Buffy update!

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2009
Vancouver, Canada
Hello to all here.
I am Buffy's husband and I was told as soon as I got home from the hospital to give a update on her surgery. So far,, it went excellent. She is in Cardiac ICU.
She is partially awake and doing very well. Some discomfort but that is to be expected at this time. She has a bit of nausea so water is not her friend tonight. Cant keep it down yet but she just had a shot of something to help with this.
All in all she's doing fine. Very sleepy still, but is in good humor. Also the staff at the hospital are excellent.

I will keep you all posted each day with her progress.
Thankyou everyone for all your support for her! You have no idea how much this has helped her get through this difficult time. That goes for the both of us! Love ya all

Been a very very long day so I will sign out and get a little sleep.

Sincerely: Buffy's Hubby.
Thanks for the up date. My son was sick for a few days too. Glad everything went well and wishing her a speedy recovery.
Thanks for such a prompt update on Buffy...good to hear her only problem seems to be keeping water down... a shot in the bottom of Maxalon should fix that for her...I bet she will look great compared to tonight when you go in to see her in the morning...
sleep well...
Thanks for the update. Sleep well and give her our best wishes in the morning.
thanks for taking the time to post - especially with such good news. All the best to her, and take care of yourself, too, she's going to need you over the next few days and weeks. Hoping it all goes as smoothly and bump-free.
Thanks for the info on Buffy. Each day will get better.....slowly, but better. Remember the vr.com motto......walk, walk,walk, nap, nap, nap, breathe, breathe, breathe. That inhalation spirometer is soooooooo important.

Now you rest, too.

:DThank you for the update. It is wonderful to hear that she came through the surgery well. Now as is said, she needs to rest, ask for pain meds at the first sign of discomfort. And most especially breathe, breathe, breathe. You take care of yourself also. Get plenty of rest cause she will need a little help in the beginning. God Bless You Both
Like Cooker said "another one over the mountain"

Thanks for taking the time to post, take care of yourself and eat well and give Buffy our best wishes for a bump free recovery.
Best wishes to Buffy and you! We Canadians are just moving along here in an assembly line... another one fixed! I am glad the stress of waiting is over for you both.

Congratulations --

Hooray! She'll sleep a lot the next few days, so use this time to rest, yourself. Like everyone says, sleep, walk, breathe, take the pain meds early and often, and when she can, eat! Her body will need the calories to heal. Ensure mixed in an ice cream shake is pretty tolerable.
Very good to hear Buffy is on the way!
Please keep us posted on progress.
Take the time to take care of yourself, too.
Welcome to the other side,
Thank for the update on Buffy. That is great news! Please give her my best and let her know that we're thinking of her. Take good care of yourself too...