Bone Bruise - NOT!

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Well-known member
May 2, 2008
Franklin, Ohio
I went to the orthopedic doctor this morning and guess what? Its not a bone bruise! The bones in my lower leg (right between the leg and ankle) are separating, so he placed a cast on my leg and foot that I have to wear for 3 weeks to try and keep it together so they do not have to surgically repair it. He really does not want to do that if he can help it. So, I am now pretty imobile for the next 3 weeks and can put no weight on my foot at all. Hubby is just thrilled and my son, who caused the injury to begin with, is beside himself. He feels so bad. Just wanted to let you all know. Hope you are having a great day!:D
Well at least you can sit at your computer for 3 weeks:D. Wishing you well hope it heals so you don't have to go through surgery. All the best.
At least it isn't summer time so you don't get that funky smell in your cast! Seriously, I hope this works and you are able to get around well soon.

At least it isn't summer time so you don't get that funky smell in your cast! Seriously, I hope this works and you are able to get around well soon.

Summer time lol when we lived by Ohio I remember it snowing on Easter a couple times in April. oops I can't read, I thought you said it is summer time, you would think with my bifocal contacts AND reading glasses I would read better :)

That sounds painfull, I hope the cast works well.
Wish I'd known! I could have sent you my daughter's boot from when she had a really bad sprained ankle and saved you a trip to the doctor!
That sounds so painful & I hope the cast does the trick & you won't have to undergo surgery!

Relax, read, watch TV & of course, log on to VR for all sorts of topics! :)

Take care!
I had a stress fracture in about the same area, many years ago. Light duty and prayer finally healed the darn thing after about 3 months. The military doctor planned to break my shin all the way thru if it didn't heal:eek:
So I will be praying that your fracture heals with the cast and resting it. Take it easy...:)