Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-16

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OK, here's a newbe question.

I entered the hospital at 180.
Post op with no beer or cola and hating the taste of food 165
I am now back up to 170.

So, here's the Q.

Have I lost 10 lbs or have I gained 5?

Both:D....If you want to lose than the only thing that matters is direction the scales are going....Join the ThrowDown if you want to lose....I think we laugh most of it off:D
Naw, probably just mischief. ;) We'll let Karlynn have her way, since she will whether we let her or not. :D

Superbob is back from five-week follow up with the ortho doc with good news that since there has been some improvement it isn't meniscus tear but instead is onset of arthritis. Superbob was offered injections in knee -- he declined. Also declined pain meds. But accepted physical therapy, which will set up. Also doc was delighted with The Man of Steel's weight loss strategy, so the Throw Down is an important part of Superbob's rehab. So you guys are really important to me, in case you didn't know it.

Oh and he said overuse will not hurt it -- be as active as I want.:):) So Superbob and Superdawg will be on the walking trail tomorrow! :):)

I'm glad to hear it isn't a tear but why did Superbob decline the injection? I'm thinking about having one at the base of a toe this week. I've never had a bad experience with a cortisone injection before but I know they have to be out there someplace.
I'm glad to hear it isn't a tear but why did Superbob decline the injection? I'm thinking about having one at the base of a toe this week. I've never had a bad experience with a cortisone injection before but I know they have to be out there someplace.

Easy answer: Because Superbob is a wimp. :p He had a shot once in the base of his spine for back pain and didn't enjoy the experience. And the shot didn't seem to yield any improvement -- only PT did.
Easy answer: Because Superbob is a wimp. :p He had a shot once in the base of his spine for back pain and didn't enjoy the experience. And the shot didn't seem to yield any improvement -- only PT did.

Ok, that makes sense:). For me, I'd take the shot and skip the PT if possible. The only PT that ever really helped was after my cervical fusion. That was totally worthwhile. I hope it really works wonders for you.
I'm back.
Thanks for your responses.
superbob suggests that I've lost 10 lbs instead of gaining 5.
I have this to say..........THANKS, AND


I've joined a gym paid for by my ins. and I'm still going to
re-hab. I'll report again next week. It's a good thread!
Welcome Jack...its great to have so many new faces join us.10 lbs is a fabulous loss.

Superbob...Be brave....I reckon you should get a cortisone injection for your dodgy knee...I have had them in the Lumbar Spine and they are awful especially when they leave the needle in to get a scan. I have also had about 5 in my elbow which are a piece of cake and barely hurt. Knee ones wont be anywhere near as bad and you will get great relief...apparently the cortisone actually aids healing as well so its a double benefit from the one application. Within a week you and the 2 super furballs will be back walking.
Welcome Jack...its great to have so many new faces join us.10 lbs is a fabulous loss.

Superbob...Be brave....I reckon you should get a cortisone injection for your dodgy knee...I have had them in the Lumbar Spine and they are awful especially when they leave the needle in to get a scan. I have also had about 5 in my elbow which are a piece of cake and barely hurt. Knee ones wont be anywhere near as bad and you will get great relief...apparently the cortisone actually aids healing as well so its a double benefit from the one application. Within a week you and the 2 super furballs will be back walking.

I join in the welcome to Jack!

Also, Ton, I may wind up doing that -- getting the shot. After a Saturday when the knee felt pretty good and I probably walked more than I should, I paid the price on Sunday. :mad: So I'll see how it goes with PT and then have the cortisone to fall back on too. Thanks for the encouragement.
Good Monday morning!....How was everyone's weekend?....I did well this weekend if I don't count Friday and Saturday:D.....I usually roll Sunday in to the mini-binge but held it to two days this week...I'd say that's progress:)....

Ok we have four days till the Friday weigh in....we had good reports last week so lets keep the ball rolling....Is everyone satisfied with their scales?...Scales are an important part of this...if you don't like what they say, sorry:rolleyes:...but you need to have some that you feel are acurate....anything to reduce frustration is a big plus......

Have a great week!!!!
Good Monday morning!....How was everyone's weekend?....I did well this weekend if I don't count Friday and Saturday:D.....I usually roll Sunday in to the mini-binge but held it to two days this week...I'd say that's progress:)....

Ok we have four days till the Friday weigh in....we had good reports last week so lets keep the ball rolling....Is everyone satisfied with their scales?...Scales are an important part of this...if you don't like what they say, sorry:rolleyes:...but you need to have some that you feel are acurate....anything to reduce frustration is a big plus......

Have a great week!!!!

I am going to the family doc this morning for a regular checkup and so will be weighed. Will see if the doc's scales still jibe with mine. I didn't eat too recklessly this weekend -- well, wait, we did go to Outback for a delayed Mother's Day feast, nuff said -- but I am still at the 20-pounds-lost plateau and need to get progress going on the next our dear beloved Bonnie said, 1 pound a week would be great steady progress. I need to achieve that.
It's Monday morning in Weigh-In land, and we have new members to welcome!

My week-end went well as far as calorie consumption, but I had a close encounter with sodium/humidity/heat, and I'm still shaking my head at what the combination can do.:eek:

Usually my sodium intake is very low, but yesterday I had a bowl of chicken noodle soup (sure it contained alot of sodium), a bag of chips (small), and a turkey sandwich. We also had a moderately warm day (80 degrees), some humidity and by evening, I could barely walk due to swollen feet. When I went to bed, I had trouble breathing. :mad:

I can only hazard a guess as to how much fluid I'm retaining, but I will weigh pretty soon just to get an idea. I guess it's a double dose Lasix day! I will get back on track and try to remember that I can't touch the salt!
It's Monday morning in Weigh-In land, and we have new members to welcome!

My week-end went well as far as calorie consumption, but I had a close encounter with sodium/humidity/heat, and I'm still shaking my head at what the combination can do.:eek:

Usually my sodium intake is very low, but yesterday I had a bowl of chicken noodle soup (sure it contained alot of sodium), a bag of chips (small), and a turkey sandwich. We also had a moderately warm day (80 degrees), some humidity and by evening, I could barely walk due to swollen feet. When I went to bed, I had trouble breathing. :mad:

I can only hazard a guess as to how much fluid I'm retaining, but I will weigh pretty soon just to get an idea. I guess it's a double dose Lasix day! I will get back on track and try to remember that I can't touch the salt!

That?s the spirit Ref??regroup and punt:)?..I know salt can really hit some harder than others?.May I suggest snacking on ?nature?s candy?, prunes??Low in sodium, un-filling and taste great:p
That?s the spirit Ref??regroup and punt:)?..I know salt can really hit some harder than others?.May I suggest snacking on ?nature?s candy?, prunes??Low in sodium, un-filling and taste great:p

I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap, Cooker!:p:p

Figure this . . . I just weighed, and I'm the lowest I've ever been on the weigh-in!:confused:

Maybe I should consume MORE salt?!!!;)
I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap, Cooker!:p:p

Figure this . . . I just weighed, and I'm the lowest I've ever been on the weigh-in!:confused:

Maybe I should consume MORE salt?!!!;)

I can get you a salt-lick block from the local feed & seed and FedEx'ed today.....we may be on to something here.........:cool::p
Superbob's GP (who is not exactly svelte himself) gently suggested at Superbob's checkup today that it would be good if Superbob could have shed 5 pounds by the time of his mid-August appointment. Superbob hopes to have shed 12 by then, amazing the medfolks with his superpowers. :D

Doc also suggested a glucosamine supplement -- can help restore cartilage in the arthritic knee. Unfortunately, Superbob has read that it can also raise blood sugar, but maybe he will give it a whirl anyway. Anything to hit the hiking trail again -- Superbob and Superdawg did do 20 minute limp-a-long walk today.

Superbob's numbers were very good: bad cholesterol 71 (which the doc called "great") and good cholesterol was 42, just into the good range. A1C (three-month blood sugar average) was 6.01, which used to be great until the medical wizards lowered the numbers (thus raising the bar) yet again. And yes bp was 110/80.
Superbob's GP (who is not exactly svelte himself) gently suggested at Superbob's checkup today that it would be good if Superbob could have shed 5 pounds by the time of his mid-August appointment. Superbob hopes to have shed 12 by then, amazing the medfolks with his superpowers. :D

Doc also suggested a glucosamine supplement -- can help restore cartilage in the arthritic knee. Unfortunately, Superbob has read that it can also raise blood sugar, but maybe he will give it a whirl anyway. Anything to hit the hiking trail again -- Superbob and Superdawg did do 20 minute limp-a-long walk today.

Superbob's numbers were very good: bad cholesterol 71 (which the doc called "great") and good cholesterol was 42, just into the good range. A1C (three-month blood sugar average) was 6.01, which used to be great until the medical wizards lowered the numbers (thus raising the bar) yet again. And yes bp was 110/80.

Well, SuperBob would be the picture of health if it were not for that bum knee?.I predict 15 pounds off by next check up:D?..And the Ref has approved prunes!!!! get several boxes while you they last?.The disposition of the juice is up in the air?..the review is at the appellate level?..the ruling could take years?..but the Chimp is patient:cool::cool:?..
Superbob must have exercised super-human strength by not asking his GP if he'd looked in the mirror lately.

I have taken glucosamine for quite a while for my knees and it works very well. (They no longer sound like I'm walking on gravel when I go down stairs.)

AND DID I MISS SOMETHNG???? When did the ref approve the use of prunes and, if so, what kind of bribe did she receive. (I think the Ref is mobbed up.)
AND DID I MISS SOMETHNG???? When did the ref approve the use of prunes and, if so, what kind of bribe did she receive. (I think the Ref is mobbed up.)

LOL! Were any Krispy Kremes exchanged in this deal? :p What did The Chimp know and when did he know it? :p:p

As far as the allegation that The Ref is "mobbed up," Superbob is staying way clear of this fracas. He just wonders, does Karlynn still count on out-running The Ref? Will screaming like a "girlie-man," be sufficient protection if The Ref tracks her down? :p
AND DID I MISS SOMETHNG???? When did the ref approve the use of prunes and, if so, what kind of bribe did she receive. (I think the Ref is mobbed up.)

Sunday Chat....witnesses were on hand.......

LOL! Were any Krispy Kremes exchanged in this deal? :p What did The Chimp know and when did he know it? :p:p

As far as the allegation that The Ref is "mobbed up," Superbob is staying way clear of this fracas. He just wonders, does Karlynn still count on out-running The Ref? Will screaming like a "girlie-man," be sufficient protection if The Ref tracks her down? :p

The terms can not and will not be revealed.....I would suggest that all speculation be dropped:cool::cool:
I wear a size 8 1/2 shoe, just in case someone is looking for cement boots. ;):D