bit of a quandary.....

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I'm of the camp go for it, the worst that can happen is she says no and you are no worse off than you are now. When my Mom was a young nursing student in the early 50s, she took her drivng test and failed ...2 times with the same jerk Pa Trooper, after she passed the 3rd time, he asked her out and believe it or not she said sure. (I NEVER would have gone out with a guy that flunked me once let alone twice) anyway 5 years after they were married I was born and in 2005 we celebrated their 50th anniversary.
So I say go for it.
Without knowing much about this scenario and how much you and this nurse have chatted and interacted etc, I'd say this:

By all means ask her out, but maybe initiate it by sending a card or email to her thanking her for her involvement in your care (if she was involved), and then suggesting you could meet for a coffee, as Wayne said.
That way, there'd be less embarrassment for you both if she didn't want to go......better than walking in to her workplace and asking her out, putting her on the spot.

That's just my opinion anyway.

Good luck. Keep us posted:)
Go for it! When I was young and single a million years ago, I worked as a phlebotomist. There was this guy that had come in to have his wisdom teeth pulled. Back then, they were admitted and spent two nights at the hospital - one before and one after the surgery. Anyway, I took his blood on admission and thought he was extremely cute. One thing led to another and we went out a few times throughout the next two years until I went off to college. Neither of us was interested in a serious relationship, and it wasn't likely that he was going to be in the hospital for anything else, but we became good friends.
If she was your cardiologist, surgeon, doctor or dentist I would...ask her out! You can always find another medical professional but there may only be one soul mate.:)
lol, what a hoot going through all these responses. i'm giving it some thought and will let you know when/if there's any developments. i'm dealing with some heavy stuff right now with the tragic loss of a friend, and not exactly feeling too romantic.
Hey Woodworker, Sorry about the loss of your friend. I once saw a doctor who was covering for mine. She was a lovely woman, and impressed me a great deal. I couldn't let any chance be left untaken. I found her number, called and asked her out. She was very sweet, turning me down because she'd "recently married". I was still glad I called. Brian