Billr update - good news

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Aug 17, 2009
Aiken, SC
This is Bill's brother Carl. Bill asked me to fill everyone in. Thank you to everyone for the prayers and good wishes, as Someone was obviously listening. Both Bill and his surgeon are extremely pleased by the pace of his recovery. For those of you into details, Bill had his AVR surgery on Fri morn. Tubes removed by Saturday night, he was up and walking by yesterday morn, and was moved from ICU late yesterday afternoon. Pacemaker wires removed about an hour ago, and he is expected to be released tomorrow - a day ahead of schedule. He will probably remain in the area of the hospital on Wednesday, and Nancy will drive him home on Thursday. I'm sure you'll all hear from him directly on Thursday or Friday.
Thank you Carl. Glad to hear he's one of only a handful that have text book surgeries. I'm sure he'll be happy to get outta Dodge as soon as possible.

Thank you for updating us. We wait around like expectant parents waiting for news. ;)
hey, Carl. that's really good news and we know hes doin just fine if he's gettin to go home tomorrow. let him know we are leavin the light on for him.
Thanks Carl, so glad to hear he is doing well. Looking forward to his post later this week.

Hi Folks--

This is the real Billr but thanks for bro' Car for posting in the interim while I was recuperating. Surgery (bicuspid aortic valve replacement) was performed last Friday morning, September 18 with the clock being started at 7:30 AM and closing completed at 11:30. I opted for a Carpentier-Edwards Perimont Magna Valve (Bovine Pericardial Tissue).

I was discharged from the hospital at 11:00AM today (Tuesday). I cannot say enough good things about Eastern Carolina Heart Institute or my team of doctors led by Dr. Chitwood.

The entire medical team was ecstatic with the results so far. " Surgeries and recoveries just don't get any better than this" was said multiple times by somewhat amazed members of the team.

Of course, now the hard work begins for me. Any questions, just ask away.

Finally, thanks for all the support and prayers.

Best regards--
Good to hear it from the "horse's mouth"! Now take care of yourself. Let your body tell you what to do.
Welcome to your new lease on life. Enjoy every minute of it. Even though your probably not feeling too much like enjoying anything at the moment.