Booshmeisters First Surgery Up-Date

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Hi there all! I'm booshmeisters son here to update yall on how his surgery is going. I wasn't able to get up and go to the pre surgery thing this morning. From what I understand everything is going well. He went in on time and there hasn't been an update since. I don't know how much time will pass until they update us again, but rest assured I will post a new update when they do.
Hi there all! I'm booshmeisters son here to update yall on how his surgery is going. I wasn't able to get up and go to the pre surgery thing this morning. From what I understand everything is going well. He went in on time and there hasn't been an update since. I don't know how much time will pass until they update us again, but rest assured I will post a new update when they do.

Thanks very much for keeping us up to date. Your dad should do fine. I went into surgery at 9 a.m. and the surgeon was out talking to my family by 2 p.m. I don't know if he sent any assistants out before then to talk to them; he may well have. Anyway, I thought I would just mention that to let you know it may be a few hours, and try not to worry too much. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Second Surgery Update

Second Surgery Update

Well my dad made it out of surgery fine. He decided on getting a mechanical valve in stead of the organic one. The valve was so heavily calcified that they had to cut out around the valve because the scissors wouldn't cut through it. After that they had to dissect some other calcium deposits. He came through the surgery just fine, he should be awake in about 45 minutes to an hour. Everthing worked out quite well so far. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!
Thanks for giving us an update on your Dad. Please let him know that he will remain in our prayers for an uneventful and speedy recovery.
Just Came out of ICU

Just Came out of ICU

I just went in to visit my dad. He seems to be doing well, though he is still not completely awake. He has had minimal bleeding from the chest cavity so that is a big relief to me and my family. They told us that he should be moved out of ICU by tomorrow! Thanks again for the support.
He Lives!

He Lives!

I know that is a rather odd title, but it is appropriate. My dad is awake and a lot more lucid than I thought he would be. He told me to tell you all that is SUCKS! but it was worth it. He has already started to boss us around so its good to see he is recovering his good humor:)
Well Booshmeister Jr. your doing a fine job keeping us posted. And trust me we all appreciate the up dates.

Sounds like Sr. will do just fine.
Please forward our well wishes for an uneventful recovery and to continue bossing you guys around (smile).
Make sure you and the rest of the family get some rest too.
Take Care and God Bless
Booshmeister Jr.....If you dad gets too "ornery", threaten to pull the drain tubes out. If its like it used to be, that will sure as hell bring him back to submission.:D Glad all is going OK
Hi ~ Thank you for the update. I hope he continues to have a smooth recovery. Best wishes, Dawn-Marie
thanks, junior, forkeeping us updated; welcome your dad to this side of the mountain, and tell him that he is at the worst part right now as far as recovery goes. It is all downhill from here, wishing him a smooth and boring recovery. If all goes according to plan, he will be him in a couple of days, and can eat, sleep and walk his grumpiness and bossiness away!