Blood pressure medications

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2002
S.E. Mi
This isn't for me but rather my wife. She has high blood pressure and did have a mild heart attack about four and a half years ago. That one is a very long story I won't go into.
She was taking Antenolol and Altace. This combination was controlling her BP just about perfect.
However the beta blocker was causing her all kinds of serious problems.
Now she is on VerelanPM along with the Altace. I beleive the VerelanPM is a channel blocker. This combination isn't doing the job, her BP is averaging around 170/80.
What do a lot of the people here take to control high BP ?

Since my surgery, I have been on metoprolol (lopressor) for BP control. It is very effective for that -- was 112/70 at doc's visit last week, and that's pretty typical. But there are side-effects with these meds. I am virtually certain it's causing an increasing ringing in my ears. My doc just laughs that off and puts the tinnitus down to old age (in so many words). I guess, though, with such good BP control, it's not a bad trade-off.

Best wishes to your wife in finding the right med for her.

I've been taking a daily tablet of Atacand (I think 8 mg) since my OHS. The Card says my BP is "borderline" high so I don't personally monitor my BP, just at check-ups. I have not noticed any side effects from the Atacand.
I think every one of the BP meds have some side effects. Some more significant and severe than others. And not the same for everyone.

I was on Coreg for a while but it made me very fatigued. It was hard to tell if the fatigue was from my mitral valve regurg or the medication. I asked my cardio if I could switch to Toprol XL (which I had taken in the past) to at least determine if it was symptoms or side effect. He agreed to give it a try. I feel better on the Toprol. Hopefully, it is an equally good drug and I'm not sacrificing taking a 'better for me' drug in order to be less fatigued.
BP Meds

BP Meds

Hi Rich,

Finding the right BP meds can be a challenge due to side effects issues. I'm currently off BP meds while my cardio doc assesses which BP med to try on me next. Toprol XL made me break out in a rash. Metoprolol increased issues related to post-op depression. I'm sure the next BP med will be something other than the beta-blocker type.

I am on a BB (metoprolol 75mg twice a day) and would like to switch to a combination of BB and ACE inhibitor with an inbuilt diuretic which is what I was on prior to my OHS. I am hoping that this will enable me to decrease my BB and possibly relieve the lack of energy. My BP is fairly steady at 115/60.
I take Benicar 40mg, Altace (recently added), and one atenolol. I was on two atenolol (25 mg) per day but last week we dropped one of them. I was soooo tired all the time and dr told me that bp meds make you tired. If things remain stable I might ask to be taken off the other atenolol.
I have mild hypertension (was around 150/100 before the meds) and have been taking Avalide (Irbesartan + hydrochlorothiazide) for about 4 years. Works for me, no significant side effects noted as yet. With medication, BP averages 115/75. The only noted effect was that when I first started taking the meds, I felt some fatigue due to the reduced BP with my aortic stenosis.
Thanks for your replies

Thanks for your replies

I will be taking my wife to her doctor in a few hours, we will see what he comes up with.
Unfortunately a beta-blocker is not an option.
Those medications can and in her case have caused VERY serious problems.
More new meds

More new meds

Unfortunately most cardiologists around here have dumped problems like BP on the patients PCP. They all are members of the same hospital, go figure.
Today her doctor has her taking Verelan PM for hypertension. Then a combination of Altace and Tekturna. The Tekturna is brand new and just approved by the FDA this March. That scares me a little but time will tell.
I was taking Atenolol and it was causing me to be tired, lightheaded, and have difficulty controlling my weight, which doesn't help blood pressure. I now take Accuretic (Quinaretic), which is a combination ACE inhibitor/diuretic.
I take Avapro for my high BP and also two diuretics (Lasix and Aldactone). I've been on diuretics since my first OHS in 1974 but only started having high BP about three years ago. That's when the Avapro was added. It has worked pretty well for me. My blood pressure was taken yesterday when I went to the doc for my follow-up x-ray for my pnuemonia and it was 126/70, which is good for me. The doc was happy with it. LINDA