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Each Recovery is Unique

Each Recovery is Unique

From what I've learned on this site, each individual recovers differently. I too was frightened before my aortic valve repair last November because I read all of the horror stories. However I was extremely blessed to have a pretty quick recovery. I was swinging a golf club within six weeks, playing basketball within four months and waterskiing in the slalom course within six months. I really wasn't concerned with the heart, it was the strernum and back that gave me concern.
The key is to probably stick to a rehab regemin put together for you by your doctor. It appears that you started out in pretty good physical condition, so that will make your recovery a lot easier. Don't push yourself too hard, but don't become an extreme couch potato either.
Having heart surgery when you are young and fit can be a real downer, but the upside is that recovery is typically a bit easier and faster.

Good Luck,
Contact sport is a real grey area, for do's and don'ts. And unfortunately no-one is going to give you the answer you want to hear - or perhaps the one you don't want to hear either.

I play 5-aside Soccer, sometimes recreational 11 aside soccer, and more recently went back to finish off the season by playing a couple of competitive games at a more robust type of sport that can involve bodily contact. I had an interesting chat with my warfarin manager about absolute risks, yesterday.

Even if you aren't on comaudin/warfarin, if you get hit hard enough you are gona bleed :mad:Obviously, on anti-coagulants it is going to complicate an already serious situation. But you can minimise the risks by:

1. Making sure you are within range before you play
2. Wear any relevant protective gear

I just purchased a light weight headguard from this company that I intend to wear to give added protection to the head:

Given the more controlled nature of Basketball, and having already had my fair shair of bruises and kicks during other sports, I wouldn't have any hesitation with it. :)

Go and enjoy :)
Hi, obviously dont want to hi-jack any thread, but no need for another on basketball. Just a quick question for all those people who are playing after there opp. What type of valves have you had?
I just learn i have to have a aortic heart valve replaced, i play semi-pro over here in the UK and im only 24. I would like to think i gota another 10-15 years in me, but i gather you cannot play if on any blood thinners long term like with a mechanical valve.
I see plenty athletes, pro/semi/recreational still play but no info on what they had done.
Any input be great help.
I chose a mechanical valve primarily to reduce the probability of repeat surgeries in the future.
Obviously the downside to the mechanical valve is being on Coumadin, but my cardiologist has never suggested that I restrict my activities because of it.
Besides my triathlon training, I also spend a lot of time volunteering for Habitat for Humanity building houses. I get small cuts and scrapes all the time, but it has never been a problem for me.
Of course you should always consult with your physician, but if you're young and otherwise healthy I wouldn't see any reason to restrict your activities.
Good luck,
I know I'm late to the party, but I have a mechanical valve and I play basketball all the time! Go for it!
Alex,I'm back to playing sand volleyball and golf.Basketball will be coming up in another month after golf season.Seven months post-op.I was a little sore after the first time but think it was the six and a half months off.Should be no problem for you.Good-Luck!!
Lots of good information and it looks good.
I am due for surgery this thursday and a agreed mechanical valve been put in, so here goes, cannot wait to get back to an active lifestyle sitting on sideline isnt nice.
Hi, obviously dont want to hi-jack any thread, but no need for another on basketball. Just a quick question for all those people who are playing after there opp. What type of valves have you had?
I just learn i have to have a aortic heart valve replaced, i play semi-pro over here in the UK and im only 24. I would like to think i gota another 10-15 years in me, but i gather you cannot play if on any blood thinners long term like with a mechanical valve.
I see plenty athletes, pro/semi/recreational still play but no info on what they had done.
Any input be great help.

I wasn't going to say anything, since I thought you had your surgery allready,so what would be the point to mention it, but then remeberred you had it postponed because of your elbow swelling. Since you play Semi-pro, you might want to use this extra time to check and see if there are any rules or if you will need a doctors note to return to playing and IF they will let you play on coumadin. I could be wrong and am sure I don't know every pro athlete that went back to playing, but the ones I know about all have tissue valves and are not on coum.
IF you were just talking about playing with a group of friends, that's one thing, but Since Justin played team sports thru out school (and not for money) We had to jump thru alot of hoops/doctors letters clearing him to play and he wasn't on any meds, he DID have a pacemaker for a while so had to wear and chest protector under his shirt to play some of the sports, (soccer, basketball, baseball)
Well i have a nice conversation with the governing bodie, and they are all ok with everything aslong as my consultant has given me the ok to play. Which he has already given me prior notice that i will be able to return all things going well.
There is not many players that wish to continue in a professional manner having mech. valves so perhaps i am paving the way :p
Providing i supply all medical information i will be given medical dispensation to wear a padded base layer providing protection to the sternum. As upper base layers are banned under UK basketball governing body.
Means i can still have my goal of playing after my operation which is re-schedule for the 22nd of this month.
Well i have a nice conversation with the governing bodie, and they are all ok with everything aslong as my consultant has given me the ok to play. Which he has already given me prior notice that i will be able to return all things going well.
There is not many players that wish to continue in a professional manner having mech. valves so perhaps i am paving the way :p
Providing i supply all medical information i will be given medical dispensation to wear a padded base layer providing protection to the sternum. As upper base layers are banned under UK basketball governing body.
Means i can still have my goal of playing after my operation which is re-schedule for the 22nd of this month.

THat must be a relief for you, Congrads. Not to be picky but I never thought the concern of playing some sports on coumadin, had to do with the actual chest area, but more for head injuries if you get hard fouls or knocked to the floor, since concussions aren't that rare and worse for somone on coumadin.

ps glad you have your new date, how is your elbow?

I think it's great that you aren't letting this hold you back. I would love to see some clips of you playing if the games ever get recorded or if clips get on youtube or something. Unfortunately for me, in high school I was not allowed to play anymore since I couldn't pass the physical and had to just play recreationally. I have wondered if I had the skills to play at the college level or beyond, but unfortunately I will never know. However at 30 I'm tearing up the rec leagues in my home town! And now fully equipped with a new mech valve I will finally be able to get my wind. I ALMOST feel sorry for my oppenents in a couple more months!

I'm 6'1 and played pg in high school. What position do you play?
I'm 6'1 and played pg in high school. What position do you play?

6"5 and play forward mostly.
I will try and get some pictures and videos when i am back playing, most of our games have media people there. The Team is currently at the top of the league so it gives me a bit more encouragement to work hard and be fit and ready to try and fit back in.