Cooker’s ThrowDown Friday III ... 09-11-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I had a good week (down five) and it might have been better if I had not gone off the deep end yesterday ... I just could not stand another diet day:mad: ... breakfast started off good and lunch was a nice bowl of fruit then I took a slide ... let’s see, two Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and at least two ice cream cones and a hand full or two of chicken nuggets I grazed on while passing through the kitchen:D ... I contribute it all to stress, the stress of the deprivation of dieting ... Chimps are not known for self control nor conformity;) ... I rest my case:D

I hope everyone has had a good week and it’s good to see everyone posting ... lose, gain or draw we will all reach our goal if we stay the course:)

Starting weight..........233
Last Week ..................194
This week.....................189
Total Loss ....................44
Wow! Cooker and Colleen have together lost the equivalent of a large newborn baby! Congrats on a great week.

Now what a way to put it! Well done both of you. I fear a bad weigh in for me tomorrow, but whatever I'll post it tomorow when I can.

Who the heck can lose 5 pounds and stil binge on ice cream and chik-fil-a! OMG - you lucky chimp you!. I binged on watermelon and leafy green vegetables and I think I gained. Not fair - Not fair - Not fari. Maybe I should have tried the ice cream. The truth will unfold tomorrow!

Good job again Colleen!:):) and OK Cooker I'll concede good job to you too!, I'm just jealous :p
First of all, sorry for my weird joke. :rolleyes:

I did weigh, but didn't want to. I lost .8 pounds.

Cindy gained two pounds.

I'm surprised that I didn't gain two pounds also.

Best of luck to all of you yet to weigh!
Hey Wise (guy) - Guess that makes me weird too - because I liked your joke! :cool::)

So... here is my throwdown news.... Not good - Not bad - just the same. I am choosing to look at this in a glass half full kind of way. This is the first time I have ever gone away on a long weekend trip surrounded by food and drink where I didn't gain weight. So... hooray for me!:D

I'm still down 9.8 total, and we of course round that up to make a total 10 lbs lost and I am still 1/4 of the way there.

All the best to the rest of you..... By the way.... where are the rest of you?? Are you whimping out on us?:eek::) Come on - the news can't be that bad. Confession is good for the soul.

It's raining here and a cool 76! Feels great!

Well, yesterday I had struggled back down to where I was last week, but popped up .5 this morning, probably thanks to the hummus and crackers. Even homemade very low salt stuff can catch me up. Sigh.

I'll do better next week. Still 2 lbs over goal, but now the parties are done.
I thought of joining this thread, but since I am still getting goodie gift baskets, I don't think it would be a good idea at this time.
BUT, with that said I am 20 lbs lighter than I was 2 months ago...
(This is said as I am eating chocolate covered popcorn from a goodie basket).:(
Seriously I have lost weight since my operation, but i do fall off the diet wagon...

I thought of joining this thread, but since I am still getting goodie gift baskets, I don't think it would be a good idea at this time.
BUT, with that said I am 20 lbs lighter than I was 2 months ago...
(This is said as I am eating chocolate covered popcorn from a goodie basket).:(
Seriously I have lost weight since my operation, but i do fall off the diet wagon...


Maybe we will see you when the goodie baskets run out!!! 20 lbs in 2 months - not bad! Not bad at all! If you know someone who doesn't fall off the diet wagon, they are probably lying to you! :)

I'm finally checking in. This week has all blended together. I swear these kids swallow entire days whole and I'm left to wonder where they went! ;)

I got on the scale a little while ago (not first thing in the morning, as I usually try to do) and I'm down .5 lb. I'm trying to do better about cooking at home and not doing takeout or fast food. Before the kids were born we had the bad habit of going to the store and getting only one meal's worth of food at a time. Which meant we were either going to the store a lot or eating out. :rolleyes: Well, the last few times I've gone to the store I've managed to pick up at least 4-5 meals (which turn into 8-10 with leftovers for lunch). I'm also working on planning our meals so I can cook components for more than one meal at the same time so I'm spending less time cooking on other days. Not to mention trying to save money.

I'm hoping that all this strategy will help us to eat at home more often (and more healthy) and ultimately help us lose weight. It's a challenge changing the way we shop/cook/eat, but it is going to help save so much time, energy, and money that I know it will be worth it. And perhaps making this lifestyle change will assist in the lifestyle change required to get the weight off. And I owe it all to the decrease in time and money from the addition of the twins! LOL
I have been on a week long eat-a-thon .... I expect a gain to top all gains ... pass the pudding:p

Cindy says, "I found some resolve laying around here a couple days ago. Must have been yours!" :p

Wise says, "We've been there, done that way too often. I'm glad SHE's found some resolve!"
I am on a week vacation in FL and have not gone near a scale. I dread seeing one when I get home. But the Amber jack, Fried grooper, and other stuff is great this week.

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