Blood Test Readings

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My LDH is @ 333 I was wondering if my AVR could cause this increase.
Does AVR cause any blood test abnormal readings.

What other tests have you had? Sorry I was thinking LDL not LDH, but I do not think it relates to avr at all but to heart attack if triponin is found in 3 different tests.
cpt278 said:
My LDH is @ 333 I was wondering if my AVR could cause this increase.
Does AVR cause any blood test abnormal readings.

You Can Not Judge A Book By It's Cover
BUt A Man You Can Judge By His Friends
What was your triglyceride count?

I just had mine done and had a total of 553. Hopefully your not as bad off as I am right now. Doing everything I can to bring it down before next month when I test again. I want nothing to do with Statin drugs.
Elevated LDH

Elevated LDH

IN a serch for the very same thing that you are talking about, I came across this thread. I am just coming down from a major scare because my LDH was 340 in recent bloodwork. I have a history of Hodgkin's Disease and an elevated LDH can be an indicator of a recurrance of the disease. Long story short, after many conversations with a variety of doctors, it has been determined that the elevated level is reated to the mechanical valve.

An elevated LDH (not LDL - as in cholesterol) is an indicator of hemoyolsis, which is essentially damaged red blood cells from what I understand. This can lead to anemia and needs to be watched. AS a next step, my doctors have scheduled an echo to be sure that my valve is working properly. SInce this is am old post, I am wondering if you have any updates regarding your levels.

Has this elevated LDH happened to anyone else??
Ross why don't you like statins. I have had not had a good run with them either. Just curious to hear what you have to say.
My cholesterol level went so much up after my surgery too, around 330...never ever it was that high ... it used to vary between border line and normal levels.

I was put on Simvastation (20 mg) and it dropped to 198 after five weeks.:)

Interestingly, I was flipping this morning through the pages of a book that my hubby bought for me: "Prescription Alternative" where it mentions that some people's cholesterol go high after being treated with Beta-Blockers!! I just stopped my beta blocker and will see what my levels are next month.
Ross why don't you like statins. I have had not had a good run with them either. Just curious to hear what you have to say.

I'm on so many drugs now, that adding much more cannot possibly be beneficial. I just don't need anymore problems. ;)

The deal here LDH isn't cholesterol though. That's were I made the mistake. This is blood anemia and has several different causes, mechanical valves being one of them.


Also known as: LD, Lactate dehydrogenase, Lactic dehydrogenase, Total LDH, and LDH isoenzymes
Formal name: Lactate dehydrogenase, Total and Isoenzymes
Related tests: CK (Creatine Kinase), CK-MB, Troponin, Myoglobin

What Abnormal Results Mean
Higher-than-normal levels may indicate:

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke)
Heart attack
Hemolytic anemia
Low blood pressure
Infectious mononucleosis
Blood deficiency (intestinal ischemia)
Liver disease (for example, hepatitis)
Muscle injury
Muscular dystrophy
New abnormal tissue formation (neoplastic) states
Tissue death (pulmonary infarction)
If the LDH level is raised, your doctor may order an LDH isoenzymes measurement.

Other conditions under which the test may be done:

Anemia of vitamin B-12 deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia
Pernicious anemia
Thanks, Ross....that actually helped. I have been trying to research all the possible causes of the elevated LDH so that I have all the facts and don't freak out. I am going for an echo on Thurs and we will begin by checking the valve, even though my cardiologist said that he didn't think that the elevated levels were related to the valve, my ongologist says that it probably is. My oncologist called me yesterday and talked me down from my crazed state and told me that he didn't think that the elevated levels are indicative of a recurrance of Hodgkin's in my case. I would be interested in any other information you have....from what I saw on google, it seems like elevated LDH can be kind of a side effect of the valve doing its work and potentially damaging the blood cells in the process, but I am not sure if I processed that information correctly.

Ugh...I feel like a ticking time bomb just waiting for the next thing to go wrong!
Well, I got the same problem. Today, my blood work result came back and my LDH is 1200!!! It was 400 and guess my doctor thought it was understandable with a mechanical aortic valve so he did not do anything to it. Anyway, it seems to be out of control now. My RBC count has always been normal though.

On a side note, I also have raised Tryg level (very high in some test). I thought it was because of Beta blocker, so I got off Lopressor. But it did not help. Fish oil helped. Now that my doctor is worried that the valve is hurting RBC too much. I probably will be back on beta blocker again. Let's hope my echo will come back ok. Fingers crossed.

IN a serch for the very same thing that you are talking about, I came across this thread. I am just coming down from a major scare because my LDH was 340 in recent bloodwork. I have a history of Hodgkin's Disease and an elevated LDH can be an indicator of a recurrance of the disease. Long story short, after many conversations with a variety of doctors, it has been determined that the elevated level is reated to the mechanical valve.

An elevated LDH (not LDL - as in cholesterol) is an indicator of hemoyolsis, which is essentially damaged red blood cells from what I understand. This can lead to anemia and needs to be watched. AS a next step, my doctors have scheduled an echo to be sure that my valve is working properly. SInce this is am old post, I am wondering if you have any updates regarding your levels.

Has this elevated LDH happened to anyone else??
Well, I got the same problem. Today, my blood work result came back and my LDH is 1200!!! It was 400 and guess my doctor thought it was understandable with a mechanical aortic valve so he did not do anything to it. Anyway, it seems to be out of control now. My RBC count has always been normal though.

On a side note, I also have raised Tryg level (very high in some test). I thought it was because of Beta blocker, so I got off Lopressor. But it did not help. Fish oil helped. Now that my doctor is worried that the valve is hurting RBC too much. I probably will be back on beta blocker again. Let's hope my echo will come back ok. Fingers crossed.

That is pretty high. Since an elevated LDH can be from a few different things, are they doing any other tests just to make sure it IS from your valve and not one of the other problems that can cause high LDHs? especially sicnce your Red cell count is normal, you would think they might want to rule out other things.
Thanks for the reply, Lynlw. Yeah, I did have some other issues, which made my doctor order the blood test on me. Two weeks ago, after a few days of exercise and sore muscle, I got tea colored urine right after one hour of spinner riding. It lasted for about 3 days. I was sweating a lot during the exercise, but hopefully not really dehydrated as I got decent quantity of urine right after. I also got really bad muscle pain in my right lower leg, probably a bit swollen too. The muscle pain also lasted for about 3 days. This made me think that the tea colored urine was due to muscle damage. The exercise was not too much more strenuous than what I used to do. The only difference is that I use to jog but this time I kept exercising on a spinner, so the lower leg muscle might be overdone.

Since that has been 2 weeks and I don't feel any pain in my muscle any more, LDH does not seem to be caused by that. I have not seen my actual blood test report yet. My doctor just called and told me that everything else (muscle, urine, etc.) looked fine and he would want to see my echo. I did a little google, seems that it is a big waving sign for paravalvular leak. Or it means damage to either my liver or kidney or heart ... Don't know which one I would prefer, but it doesn't look any ways.

Trying to stay put, after all, there is nothing much I can do at this point besides waiting for the echo.

That is pretty high. Since an elevated LDH can be from a few different things, are they doing any other tests just to make sure it IS from your valve and not one of the other problems that can cause high LDHs? especially sicnce your Red cell count is normal, you would think they might want to rule out other things.
Thanks for the reply, Lynlw. Yeah, I did have some other issues, which made my doctor order the blood test on me. Two weeks ago, after a few days of exercise and sore muscle, I got tea colored urine right after one hour of spinner riding. It lasted for about 3 days. I was sweating a lot during the exercise, but hopefully not really dehydrated as I got decent quantity of urine right after. I also got really bad muscle pain in my right lower leg, probably a bit swollen too. The muscle pain also lasted for about 3 days. This made me think that the tea colored urine was due to muscle damage. The exercise was not too much more strenuous than what I used to do. The only difference is that I use to jog but this time I kept exercising on a spinner, so the lower leg muscle might be overdone.

Since that has been 2 weeks and I don't feel any pain in my muscle any more, LDH does not seem to be caused by that. I have not seen my actual blood test report yet. My doctor just called and told me that everything else (muscle, urine, etc.) looked fine and he would want to see my echo. I did a little google, seems that it is a big waving sign for paravalvular leak. Or it means damage to either my liver or kidney or heart ... Don't know which one I would prefer, but it doesn't look any ways.

Trying to stay put, after all, there is nothing much I can do at this point besides waiting for the echo.

Do you know if they did an LDH isoemzymes that breaks down the different LDHs and really helps see what system is causing the high LDH? I'm not explaining that well, but this explains it better

This test is usually done when your doctor thinks you might have high LDH levels. Measurement of LDH isoenzymes helps determine the location of tissue damage.

LDH is found in many body tissues like the heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, brain, blood cells, and lungs.

LDH exists in 5 forms, which differ slightly in structure.

LDH-1 is found primarily in heart muscle and red blood cells.
LDH-2 is concentrated in white blood cells.
LDH-3 is highest in the lung.
LDH-4 is highest in the kidney, placenta, and pancreas.
LDH-5 is highest in the liver and skeletal muscle.
All of these can be measured in the blood.
Thanks, Lyn. I called my doctor about the isoemzymes test, but he did come back to me. Once I get my echo done, I will surely ask again.

Do you know if they did an LDH isoemzymes that breaks down the different LDHs and really helps see what system is causing the high LDH? I'm not explaining that well, but this explains it better

This test is usually done when your doctor thinks you might have high LDH levels. Measurement of LDH isoenzymes helps determine the location of tissue damage.

LDH is found in many body tissues like the heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle, brain, blood cells, and lungs.

LDH exists in 5 forms, which differ slightly in structure.

LDH-1 is found primarily in heart muscle and red blood cells.
LDH-2 is concentrated in white blood cells.
LDH-3 is highest in the lung.
LDH-4 is highest in the kidney, placenta, and pancreas.
LDH-5 is highest in the liver and skeletal muscle.
All of these can be measured in the blood.