Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down 9-10-07

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Ok, I was not crazy about Friday but the more I thought about it the more I think Friday is perfect!! It has really helped me stay the course yesterday and today and I feel like if I slip and have a KrispyKreme Sunday morning at church I have time to redeem myself:p

I need to pick up the exercise, I don't think riding in a golf cart counts:eek:
Better Late Then Never!!

Better Late Then Never!!

I am always pulling up the rear!
Monday 9/10/07
Current: 184

Been ill from the antibiotics for 4 days and now must have my coritid artery cleaned out. I'm depressed! An appointment with the surgeon on 9/18. I have to go back to work on 9/21. I'm sure I'll need another test other than the unlta sound - so they say. I don't know when they'll schedule this surgery - but, a 2 day stay in the hospital. I hate it. Has anyone had this operation? Sure would like some input.
Response to Cooker - my secret to weight loss

Response to Cooker - my secret to weight loss

Hi Cooker and fellow team mates!
I don't eat any diet foods at all. I've cut my meals in half. I acutally measure my food.
Whole grain cereal in the morning: 1/2 cup cold cereal with about a cup of skim milk or 1/4 cup oatmeal with dried fruit, sweet and low, 1/2 cup skim milk - miked.
Coffee with sweet and low
1 very small or 1/2 of a banana or 1 very small yogurt (activa light)
Some times I just have yogurt and fruit with coffee and my meds.

Lunch 1/2 of a sandwich on whole grain bread or a cup of soup or a small ceaser salad with low fat dressing. A very small piece of fruit and a diet ginger ale.

Dinner is normally a piece of lean meat and a veggie with jellow or pudding for desert. Meat should be no larger than a deck of cards. Most veggies should be about a cup or you could have a salad in place of a cooked veggie. I also eat a baked Yam or White potato as my veggie - love'em! And I use Smart Balance as my buttery spread - better for you. Plus, I have been known to use a dollop of low fat sour cream on my taters.

I pump water into me all day long and I sneek 2-3 candy kisses from time to time.

I walk for 20 - 30 minutes on days that I don't go to cardio rehab (3 days a weeks). I will begin to increase my walking next week - I'll go to my local track which is a 1/4 mile track and try to walk for a mile - working my way up to 3 miles a day. Can't do this on the hot and humid days or those days when we'll have an ice skating rink outside (coming soon to many towns). In that case I'm faced with the treadmill - oh how I hate the treadmill.

It's also ok to have two snacks during the day - like 10 grapes or celery and carrots - I'm sure Cooker, we can all think of very very low calorie snacks to eat for a snack. Nothing like a big piece of Key Lime Pie - I'll have this for my Birthday in October.

Calories per day: 1200-1500 Max.
Salt: 1500 Max. MGS per day
Sugar: 0 added - some foods have it naturally
NO Fried Foods
NO White breads or dough
Limit Breads..........and starchy foods

Keep a log of what you eat.
Keep a log of your vitals and weight
Carolyn Russo said:
Hi Cooker and fellow team mates!
I don't eat any diet foods at all. I've cut my meals in half. I acutally measure my food.
Whole grain cereal in the morning: 1/2 cup cold cereal with about a cup of skim milk or 1/4 cup oatmeal with dried fruit, sweet and low, 1/2 cup skim milk - miked.
Coffee with sweet and low
1 very small or 1/2 of a banana or 1 very small yogurt (activa light)
Some times I just have yogurt and fruit with coffee and my meds.

Lunch 1/2 of a sandwich on whole grain bread or a cup of soup or a small ceaser salad with low fat dressing. A very small piece of fruit and a diet ginger ale.

Dinner is normally a piece of lean meat and a veggie with jellow or pudding for desert. Meat should be no larger than a deck of cards. Most veggies should be about a cup or you could have a salad in place of a cooked veggie. I also eat a baked Yam or White potato as my veggie - love'em! And I use Smart Balance as my buttery spread - better for you. Plus, I have been known to use a dollop of low fat sour cream on my taters.

I pump water into me all day long and I sneek 2-3 candy kisses from time to time.

I walk for 20 - 30 minutes on days that I don't go to cardio rehab (3 days a weeks). I will begin to increase my walking next week - I'll go to my local track which is a 1/4 mile track and try to walk for a mile - working my way up to 3 miles a day. Can't do this on the hot and humid days or those days when we'll have an ice skating rink outside (coming soon to many towns). In that case I'm faced with the treadmill - oh how I hate the treadmill.

It's also ok to have two snacks during the day - like 10 grapes or celery and carrots - I'm sure Cooker, we can all think of very very low calorie snacks to eat for a snack. Nothing like a big piece of Key Lime Pie - I'll have this for my Birthday in October.

Calories per day: 1200-1500 Max.
Salt: 1500 Max. MGS per day
Sugar: 0 added - some foods have it naturally
NO Fried Foods
NO White breads or dough
Limit Breads..........and starchy foods

Keep a log of what you eat.
Keep a log of your vitals and weight
I envy you. I wish I could adhere to a diet as such, but I'm afraid my appetite just won't accept small portions like this. :(
I just want to remind my fellow "losers" that this week's weigh in is Friday (tomorrow). I realize that this is a short weigh in week but I think Fridays will work out great!!

The only problem I see is that the weekends will "seem" free:D It's not even 7:AM and I am salivating over weekend possibilities:eek: :p :eek:
I had lunch today with a past client at Long Horn Steak House. Trying to be true to my new found commitment I scoured the menu for anything that would not hurt my Friday morning weigh in.

I chose a salad with grilled salmon and feta cheese. I was fantastic!!! I have had salad with steak and chicken before but never salmon. If you have not tried this give it a shot:D :D :D I guess eating healthy does not have to suck after all:D :D
cooker said:
I had lunch today with a past client at Long Horn Steak House. Trying to be true to my new found commitment I scoured the menu for anything that would not hurt my Friday morning weigh in.

I chose a salad with grilled salmon and feta cheese. I was fantastic!!! I have had salad with steak and chicken before but never salmon. If you have not tried this give it a shot:D :D :D I guess eating healthy does not have to suck after all:D :D

We love salmon. Long Horn Steakhouse's salmon is the best salmon we've had in a restaurant. Delicious!!
I changed my mind..:p Vote for Monday weigh-ins..:D Just kiddin..I did weigh this morning nekked..No loss..but No gain.:) Lack of exercise due to jury duty..Today..breakfast 1 banana..lunch 1/2 of chicken salad..sandwich..Tonight I have a great Pot Roast..with new potatoes/mushrooms...For hubby..;) Don't want my dieting to get him upset...after all these years..41 years married this sunday.:) Bonnie
Ugh. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning's weigh in. Yesterday I did well for my breakfast and lunch (yogart and a salad), but I blew it at dinner. The meal itself wasn't a problem, it was the fact that, as I was cooking it I kept tasting it "to make sure it was just right." At least, that's what I was telling myself. Really, it just tasted good. I'd made whole wheat pene pasta with a sun dried tomato and basil sauce (to which I added mushrooms and olives). Like I said, the meal itself wasn't the problem. It was the amount I ate before the meal...

Today was much the same. I did well for breakfast and lunch (yogart and smaller portion of the pasta), but at dinner we got take out Chinese. I did manage to eat only half of it and saved the other half for tomorrow's lunch, but I chose a fried chicken dish... Probably not the healthiest choice. :(

I hope I at least won't see a gain. But I wouldn't be surprised if I do.