Can I have cheese with my whine?

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Oh yumm...Broccoli soup!...just one thing I dont understand...what is half and half?...two halves equal a whole you know!? now I am lost...

PS...I have a really delicious bottle of red in the fridge...that would go down well this evening...

This work situation is bad looks like I have to go back to work which is something I have been doing a good job of avoiding....
My hubby has been off work for 3 weeks now and the money ran out last who would ever have thought bricklayers would run out of work...
Oh, Ton, who would have thought that Australia would be feeling it so badly. My hubby has been off work since September and there really just isn't much in his industry. I went back to work part-time and am now re-instating my teacher's license with 9 hours of college coursework in the hope that some district might want to hire an old middle-aged teacher (as if.... so many teacher lay-offs, too!)

Half and half is put into cartons here, for people who want a lighter cream. It is half cream and half milk. It is still very rich but not as heavy as cream.

Ross, who'd a thunk you could cook!!! That recipe sounds fabulous. I usually just by broccoli cheese soup from the deli in Safeway, but it is so salty. I will try your recipe soon.

I will use Tillamook cheese as it is Oregon made (near the coast) and THE BEST CHEESE IN THE COUNTRY!!! Do you folks out there in the rest of the country ever see our Tillamook cheeses?

Sorry for your dilemma, Ross. Wishing the best for you and Lyn.

Sorry to hear about Lyns job, times are so hard at the moment, fingers crossed for you all that things will get better.
Take Care
Are you sure you don't secretly go around pulling the ears off kittens Ross?

Oh... and sorry... but I polished off the brie and the smoked cheddar with a nice bottle of red last night.


No, not kittens, I do pull wings off of flies though, then make them dance before terminating them.

You must get more of those commodities and celebrate again, with me!

I just hope the place actually gets back to work in July. All the secrecy and shafting going on, I have a feeling this "Shutdown" may be much longer or even permanent. I already know that about half of those that have already been laid off, will not be called back.
Ross, who'd a thunk you could cook!!!


Umm yeah, I've had to learn to do some things over the years. Still far from great, but I keep trying.


The Tillamook? No, can't say that I have. Can you maybe describe it? Ah never mind, I just found out why.

Because you love Tillamook Sharp Cheddar SO much, we are temporarily sold out. Don’t worry, we are naturally aging your cheese to perfection and it will be back on store shelves, available online and at the Tillamook Cheese Factory by July 1
Sorry to hear this Ross. My husbands job is still safe but my ex-son-in-law works at the same place(fiberglas manufacturers) and he was laid off 2 weeks ago. My daughter had to move back in with us last November. We are trying to help everyone out and my mom. We are both retiring next year but our retirement may turn out a little differently from what we thought. But, on a happy note we did get back in our house last month after our fire in November and we all have enough to eat and for the occassional vacation.
Sorry to hear this Ross. My husbands job is still safe but my ex-son-in-law works at the same place(fiberglas manufacturers) and he was laid off 2 weeks ago. My daughter had to move back in with us last November. We are trying to help everyone out and my mom. We are both retiring next year but our retirement may turn out a little differently from what we thought. But, on a happy note we did get back in our house last month after our fire in November and we all have enough to eat and for the occassional vacation.

Happy to hear your back in the house even if it is on the full side at the moment. Hope your including cheese in that food! :D
I feel for you and Lynn. It is a shame, we can't trust even the places we have worked for years to tell us the truth. I hope her place stays open after shut down! Where does she work?
Well here we go again.

Lyn got notice that a 3rd lay off is happening next Wednesday. 15 more people to be let go. Supposedly, she's safe from this one also. Problem comes next month. Instead of the annual 2 week shutdown, it's going to be a 3 week shutdown beginning June 15th. Her and I both know full well that most of the people already laid off are not going to be getting called back and frankly, we're worrying that they may close the place for much more then 3 weeks, but don't have the balls to say so right now. They'll wait until it's closed, then announce it.

No matter how you dice it, she's getting laid off. The question is, for how long.

When I think about the pressures that all of us have, whether it's economic, surgical, or some other unforseen event. I can only shake my head and ask how much more are we all to take? I don't see any end to this madness in the economy.

Oh well, at least we aren't alone is this particular struggle.

Grandson and sister in our family laid off. Grandson cannot find a job in Atlanta, one of the largest cities in the U.S. He can't even get call backs. Sister is in Dallas and she's not even going to look for awhile. Cousins in Houston laid off. Every family is affected.

don't know how long this will go on.

Hope Lyn isn't going to lose it all. she's been there so long. if the plant opens again, surely she'll find her tenure will carry her.
Dang Ross - I was really hoping that things would start looking up for you and Lyn. I know that I have been off work since April 15th when I was admitted to the hospital and I know our funds are running low too. DH is not looking at layoff - thank God, so we will, at least have his income. They have laid off about 50 people from his shop in the last 2 months, but since he is one of the higher ups and keeps bringing in jobs (multi million dollars ones), we are not real concerned about his job (he is in the areospace/medical device industry, yes, I know, strange combination!!! But it works for them and has for 30 years). As a matter of fact, when I saw the orthopedic on Tuesday, he told me that it was time for a knee replacement, the first thing out of my hubby's mouth was "hey, maybe I can get a discount on a scrapped knee!!" LOL I told the surgeon to stay away from him!

We will be in your neck of the woods in July at Quaker City Raceway for a drag race so maybe we can get together and have some of that wonderful Brocolli soup (no cheese for me please!).

By the way, I make a mean 3 three cheese Mac & Cheese! Want some?????? Love ya Ross! :D
Well fact of the matter is, Lyn is only making about $30 more then what she'd get being laid off. Two reasons for not taking layoff, keep the medical benefits and afraid that she wouldn't be one to be called back if they do go back to work. Were talking a reduction in income of over $400 a month, so you know it hurts. We'll be making use of hamburger and lots of cheese around here for a while. :D
I am sorry to hear about Lyn's job situation. I will be praying that the layoff will not be permanent.

I think we all need to eat more Harry London candy.;) The Mother's Day assortment looks delicious!:)
I called my stockbroker this morning and asked him what I
should be buying -

...he said "Canned Goods and Ammunition".