Cooker's Throwdown Friday III -- 9-3

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Okay, Superbob is starting this thread early, as per usual, in case we have folks Down Under who need to post today. I think in The Great Pumpkin Race, which started last week, most participants posted on Friday -- do as you wish, post early, post often. The overconfident girlies no doubt will gloat again, unmindful of the big disappointment for them as the frost gets on the pumpkin and the men exercise their hunting instinct to the max.. Sure hope the sweet girlies can make good pumpkin pie to send to Superbob. :cool:

Superbob has been working out strenuously, and is, as the Wise man observed, a "lean, mean fighting machine." SB will weigh in tomorrow morning.

Best wishes to all, especially the guys. Remember, girls, Superbob will personally deliver boxes of candy to you to help you deal with the stresses of being out-done in this race. :D
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I weighed in this morning, as usual. I'm at 133.1, down about .5 ish from last week.

Yesterday was DH's birthday, so he grilled steaks. I'm sure that heavy meat kept me from losing any more.

I told you that from this point every loss was going to be hard fought - I have to get back to counting WW points.

I can't wait until I get my pacemaker off the stupid post-surgical setting of 80 bpm constantly. I'm calling the surgeon's office today to ask if they will have a medtronic tech at my appointment to reset the thing. I don't want to wait until my EP appointment the week after. It's set too high for a resting rate (I usually run about 60, and bottom limit is 50) and it's too slow to permit me to walk faster than 2.5 on my treadmill. That's barely a stroll, and without the accelerator functioning, I can't get much past 90 bpm. Really starting to put a crimp in my recovery. Kvetch Kvetch.

AND I'm still stuck at 2.0 on my INR. 3 more days of shots. Increasing dosage by 10% to 31/week. I wonder if my metabolism will change again after we adjust the pacemaker, requiring an adjustment to my coumadin dosage? Only time will tell.
You're doing great, Laurie. Yes we guys are delighted by your recovery progress just as much as the gals are. :D Hoping your pacemaker adjustment gets done satisfactorily.

Guess it will sound suspicious given our competition if I say you shouldn't worry too much about losing weight right now; just eating healthy. But it's true. You always seem to be very close to your weight goal anyway, which is more than Superbob can say for himself. :D
You're doing great, Laurie. Yes we guys are delighted by your recovery progress just as much as the gals are. :D Hoping your pacemaker adjustment gets done satisfactorily.

Guess it will sound suspicious given our competition if I say you shouldn't worry too much about losing weight right now; just eating healthy. But it's true. You always seem to be very close to your weight goal anyway, which is more than Superbob can say for himself. :D

Laurie, as Bob said don't worry about the weight now ... just eat right and rest and walk ... do what feel right for you!

I will weigh in tomorrow or Saturday ... I told Duffey my scales were down but it was only a spring that popped off:eek2: ... anyway all is well and I have been a walking machine but an eating machine as well .... trying to get over my compulsion to munch:thumbup:
Don't worry, I'm planning on pigging out at the annual Labor Day cum birthday cum anniversary cum Thank God I Made It Again party with my retriever training group. My friend is making sacher torte from scratch for me. Think heavy chocolate cake with apricot jam inside, smothered in fudge icing. Yummo.
To say nothing of the spare ribs my DH is smoking for the party....
Be jealous, be very jealous.
Don't worry, I'm planning on pigging out at the annual Labor Day cum birthday cum anniversary cum Thank God I Made It Again party with my retriever training group. My friend is making sacher torte from scratch for me. Think heavy chocolate cake with apricot jam inside, smothered in fudge icing. Yummo.
To say nothing of the spare ribs my DH is smoking for the party....
Be jealous, be very jealous.

Laurie - you are so close to goal that weight loss will be hard to come by - so don't fret about the competition. We are happy to have you around and on our team win or lose or should that be gain or lose - either way. We are going to show those guys that the superior sex is the one with real staying power. You take care of you and enjoy that party. Sounds yummy and well deserved.

I hope you do get that pacemaker set - 80 bpm - wow that sounds high! I have a surgeon's appt on 9/20 and was told by his nurse to come prepared with 'dates'. I'm trying not to freak, but I guess that means my first experience at this is coming up soon! It's people like you with your success stories that inspire me and keep me from freaking out too much.

Let's go girls!!

I'll post tomorrow as usual - looks like a loss - but not much of one.:(
Colleen - if you are reading this - I saw you checked in last week with 6 lbs loss! That's great - it won't count for this week - but whatever you post next week will. If you don't want to post your actual starting weight you don't have to (you can even make one up), but you will have to post losses or gains each week (assuming there will be no gains of course :rolleyes:) Let us know if you want to join in on the fun and I'll add you to our team spreadsheet! We'd love to have you for sure!
Sorry men, I headed in the wrong direction this week ... up 3.5 pounds ... I could make excuses but my history here is plain ... I have been bouncing between 195 and 205 for a long time but I will find the golden key when the time is right ... Wishing all success, just more for the men:tongue2:

Starting Weight: 233
Last Week: 198.5
This Week: 202
Superbob had a pretty good week. It is hard work blowing hurricanes off the South Carolina coastline. :rolleyes:

Starting weight for The Great Pumpkin Race: 266.6

Today's weight, two weeks down the road to Halloween: 262.4

Loss so far, 1/5 of way through race: 4.2 pounds

As for Mr. Chimp, my non medical professional opinion is that your body may have reached its set point, with a little pendulum swing slightly above and slightly below 200. Don't worry about the women. Superbob will take care of spanking them all by himself. :D:p
Superbob had a pretty good week. It is hard work blowing hurricanes off the South Carolina coastline. :rolleyes:

Starting weight for The Great Pumpkin Race: 266.6

Today's weight, two weeks down the road to Halloween: 262.4

Loss so far, 1/5 of way through race: 4.2 pounds

As for Mr. Chimp, my non medical professional opinion is that your body may have reached its set point, with a little pendulum swing slightly above and slightly below 200. Don't worry about the women. Superbob will take care of spanking them all by himself. :D:p

Thanks Bob, I can look back and see where my eating has been out of control and then in control ... yo yo king? ... anyway I will continue to try and press downward ... if ten more pounds off would make a huge difference in the way I feel or longevity of life I might, might mind you get more serious ... but at this stage of my life where simple pleasures mean to most a little belly fat doesn't seem to bad ... oh, and I might add, even if I was buff I would still be an old fart to the young beach hot-ties:rolleyes2:
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Is it Friday already.......:eek2: Yes Colleen, join us pleeeeeeeeeeeeze..:thumbup:

Generous person that I am, I shipped most of the pork ribs up to the Carolinas for the guys..:angel:

After much puffin' on the bike and shovin' from the table - my loss for this week is 1.5 pounds..:thumbup:

Loss to date = 4 pounds for the *puffin' 'n shovin'* queen..:biggrin2:
Leave my Yo-Yo title alone, Chimp!:mad2:
I earned it this week.:redface2:

Last week: 158
This week: 159
Gain: 1 pound

For the race: 1 down and 1 up = zero

Sorry, teammates. I will do better this coming week.:D

Good job Janie and Laurie!:smile2::thumbup::thumbup:

The others . . . you know who you are . . . . GUYS . . . pretty good.:D
Big event here this Labor Day weekend called "Beach, Boogie, and Barbecue." You can sample BBQ from 50 of the best in the region. Superbob is going to do the Beach and Boogie parts and pass on the BBQ. That's how much he is determined to defeat the girls in The Pumpkin Race. ;)

Seems maybe Cooker and Duffey have a side competition going for the status of Yo-Yo Queen? :eek::biggrin2:
Hello fellow throwdowners of all sexes! It's been a tough fight this week. Working hard and not wanting to cook - but I made it through - all except for last night, when I left the office at 9pm and stopped for a Subway sandwich - sans mayo or cheese and with baked chips. I still think though that this contributed to my measly loss of only .6 At least it was in the right direction!!

This Week: 197.2
Last Week : 197.8
Loss: .6

I admire your steely determination SB! Keep up the good work (but I really think you should try some of that BBQ after you Boogie of course). :D

You are staying true to your title Duffey - but that only means what goes up must come down.

Scott - even if you are on the opposite sex team - Kudos on the loss.

Cooker - I can relate to your philosophy - you are an old fart! :p (Takes one to know one) Seriously though you do have to strike a happy medium somewhere between being healthy and happy - but not letting it spin out of control. Keep it going and us gals will have this one in the bag! :angel:

I'll be checking in to see how the rest of the group is doing and post the official tally soon. Have a great Labor day Weekend everybody and don't pig out too much (rule only applies to the girls. Guys you can eat all you want! :biggrin2:)
Unfortunately, we have to fess up and report our GAINS. Cindy gained 2.6 lbs. and I gained 1.5 lbs. Oh well, we shall do better this week, after we get past going out to eat in a couple hours and a Sunday School picnic tomorrow. Sorry to the guys and the gals for our failure to keep our mouths in check!
Unfortunately, we have to fess up and report our GAINS. Cindy gained 2.6 lbs. and I gained 1.5 lbs. Oh well, we shall do better this week, after we get past going out to eat in a couple hours and a Sunday School picnic tomorrow. Sorry to the guys and the gals for our failure to keep our mouths in check!

That's okay, Wise. You still have a 1.1 pound advantage in your household.:p

Plus, Superbob is confident that when this race comes down the stretch, The Kentucky Flash, winner of the Great Red, White, and Blue Race, will be heard from. As will Superbob, winner of the Great Saint Paddy's Day Race! :thumbup:

Go guys!