At what point is shortness of breath a symptom?

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jjay32 Supporter
Supporting Member
May 15, 2008
Spokane, Washington
Being aware that I have mild aortic stenosis (last reading 1.6cm2, mean gradient 13mmhg -Dec of 2008), I am more focused on what I feel like than I was in the past. I have noticed a change in how fast I get out of breath, but not the severity of sob. A good steady walk will trigger some sob in just a few minutes, also a quick jog-as in a quick jog from one end of the grocery store to the other where I work, triggers it right away, sometimes with an irregular heartbeat for a few minutes afterwards. I participated in Relay for life the last two years, this last year I noticed a significant difference in how fast I felt mildly out of breath. As I continue to walk it does not get worse, It just is a little harder to carry on a conversation.
I am one of those that hate to call a doctor for anything, so I wave been waffling back and forth: should I call my cardo or wait for my next appointment in December. Or is this just because I am getting older?
Don't wait

Don't wait

Call your cardiologist and don't wait. It just puts more stress on your heart. :( Even though you say your stenosis is 1.6 it may have changed since you had the last results. That was the first thing I noticed after my surgery...the fact that I could walk without laboring. Good luck.
I think it's a symptom if you notice it.

Call and let the cardiologist decide whether to move up your appointment, rather than wait and wonder (and worry?). :)
It could be that you're just thinking about it more, but I wouldn't mess around with it if you've concluded there is increased SOB. Would definitely let the cardiologist know, and let him make the call.
At what point would it not be a symptom?

Anything you note (often creeping up as if it were age-related) such as SOB or any of the many ways in which angina may be felt is an important symptom just by being enough to notice.

Best wishes,
Call the doc... if your questioning whether to call or not... Call. I had shortness of breath too and thought it was from smoking... went in and they did an echo and that's when I found out my SOB was from my heart (i'm sure some of it was from smoking (which i'm glad to say I am smoke free).
my dad has the symtoms of shortness of breath ,vomiting, dizzeness, mostly with activity but some wiTh no activity, he has to have 2 vr and triple bypass , went on for about 1 year better get checked out just to be on the safe side,
I'm here now:

Class III (Moderate)

Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea.
Hi, jjay-
I agree- get it checked.
I've had SOB on exertion for 10 years. It hasn't gotten worse and tends to improve with conditioning so I chalk it up to me being out of shape AND having AS.
Sounds like you are in good shape, so if you're noticing a change you should see about it. At least you won't have to worry so much, which can create symptoms, too.
I would not think it is age. If you are doing the type of exercise you do, I would assume that you are in good health. My valve went very fast which really surprised me. Being short of breath can be heart too. I am left with blockages, and I get shortness of breath which they are dealing with now. Call for an appointment with a cardiologist.
I'm here now:

Class III (Moderate)

Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea.

In June/2007, one year after my 3rd OHS, I was put in the Class III group --- more recently however, I've been catagorized in the Class II group. :confused:
like the others said, don't wait.

your 1.6 EVA is just a best guess estimate. echos are not terribly reliable,
only as good as the machine's last calibration, and the skill of the technician.
but then the same tech on the same day on the same machine can give you
widely variable readings.

i thought i was relatively stable....1.7, 1.6, 2.0, etc according to echos.
the cath said otherwise......down to 0.6