Aussiegal/Tonia's Released Soon To Be With Us!!!

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Hi Tonia !

Hi Tonia !

Great to hear that you are improving, We are all still saying lots of prayers for you !!
Sending you lots and lots of love and very best wishes
Ernie Wendy & family
What a relief to hear that Ton is improving...that's some fighting spirit she has. Will still keep the prayers up for both Ton and her family.

That's great news. I hope that the difficult part is over.

Hey Ton, let's we keep saying our prayers and you keep sending good news us. BTW, waiting for your first post asap:)
Thats great news!!! You keep fighting girl!! More prayers coming your way!!!
Best Wishes to Ton

Best Wishes to Ton

I was out of the loop a while because of my technical ineptitude (now back thanks to our resident technical magician, Ross -- thanks Ross!) so anyway I missed the initial news about Ton. Obviously it was worrisome, and I join all the others in sending my best wishes and prayers. It is good to read now that there are signs of improvement. We all look forward to her return. Aussigal is one of the brightest spirits on this forum. Many of us have had our morale lifted by reading her posts. We eagerly await continued improving news about her. Sorry she has had to endure one of the "unboring" surgeries.


Just got home and am so very happy to hear Ton has improved. Bummer that the tube is still in but, hopefully, she won't remember too much of it. Praying that God sees fit to keep the upward trend and Ton is out of ICU soon.
Thanks Noelene (what a beautiful name) for keeping us updated. We were sure on pins and needles today.
So happy ....

So happy .... hear about the improvement. I have checked this site several times today looking for news. I will continue to pray for more improvement.
You are right on top of that mountain now. You will soon be completely on the other side.
Thanks for letting us know how things are going. I would not have even gotten on the computer but I was worried and wanted an update. Hoping for continued good news tomorrow.
What a long day....

Glad to know you're improving and look forward to learning more good news soon.
Although I only had enough time to stick my head in to keep up with Ton's progress, I, along with the rest of Ton's VR.COM family, have been praying for her to make that turn and start down the other side of "OUR" mountain. I pray she continues her trip back down to us and everything else goes smoothly. Prayers and good thoughts are continuing for Ton and her family. I can honestly say we all await Ton's welcome back.

May God Bless,

You"re in our thoughts

You"re in our thoughts

Tonia,this is to let you know that you are in our thoughts at all times.I'm sure you will pull through this soon.
I was so happy

I was so happy

to hear that Tonia has improved some. I will continue to pray that things continue to go well. Thanks for all of the updates. I'll keep checking to see that she continues to do well.

Take Care!


THis is sounding much better. We are still keeping those prayers flowing on this side of the pond until Tonia's boys have their momma back home with them. Much love. Janet