Back to sex - now that (Unspoken Word) is out.

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I figured all I needed to do is get a thread started - and the usual suspects would run with it. :D
So what about the sex?
I thought you were going to share some past-time or something:D

Maybe someone else will share a "bedtime" story
Well.... since you mentioned it, any clues on how long before one can rekindle intimate relations post-op? :D

A : )

I like the way you think;)
Great way to legitamize the thread.

And you happen to make a good point: It seems I have lost alot of
my sense of attractiveness and security post op. Alot of it has to do with
the scar, but that is not all of it, it goes deeper than that.
Also,my husband treats me differently...

** I think it's okay fairly soon as long as you are not having arrhythmias,tachycardia,
etc. And as long as you aren't too wild and no weight on your chest or sernum,by 4
weeks post op should be fine,I think.
Oh, I thought this thread was going to be about something to do with New Zealand members accents. ;)

Sorry to hear that Dina :( I hope it's a passing phase for you both. I guess the scar is a new thing for you huh? I've had mine forever, so we're both pretty used to it - although I guess it'll be all fresh and new again after surgery.

I'm just looking forward to the day where I've actually got the energy to be swinging from the chandeliers again ;)

A : )
the FAQ section on one of them foreign hospital websites answered this question.

Question # : 6
Title : Sex after surgery
Description:- Can a patient have normal sex life after surgery?
Answer :- The exertion reached by a patient during intercourse is similar to walking approx. half a mile at a brisk pace or climbing one or two flights of stairs. When you can perform these activities without becoming fatigued or short of breath, sexual activities can be resumed.

my questions: why was this number SIX? and why so sedate? half mile at a brisk pace = 7 minutes; couple flights of stairs only total about 28 steps.
i think the writer is not terribly acrobatic or imaginative.
The exertion reached by a patient during intercourse is similar to walking approx. half a mile at a brisk pace or climbing one or two flights of stairs. When you can perform these activities without becoming fatigued or short of breath, sexual activities can be resumed.

Well, I don't know about anyone else, but the exertion part of climbing stairs isn't quite as "touchy-feely" as a good romp with your romantic interest! Given there's bound to be quite bit of body contact going on, I would wonder how long it takes the sternum to heal to the point where said contact isn't going to be painful.... or do these things tend to correspond?

i think the writer is not terribly acrobatic or imaginative.

I think I have to agree!! :D :D

A : )
i'm planning on investing in a swing set and a couple hundred meters of good-quality
climbing rope. also hoping ross will sign on and maybe provide some diagrams of his
"exercise equipment" installed in his basement "rumpus room."
I had to wait till my b/f's fear of being shocked went away after I got my ICD,,after the MVR,I wasnt wasting any more time.

" Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster.
Want to live longer? Take a nap." or have sex!
My husband and I did wait until he got home from the hospital. But, we did cuddle alot in his hospital bed the 7 days in was in there. I think he wanted to prove he could still be loving and I wanted to show him how much I did love him. We've been married 41 years on Sunday.
Is this the only way that we can get GadgetMan to wake up and post on this here site??
Hmmm, let's see.....s-e-x......there's the "get it done" version,
and then there's the "weekend marathon" version.
We better ask Freddie, she is the EXPERT!!
My wife was kinda freaked out that she was gonna hurt me somehow. I just had to convince her that maybe I might like that :)

In all seriousness, I think about 4 weeks is when I was actually feeling up to it. I had a pretty rocky first month with a few bouts of effusion to deal with.
No thanks to my CHF after surgery, it was at least six weeks before my wife and I could have any fun :(. However, after being deployed for months at a time with the Navy, six weeks was nothing.

"weekend marathon" version.

Details please!!!
That is my preferred version. I figure if you do not have time to do it right; don't bother until you have the time to please her appropriately.
That should always be the goal fellas......her needs first when it comes to s-e-x
It's a totally different situation when it's the woman who has had the surgery.......those "near death" orgasms used to be great, but now I'm too skeered.
(sorry if this is TMI)