss out one yolk and use lotsa pepper and a pinch of salt on the extra yolkless egg. More protein to keep you filled up, no cholesterol. PJ's already thinkin' in that right direction.


Marguerite53 said:
Remember, with those hard-boiled eggs. 'Tis better just to eat the whites. If you have 2 eggs, just toss out one yolk and use lotsa pepper and a pinch of salt on the extra yolkless egg. More protein to keep you filled up, no cholesterol. PJ's already thinkin' in that right direction.



NO, no, no!!!! I will not throw a way a perfectly good yolk:mad: Cholesterol be damned!!! I quit drinking, smoking and sitting on my ass!!! I lill not stop yolking:D :p :D
There's alot of sodium in what many of you are reporting. If you'd knock 50% of your salt out, you would lose weight just from that.

I know, I know . . . . I'm not in this "throw down" :D but I do have a vested interest (since I love you all)!:)

Here's a low calorie pancake you might try. I love them; my husband doesn't, but our granddaughter DOES! . . . so I win!

1 cup of oatmeal
1 cup of egg whites (you buy them in a carton)
1 cup of lowfat/no fat cottage cheese
A banana or two if you want banana-flavored pancakes

Put all ingredients in a blender, blend well for a minute or two, then pour onto a hot griddle.

That's all there is to making them. You don't need any flour. They will be thinner than you're use to, but you can always add a little more c. cheese or oatmeal if you have to have them thicker.
Mary said:
There's alot of sodium in what many of you are reporting. If you'd knock 50% of your salt out, you would lose weight just from that.

I know, I know . . . . I'm not in this "throw down" :D but I do have a vested interest (since I love you all)!:)

Here's a low calorie pancake you might try. I love them; my husband doesn't, but our granddaughter DOES! . . . so I win!

1 cup of oatmeal
1 cup of egg whites (you buy them in a carton)
1 cup of lowfat/no fat cottage cheese
A banana or two if you want banana-flavored pancakes

Put all ingredients in a blender, blend well for a minute or two, then pour onto a hot griddle.

That's all there is to making them. You don't need any flour. They will be thinner than you're use to, but you can always add a little more c. cheese or oatmeal if you have to have them thicker.

Thanks Mary!!! Sounds like another entry for my "When Hell Freezes Over Cook Book":D :D :p :p

Just kidding................they sound delish:rolleyes:
cooker said:
Thanks Mary!!! Sounds like another entry for my "When Hell Freezes Over Cook Book":D :D :p :p

Just kidding................they sound delish:rolleyes:

Delish or devilish?:confused: :eek: :p

Try it, you'll like it!;) ;)
Pop-Pop's Pancakes

Pop-Pop's Pancakes

Mary said:
There's a low calorie pancake you might try. I love them; my husband doesn't, but our granddaughter DOES! . . . so I win!

1 cup of oatmeal
1 cup of egg whites (you buy them in a carton)
1 cup of lowfat/no fat cottage cheese
A banana or two if you want banana-flavored pancakes

Put all ingredients in a blender, blend well for a minute or two, then pour onto a hot griddle.

That's all there is to making them. You don't need any flour. They will be thinner than you're use to, but you can always add a little more c. cheese or oatmeal if you have to have them thicker.


Unless you join the Throw-Down, you are not allowed to offer menus. It's not in your consulting contract. :p :p :p

My recipe for pancakes: my three grandchildren love them -- call them Pop-Pop's Pancakes and they say I should open a breakfast joint at the beach by that name:

Buy one box of Hungry Jack pancake mix (complete).

Add water and stir til not too lumpy.

Into prewarmed frying pan, put a small amount of Canola Oil . Pour pancakes to desired size (youngest grandkids like them the shape of assorted critters). While cooking, add a little butter on them for extra taste. Flip 'em over several times til lightly done and nice and fluffy.

Flip them onto kids' plates.

There you have Pop-Pop's Pancakes. (On my own, I use sugar-free syrup.) :)


With the heat wave..I thought one needed salt?Forgot why?:p ( we have thunder/clouds and a few drops of rain now) why my internet temp says 71..but it is really 82....but still haven't seen 82 in weeks):D Now there are pop-ups all of Ga...really need the rain..Back to the salt.....I add a tad to my egg....but will skip the egg in the a.m.Have of a tuna fish sandwich on wheat bread..tomato/lettuce and pickle..Afternoon snack..what else? A Georgia Peach..:D and baked chicken in oven for dinner..and water/water/water...I am still hoping for 1 lb. next Monday..And keep it off..lose another 1 lb..per week...Hoping for a xmas present of losing 15 lbs..:D the major change that I am making..NO more fast-food..Even if we have to drive-thru for a quick bite..will order something without bread...or eat the meat/ throw bun away..:p Bonnie
Granbonny said:
With the heat wave..I thought one needed salt?Forgot why?:p ( we have thunder/clouds and a few drops of rain now) why my internet temp says 71..but it is really 82....but still haven't seen 82 in weeks):D Now there are pop-ups all of Ga...really need the rain..Back to the salt.....I add a tad to my egg....but will skip the egg in the a.m.Have of a tuna fish sandwich on wheat bread..tomato/lettuce and pickle..Afternoon snack..what else? A Georgia Peach..:D and baked chicken in oven for dinner..and water/water/water...I am still hoping for 1 lb. next Monday..And keep it off..lose another 1 lb..per week...Hoping for a xmas present of losing 15 lbs..:D the major change that I am making..NO more fast-food..Even if we have to drive-thru for a quick bite..will order something without bread...or eat the meat/ throw bun away..:p Bonnie


Hardees has a great low carb burger.....wrapped in letuce instead of bread...And we got a good rain this morning!!!!!!!



Funny that you mentioned Hardee's .the first-fast place in our county that we lived in for 25 years.came in after we had lived there for 15 years.Now..when we traveled a lot in our motorhome..EVERY small town in the South had a Hardee's.Now, I haven,t seen one for years?..Only McDonalds/ Burger King/ in our small county...My downfall is when we have to leave early for appointments, ect. and grab one of their great ham/biscuits...McDonald/Burger king..Yummy......Just one of the many life-changes I need to make..alone with avoidingl lunch our many local Bar-be-que/..hamburger /Hot dogs places.(with their piled high coleslaw, ect.):( But, I'm sticking with yall.:D My diet-buddies..Bonnie
I thought I'd recommend to you all a cereal I discovered yesterday and had this morning for the first time. It's one of the Post Selects called Apple Cinnamon Harvest. If it's not new, it's one I'd never seen before that I think is pretty exceptional. It's organic (which I don't insist on, but it can't hurt, right?) and has 200 calories, 2 grams of fat and 11 grams (!) of fiber in a cup AND it tastes great.
Okay, so thus far I've done pretty well, I'd say. I had my Cheerios with 2% milk (I would do skim, but my hubby won't drink it and he's the one that drinks the most milk in our house). At lunch, even though a group was headed to Cici's Pizza, I skipped out and had a Subway sandwich (6" turkey) and diet lemonade. It was very good and hit the spot. For a snack I had a handful of unsalted cashews (delish!) and a Granny Smith Apple. I'm still hungry... :( But hubby doesn't generally get home from work until at least 8, so I have a couple of hours left before we'll be having dinner... I have some celery in the fridge. It doesn't really appeal to me at the moment, but I guess it's what I'll have. :rolleyes: Tonight's dinner will be baked potato. Probably not the healthiest, but not altogether unhealthy either. It should be low cal! ;)

Oh! And I went to the rec center today and rode the bike for 2.8 miles and walked the track for .33 miles. I would have kept going, but my heart was beating kind of weird (every other beat was skipped???). Decided I'd been overdoing it and will slow down my pace next time.

I expect to be terrible over the weekend as I'm going down to visit my mom, sister, and nephew (he's the real reason I'm going! ;) ). Sister has already said that her husband plans to make crab legs Saturday! :eek: Is there any way that this will turn out healthy??? I hope so!
Oh! And I forgot to add a warning. NEVER EVER step onto the scale in the evening! It's a frightening experience!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Breakfast and lunch were helter-skelter, as described before. But dinner at local seafood restaurant was A-plus:

House salad with the low-fat dressing.
Small baked potato with only small dab of butter.
Broiled swordfish.
Black coffee.

Did eat three of the hush puppies but that's better than eating a humongous platter of them (as I've been known to do; am a Southern boy, after all ;).
Tonight's diet plate: sticky rice (if you don't know what that means you have missed a great joy in life) carrots, green beans from the garden, along with some fresh eggs contributed by one of Barb's students. Lots of white pepper and a little bit of "soy sauce". Barb is certainly doing her part.

It seemed pretty enough to take a picture, so I did.
Dennis S said:
Tonight's diet plate: sticky rice (if you don't know what that means you have missed a great joy in life) carrots, green beans from the garden, along with some fresh eggs contributed by one of Barb's students. Lots of white pepper and a little bit of "soy sauce". Barb is certainly doing her part.

It seemed pretty enough to take a picture, so I did.

Looks fabulous!!! But I am on the low to no carb plan and I don?t appreciate you trying to sabotage me by making me look at such delicacies . When I was much younger I lost weight eating low fat rice dishes. I can?t control myself with a plate like that now:eek:

I snuck up on the scales this morning???.you all best get your jogging shoes on:D :D :D