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still got half a roll to 'bout we start with a before shot?
this one was taken on the terrace of a downtown coffee house.
given the shrubbery, this is obviously the smoking section.

i learned something last night.........stay warm!!!! had gotten used to the balmy
weather, guess all the sunshine thinned my blood even more in addition to the effects
of the "blood thinner." getting ready for bed and started getting chills, so body starts
shaking to build warmth. (this is normal....i'm a warm-weather dude, love bicycling
in death valley at noon in summer) so chest starts to shake, oh crap, like my whole
body wants to lock up. hardest thing i think i've ever done, trying to bend over to
put on sox, then reach up to grab a comforter from atop the wardrobe. it hurt
soooo good trying to climb into bed!

fun fact.....buildings in the south of china generally have no heating systems (also no
insulation and no double-paned windows). stores and shops and restaurants often
have no front wall or doors or glass, just a roll-up metal garage-type door. most
people use space heaters unless they're in newer buildings and have installed their own.
why? long ago, chairman mao determined that heaters were not necessary
south of the yangtze river. of course mao lived to the north and had heating.
first of all, i would like to offer everyone the opportunity to say i told you so.
on friday (surgery +20) i did three one-hour walks on the hotel treadmill,
total that day of 12-1/2 miles, speeds of 3-5 mph, heartrate never exceeded
119. felt really good and wanted to continue, but you guys say "moderation."
anyway, woke up at 2am with a tight spot at the top of my scar, and
sore shoulder muscles and stiff neck. a pain pill, an hour of stretching, and a
hot shower took care of it....but i guess i found a limit. (see, i'm listening.)
i'll take a few days off, then start back at 10 miles.

yesterday had my final checkup with my cardio. INR was 2.39, they'll keep
me on 4mg/day for the next two months, then 100mg baby aspirin. only
other med then will be 20mg simvastatin to maintain cholesterol level. doc
has given me the go-ahead to begin jogging (moderation, dammit!!) on
the tenth, and mtb cycling (on-road only) as early as the six-week point.

just made it home an hour ago, after 18 hours of travel, four flights, and
3-1/2 airports. a little sore at first trying to carry my hand luggage -- seems
airport staff don't believe healthy-looking menfolk can have mobility
problems -- wound up doing as much carrying as i did pushing, as it was
often difficult to convince them i needed a luggage trolley, and got some
strange looks when asking the flight attendant to help stow my bag in the
overhead bins. fortunately, i packed light at only 5kg, and did a purge the
night before of anything not needed. turned out to be a good thing. by the
time i hit guangzhou, i'd gotten down the correct method to lift and carry,
and the short bits of walking with my bag turned into a stretching exercise.
by the time i got home, was feeling quite comfortable. so much so, that
i found the squattie-pottie was not needed at all, able to go native like a

Told you so!:p
those toilets look like torture chambers instead of chamber pots. How does one even arise from those little holes. what if you can't squat to begin with? very strange, indeed. too often there is just no consideration for the little people.

glad you made it home. hope you have enough clothes to keep you warm day and night.

best wishes.
yes, i understand, however i think the goat lady would have a better response
when flashing her scar. but if its pics you want, how 'bout this public facility...
will have to do until i get my india scar-'n-speedos shots developed.

Yikes! :eek: These squatty potties would be a real challenge for me since I haven't been able to squat for years since my knee accident on my ATV!

Seriously, I hope you are doing well & glad you made it home okay! Please continue to take care of yourself & the best of luck to you. And keep in touch! :)
I've flown out of a ".5" airport's not fun.
Standing out on the tarmac waiting to get on some dinky, crappy, little plane to fly up into the bush in Northern Quebec. :(
So good to hear from you! Glad you are back home safe. Sounds like you are doing great, but do take it easy!
the upside to the little airstrips is the speed with which they can be navigated.
one entrance/exit, one gate, one toilet, no luggage carousel.

our small commuter jet landed at 6:30, 25 or so passengers deplaned
and grabbed their luggage at the cargo door, walked the 100' to the
"terminal," and jumped on the bus to town, which left at 6:42.
the latest from recovery continues.

day before yesterday took a walk around the perimeter of the city, total of about
six miles. learned i'm already the fastest walker in town. yesterday went to the
university to use the track for some "speed" work, doing some 1/4-mile "sprints"
at a 12-minute pace. that's about as fast as i can power-walk without breaking
into a jog. a little sore afterwards from arm-swinging, but not too bad.

taking today off to watch pirate dvd's. still planning on a first attempt at jogging
on the 10th. maybe do 4 reeeeeealllly slow 1/4-mile jogs, each separated by
1/2-mile recovery walk.

later moseyed over to the affiliated hospital to see dr. huang, head of cardio-
thoracics. (he's soooooo cute......4'6"!!) managed to explain my testing requirements,
and we'll be doing our first INR on monday. fortunately, many of our english acronyms
are used, so i was able to find the prothrombine time test on the blood test menu
as a "PT" test.

and in the event they have to fiddle with my acitrom/coumadin over the next few
months, the hospital pharmacy has warfarin 2.5mg, 60 tablets for $2.75
oh, the fun of trying to explain anti-coagulant with a limited vocabulary!
for anyone travelling here, warfarin is "huafalinna"

and the bad news. as expected, my travellers insurance denied my claim.
you'd think they'd at least cover the flight. next time i'll just make them arrange
for a medical evacuation flight to the states. yeah, they'll cover that up to something
like $100k !!

i'm surprised life insurance companies don't deny benefits....since death is a
pre-existing condition.
the latest from recovery continues.

day before yesterday took a walk around the perimeter of the city, total of about
six miles. learned i'm already the fastest walker in town. yesterday went to the
university to use the track for some "speed" work, doing some 1/4-mile "sprints"
at a 12-minute pace. that's about as fast as i can power-walk without breaking
into a jog. a little sore afterwards from arm-swinging, but not too bad.

taking today off to watch pirate dvd's. still planning on a first attempt at jogging
on the 10th. maybe do 4 reeeeeealllly slow 1/4-mile jogs, each separated by
1/2-mile recovery walk.

later moseyed over to the affiliated hospital to see dr. huang, head of cardio-
thoracics. (he's soooooo cute......4'6"!!) managed to explain my testing requirements,
and we'll be doing our first INR on monday. fortunately, many of our english acronyms
are used, so i was able to find the prothrombine time test on the blood test menu
as a "PT" test.

and in the event they have to fiddle with my acitrom/coumadin over the next few
months, the hospital pharmacy has warfarin 2.5mg, 60 tablets for $2.75
oh, the fun of trying to explain anti-coagulant with a limited vocabulary!
for anyone travelling here, warfarin is "huafalinna"

and the bad news. as expected, my travellers insurance denied my claim.
you'd think they'd at least cover the flight. next time i'll just make them arrange
for a medical evacuation flight to the states. yeah, they'll cover that up to something
like $100k !!

i'm surprised life insurance companies don't deny benefits....since death is a
pre-existing condition.

Glad everything is going so well. just wanted to say PT/PTT are not the same as an INR
thank you, i dinna know that. i must have picked up the terminology from some of
the anti-coagulation posts. seems lots of posters use INR in place of PT or PT result,
similar to anti-coagulation = blood thinning.

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