Cold foot...again.

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

My right foot (namely, my toes) are ice cold. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but seeing as I had scar tissue build-up in my right femoral artery two years ago this month and needed an angioplasty, I'm wondering if it's the same again. Last summer, after the cardio expressed concern that the artery had become re-stenotic, he did a lower extremity angio and said everything was fine and that the artery was "wide open."

My cardio's told me to only worry if my toes/foot turns blue, but I did check my pulse, both with my fingers and my stethoscope, and I can barely find a pulse in my foot. Two years ago, there was no pulse in my foot at all.

I tried calling my cardio's office just now to see if his nurse can check me really quickly, but all I get is the automatic message that leads to his exchange. I'd rather not call my cardio on the emergency line, though.

Should I call the cardio, or just wait until I can get a hold of the nurse? I'm thinking I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow anyway if they're closed today for the holiday.

What holiday? Am I missing something?

I'd wait a few hours and try the office again. Seeing as you're in California, the office could be closed for lunch. Mine closes from 12-2. If you haven't gotten through by 2:30, call the emergency line. With your history, he'll understand.
If you can't get your card, I think it would depend, If this is something that just happened and your really worried I'd either call my PCP or go to the eR, BUT if it has been coming on a couple days, i'd probably wait and call first thing. (i didn't know it was a holiday either isn't Pres day next week?
No holiday here in MA. Banks and Courts are open and mail was delivered.
I agree to wait a bit and call after lunch time but you probably should get checked.
Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks everyone for the quick replies!

My school is observing Lincoln's Birthday today, and there's no school, so I suppose I was figuring that the doc's office might be closed, too. I'll try again in a bit...if not, I'll call them first thing tomorrow morning and see if I can stop by after school.
Debi; I don't have any knowledge of this either but I also wouldn't mess around with a circulation problem.If you can't get a hold of him a trip to the ER might be in order to be on the safe side.Good-Luck
Deb, how does the foot look? Have you tried to really warm it up to normal and then see if it soon gets cold again? I've got the purplish/black thing going with my toes on the foot that I had the ankle fusion and is currently hard-casted. I guess even the discoloration is common and of no concern unless it stays that way after I've elevated it for several minutes. So far so good. Do you have any pain or numbness?