Cooker’s ThrowDown Friday III ... 09-04-09

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Yes, you read it right, we just had our 2nd anniversary and are going into year three of the ThrowDown ... I had my yearly physical this week and according to her scales I was down 20 pounds from last year ... DW and I have been struggling with dieting so we are going on the “Cabbage Soup Diet”, we do it for a week, off a week ... I’m not worried about INR because you really don’t eat that much cabbage and my INR is always on the top end ... I just need to kick start things, I’ve been stuck in a two to three pound yoyo for sometime now...:rolleyes:

I would like to thank everyone who has stayed the course, again welcome the new comers and invite anyone who wants to shed a few pounds and add a few laughs to join in ...

I’m up 2 pounds this week but I can account for every fat gram consumed:D

Starting weight..........233
Last Weigh in ............192
This week.....................194
Total Loss ....................39
Well - at least it's good you know where those pounds came from this week and you obviously enjoyed it! Gotta do it every now and then. I hate cabbage by the way...:):p hope it works for you. 20 lbs down from last year sounds really good to me... it's going the right direction for sure.

This week I don't know - again the scales seem stubborn. I'll check in the morning, but I think I may have just stayed the same.

Getting ready to leave The A town for Port Aransas, Tx (Gulf Coast) with a group of friends. A little 'Changes in Atttiude, Changes in Latitudes (Jimmy Buffet). I've stocked up on so many leafy greens to take to our condo on the beach, I could start my own souper salad. I'm going to feed everybody (8 of us) salad whether they like it or not! I'll do my best and that's all I can do. It looks like it is going to be really hot, so maybe I'll sweat out a few pounds and I'll take a few long walks on the beach to try and work off any extra calories I consume.

More tomorrow on the numbers! Fingers crossed. I kind of did this last week - seemed stuck - and then a loss snuck in at the last minute. Maybe I'll have a repeat.:cool: I was good - I promise just stubborn fat!:eek:.

Happy Anniversary to the Throwdown!!!:):):)

I am up .3 pounds this week. After I get my thyroid whipped into submission, maybe I will be more consistent.

Cindy is still holding. Hopefully this coming week will be a turn around for us. (Honestly, I almost typed turnover for turn around - not a good sign :eek:)
Superbob started on a modified version of the South Beach Diet this week, and so far he has lost 4 pounds. :)

Superbob finds the diet particularly good in giving him guidance about snacks.

It is "modified" because Superbob is a big boy and he finds he can't totally give up some of the foods that are supposed to be off-limits in the first stage of the diet -- potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, even fruit, etc -- because his blood sugar goes bonk if he does. But he has cut back sharply while adding items the diet recommends.

Superbob's son is taking us all to a big seafood buffet tonight. Seafood is fine per se but Superbob may have to use his superpowers to find some that hasn't been fried. :D
Well, I'm down 1.5 lb from last week, still 1.5 lb over goal...and likely to backslide with party this weekend.

Tomorrow's my 3rd valvaversary, so I've been on this diet/eating plan for a tad over 3 years, too.

I saw my EP this week - she reminded me she can see every blip in fluid retention on my MP/defib read-out. Dang! If I was trying to get away with lousy eating and lying about it, I'd sure be caught out. I swear that graph showed every time I went to a restaurant for a meal for the last 9 months, 'cause it showed up in fluid increases! Big Brother IS watching!
SuperBob, way to go!!! Four pounds means you have been sticking to your plan....:D

Laurie. 1.5 down!!!! .... Great work .....:D

Wise, .3 ... my scales don’t even register that ... so as unofficial interim Ref .. I declare your weight to be the same as last week:D
Superbob started on a modified version of the South Beach Diet this week, and so far he has lost 4 pounds. :)

Superbob finds the diet particularly good in giving him guidance about snacks.

It is "modified" because Superbob is a big boy and he finds he can't totally give up some of the foods that are supposed to be off-limits in the first stage of the diet -- potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, even fruit, etc -- because his blood sugar goes bonk if he does. But he has cut back sharply while adding items the diet recommends.

Superbob's son is taking us all to a big seafood buffet tonight. Seafood is fine per se but Superbob may have to use his superpowers to find some that hasn't been fried. :D

Oh you men! You don't even follow a diet to the letter and lose 4 lbs! I want equality for women in metabolism!! What political party do you suppose supports that??. Anyway, go SuperBob! Keep it up - do whatever works for you!:D
I saw my EP this week - she reminded me she can see every blip in fluid retention on my MP/defib read-out. Dang! If I was trying to get away with lousy eating and lying about it, I'd sure be caught out. I swear that graph showed every time I went to a restaurant for a meal for the last 9 months, 'cause it showed up in fluid increases! Big Brother IS watching!

OMG! Never knew they could do all that... maybe someone could market such a device not just to regulate someone's heart, but to keep one honets while dieting! Kind of like a shock collar on a dog or something :) (Only teasing, PETA people leave me alone.)Where are the entrepeneurs?. Talk about accountability!:):p

Mr. Chimp: I love the sound of "interim" Ref. ;)

Now Texas wild child, I mean wildflower, Superbob ain't gonna get into politics. Wouldn't be prudent. :rolleyes: But you know Superbob luvs women and will do all within his superpowers to promote equality in metabolism. ;)

Thanks for the compliments. :) Superbob feels re-energized and back on track
Hi all - my throwdown time. Scales budged a bit downwards - and you better count it Cooker! :p:p

Start weight: 224
Last Week 215.6
This week: 214.8.
Weekly loss - .8
Total lost - 9.8

I am also going to round that toal up and say I've lost 10 lbs because that sounds soooo much better than 9.8. Don't you agree? Cooker your scale would do that anyway right??:):) 25% down towards my 40lbs goal as dictacted by surgeon. Woo Hoo!

Getting ready for ROAD TRIP!:cool::cool::cool: Who cares if Port Arnansas is only a 4.5 hr drive down the road! Hopefully next week I will at least have maintained!

Happy losing everybody! Hope to see 'less' of you next week. It aint' easy I know...

Hi all - my throwdown time. Scales budged a bit downwards - and you better count it Cooker! :p:p

Start weight: 224
Last Week 215.6
This week: 214.8.
Weekly loss - .8
Total lost - 9.8

I am also going to round that toal up and say I've lost 10 lbs because that sounds soooo much better than 9.8. Don't you agree? Cooker your scale would do that anyway right??:):) 25% down towards my 40lbs goal as dictacted by surgeon. Woo Hoo!

Getting ready for ROAD TRIP!:cool::cool::cool: Who cares if Port Arnansas is only a 4.5 hr drive down the road! Hopefully next week I will at least have maintained!

Happy losing everybody! Hope to see 'less' of you next week. It aint' easy I know...


Yahooooo .... Way to go Rhena:)
Congrats to all who lost and Happy Anniversary to the Throwdown!

I am not home so I haven't weighed in yet this week. I think I may have lost another pound but I just ate a delicious chicken and fresh mozzarella panini and now I feel like I've gained that pound back plus a little more!

One of David's friends visited him in the hospital this week and brought him the book "The pH Miracle - Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health". He and his wife both lost weight on this diet and swear by it. I haven't read it yet but it has to do with eating foods to maintain the pH balance of your blood at the optimum 80/20 balance between an alkaline and acidic environment. I'll read it and see if I want to give it a try and I'll let you all know.

Keep up the good work everyone! Even if you stay the same or gain, just trying and checking in here and being accountable is good work! And Rhena, hope you have a great trip - long walks on the beach sound just wonderful!

Yes, you read it right, we just had our 2nd anniversary and are going into year three of the ThrowDown ... I had my yearly physical this week and according to her scales I was down 20 pounds from last year ... DW and I have been struggling with dieting so we are going on the “Cabbage Soup Diet”, we do it for a week, off a week ...

Congratulations to the Throwdown!! congratulation to all who lost and keep up at it to those whose weight is stubborn.
Congratulations on the 20 lbs loss, Cooker.

I am going to my WW tomorrow and will let you know.

.......the book "The pH Miracle - Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health". He and his wife both lost weight on this diet and swear by it. I haven't read it yet but it has to do with eating foods to maintain the pH balance of your blood at the optimum 80/20 balance between an alkaline and acidic environment. I'll read it and see if I want to give it a try and I'll let you all know.

Nadine, the book's title sounds interesting and healthy to keep a HP balance!! I am curious now and do let us know your opinion when you go through it.

My husband bought me a package of fudge walnut brownies. Nuff said. :(

Congrats to all the Losers!
FUDGE NUT BROWNIES:D ... SuperBob better swoop down, snatch those evil morsels and deliver the to the InterimRef for "self" keeping:)

Superbob is always available to rescue damsels being imperiled by fudge brownies and other delectations! :) Since Superbob is now avoiding even excursions to the Krispy Kreme factory, he will certainly hand the dangerous brownies (if any indeed are left :eek:) over to the "interim" Ref.:p (BTW, Superbob guesses that all bans on prune juice are currently suspended.) :p
I don't know what it is about brownies. They are my kryptonite! My DIL made the most delicious oatmeal raising cookies when I was in KC. Oh my were they good. But I could resist after having 1 or 2. I actually took the rest of the brownies and ground them up in the garbage disposal. If I had thrown them in the garbage can, I would have donned scuba gear and gone in after them.
You all are doing so good! I'll be gone all next week so I'll be back on track afterward. I forgot that I was injected with steroids again so I can blame part of the problem with a run away appetite on that!

You know, we could make a list of excuses and just number them and then when we encountered birthdays or celebrations or whatever we could just save some of the typing and say. I would've done good except for 3, 5, ll, and 14.
I would've done good except for 3, 5, ll, and 14.

That's funny Betty. It would be less telling also since it would take effort to refer back to #14, etc.

Have a good week off.

Congrats to all those with good weeks! Super kudos to Superbob this week!
According to the scales at the hospital, I lost weight between Tuesday and this morning. But I have no idea how much or what I ended with... Guess I'll try weighing in the AM.

Good job everyone!!!

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