Article about ICU infection control

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Feb 5, 2007
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from Health Section of the Washington Post.

A Skeptic Becomes A True Believer

By Manoj Jain
Special to The Washington Post
Tuesday, February 10, 2009; HE01

I was skeptical when my hospital embarked several years ago on an initiative to reduce the number of hospital-acquired infections in our intensive care unit.

These are infections that originate from the tubes and catheters inserted into the body -- for example, ventilator-associated pneumonia, related to a tube lodged in the windpipe to assist in breathing; urinary tract infection, related to a catheter inserted into the bladder to drain the urine; and bloodstream infection, related to a catheter threaded in the veins reaching the upper chamber of the heart.

Mind you, the tubes are critical for life-sustaining functions (breathing, nourishing, medicating and eliminating waste) during a serious illness when the body's organs are failing. The problem is that during the recovery period, some of the trillions of bacteria that live on a normal person's skin and in the alimentary, urinary and respiratory tracts begin to tunnel alongside the tubes into places they don't belong. Here they can cause life-threatening infections.

Before our initiative, for every 1,000 "device days" (for example, 100 ICU patients using one of those devices for 10 days), seven patients would get pneumonia, six would get blood infections and four would get a urine infection. That was the norm. In fact, for years I thought that hospital-acquired infections were the price we had to pay for intensive care. "You stay two weeks in the ICU and you get an infection -- that's not unusual," we would tell families.

And, honestly, it seemed to be a fair price. Patients with severe congestive heart failure and fluid in the lung are kept breathing by a ventilator until the heart recovers, the lung fluid clears and they are breathing on their own. Within a week they're back at home. So what if 10 percent of patients develop infections? We have powerful antibiotics to combat them. And so what if the treatment is expensive? (A ventilator-associated pneumonia or a bloodstream infection typically adds nearly $25,000 to the patient's hospital bill.) Medicare or an insurance company is paying.

Most important, without the devices, many of these patients would surely have died.

So as I said, I was skeptical when my hospital joined the quality improvement initiative led by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, a nonprofit founded by Harvard pediatrician Donald Berwick.

Berwick is in the vanguard of nationwide efforts to reduce medical errors, standardize treatments, cut waste and bring patient-centered medical care to the bedside. Some 4,000 hospitals, including ours, participate in his institute's programs. In the case of our staff, Berwick insisted that we could reduce and even eliminate hospital-acquired infections.

Within a week after our first collaborative meeting (this was in the fall of 2002), the IHI team suggested that the ICU doctors and nurses at our hospital begin to use a checklist for every patient. For a patient on a ventilator, for example, it would include raising the head of the patient's bed to 30 degrees to prevent gastric secretions from going into the lung; seeing if ventilated patients could handle reduced sedation, so they could be extubated earlier; giving peptic ulcer prevention medicine to prevent gastric bleeding; and giving blood thinners to prevent clots in the leg that could potentially travel to the lung and cause a fatal pulmonary embolus.

Those sets of orders became known as an IHI "ventilator bundle." Similarly we had a "UTI bundle" for people with urinary catheters and a "central line bundle" for those getting catheters into the deep vessels close to the heart.

That last bundle required doctors to wear a sterile gown, mask and gloves before placing a central line -- a fairly obvious idea. I questioned how repeating such routine injunctions could have much effect on our infection rates.

But the truth is, at most hospitals in America, we have been far from 100 percent consistent on routine procedures. Berwick and the IHI realized that following those orders every time without a written guide was unrealistic. Airline pilots are not expected to do pre-flight checklists based on memory.

The quality improvement initiative forced us to look at the process, measure the results, provide feedback to key people and develop strategies to improve the care of our patients. Yet it all started with those checklists.

In fact, checklists may be one of the great medical innovations of recent years. Take the work of Peter Pronovost, an anesthesiologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital, rated one of the top 100 most influential people in the world last year by Time magazine. By implementing a checklist on the insertion and management of central venous lines with the help of Pronovost and his team, ICUs in Michigan hospitals reduced bloodstream infections to nearly zero.

Last month the New England Journal of Medicine published an international study led by Atul Gawande, a surgeon at Harvard, on implementing a checklist for surgical patients. It included common-sense things such as confirming the correct surgical site (left leg, not the right, for amputation) as well as technical checks, such as making sure antibiotic prophylaxis is given zero to 60 minutes before surgery, when it is most effective.

One item on the list is "Confirm all team members have introduced themselves by name and role." Studies have shown that a member of a health-care team is more likely to speak up when something is wrong if the members know each other by name.

That team concept has been key to the initiative at our hospital. Each morning, the ICU physician leads multidisciplinary rounds with the patients' nurses, ICU charge nurse, pharmacist, dietician, respiratory therapist and many others. That was a major change in our behavior, and its benefits were quickly apparent. With everybody on the team feeling responsible for reducing the number of infections, nurses became more vigilant, criticisms were welcomed rather than resented, and administrators began tracking infection rates like they tracked the budget and hospital census.

What was the result of all that effort?

After two years, we saw a 50 percent decline in our ICU infection rate, with a 21 percent (or $702) reduction in cost per ICU discharge. I was no longer skeptical; in fact, I often joked, "If this trend continues, I'll be out of a job as an infectious-disease consultant." Our hospital team, along with Berwick, went on to publish the results in the journal Quality and Safety in Health Care.

An interesting footnote: There were some resisters at our hospital -- often, unsurprisingly, the traditionally autonomous physicians. One afternoon in our infection-control meeting, an ICU nurse complained about a surgeon who refused to fully drape and wear a mask when placing a central line. He argued there was "no need." The nurse asked me what she should do.

With the firmness of a convert, I told the nurse: "Be a Rosa Parks. If it is not an emergency, and the surgeon refuses to follow the protocol, do not assist the surgeon in placing the line. I will back you up."

Thereafter, the surgeon complied. The hospital's culture of patient safety and quality had changed. And our efforts continue.

Manoj Jain is the medical director at Medicare's quality improvement organization in Tennessee and an adjunct assistant professor at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta. Comments: [email protected].

© 2009 The Washington Post Company
At the hospital where my husband works, they follow a similar protocol in the ICU and CCU. Regarding the 30 degree head of the bed angle that was mentioned in the article, they have posted a sign asking family members to speak up if the patient's head is not raised. That gets results!

However, it is practically impossible to eliminate ICU infections when a substantial number of the patients are admitted through the emergency room and then taken to ICU.
OK, this is a rant on general hospital cleanliness. It's not pretty, and if you have a weak stomach, don't read any further.

It would also help if they cleaned hospitals better. I cannot tell you how many times I really looked at the phones that were in the rooms. Patients were supposed to get a "fresh" phone. NOT! I found some caked with blood or "other secretions". Joe got a fresh phone after I found the gunk, but not before he used the phone.

I found similar gunk underneath the arm rests on the recliner chairs.

Several visitor chairs had "brown spots" right in the middle of the seat. Thank God for newapapers, I could sit on those.

I found several "brown" spots on the sling of the Hoyer lift.

Joe had a solid accident on the floor one time. It was cleaned up with towels and the towels were placed in the dirty linen container in his room stinking up the room. Housekeeping was not called to disinfect the floor. Nor was the linen container removed.

One time, a nurse cleaned up a similar accident with a towel, and then placed that towel on the sink where Joe would be putting down his toothbrush.

I watched the housekeeping staff clean the beds between patients. They don't hit the hidden areas where people might put their hands, they really just give it a once over.

The tray tables are a cesspool. They rarely if ever get cleaned, and underneath is about as bad as the local movie theater is under the seats. Who knows what is living there?

One time, Joe was put into the elderly unit. Granted, he was in the older population. But this was a gagger! Many of the patients wore adult diapers, and the dirty diapers were housed in huge bags in a room just at the entrance to the floor. They stayed there all day until the garbage detail took care of it. The place reeked. If you can breathe it, there must be particles in the air. I never allowed him to stay on that unit again. I told his doctors that it was a filthy unit and I called it the "dirty diaper ward".

And this was not just in one hospital, it was in every single one that Joe was in, and he was in a lot of them. It didn't matter if it was the ICU or the regular floors. Dirt was everywhere.

Hospitals are absolutely filthy places. It's a miracle that more disease doesn't happen.

The thought of what may be floating around in the air and landing on the tubes and other appliances used really worries me.

I say bring your hand sanitizer with you whenever you are hospitalized. And do whatever you can to help yourself get out of Dodge fast.
My grandmother died because of sepsis in a hospital and I believe it was totally preventable by both treatment and prevention... never was any civil action though. I'm not a proponent of frivolous law suits by any means, but I think sometimes punitive damages are a necessary evil to make an impression on hospital executives.
It happens at the best facilities as well as hometown facilities. After both of my heart surgeries, I got staph infections from IV lines, nearly costing me my life.

Lyn has been trained now to watch for personel without gloves, IV line kits being dragged on the floor until they get hung, and many other infection inducing things that happen on a daily basis in these germ centers.
Sure is scary...many years ago my husband had staph infection following a "minor" knee surgery. The hospital attribituted the swelling in his knee to "normal" following surgery. His complaints of "my knee hurts" were answered by"of course your knee hurts, you big baby, you just had surgery!". Needless to say a week later he was in ICU, many surgeries and 109 days later he was discharged missing a part of his knee. My surgeon has suggested the "robotic" through the ribs to allow for a shorter recovery and a quicker discharge eliminating some of the days in the "germ place"......he says the outcome will be the same, in fact he will get a better view of my mitral valve with the camera as the problem is "in the back" and the camera approaches from the back. My husband is terrified that I will get an infection, needless to say.....I will pass on some of the tips.
our experience

our experience

In the Cardio-Pulmonary Intensive Care unit at University Hospital at Syracuse, NY (Upstate Medical University) the cleaning staff was extremely thorough in the patient rooms---the visitor waiting room was a disaster, but not those high-risk cubicles! Everything was awash in disinfectant and every nook and cranny was cleaned when the cleaner left it. The TV/call button unit always got the first swipe. Door frames and handles got it too. The nursing staff was obsessive-compulsive about cleanliness--hand-washing was the universal ritual and anything dirty made its way out the door in plastic almost immediately. Even bathing was "super-clean" and personal articles like a toothbrush were guarded in a clean compartment in storage. The Purell dispensers were strongly "recommended" to visitors--and if they missed the point in our room, our 6'2" 200+ pound son "invited" them to share a handful of gel! Except for tape residue, Mike brought nothing home from the ICU, and we thank God for that.

this thread is a shocker! Purell causes major drying and cracking and is painful to use. So I think in the future I will use my bio-degradable "stoop 'n scoop" mitt shaped bags instead. ;)
this thread is a shocker! Purell causes major drying and cracking and is painful to use. So I think in the future I will use my bio-degradable "stoop 'n scoop" mitt shaped bags instead. ;)

Bath and body works has an antibacterial line of hand soap, hand lotion, ect that moisturize at the same time , they have alot of really nice scents too, every couple months they have a sale like 4/10-15. (right now they have 4 paks for 14)
Thanks for your interest and ...............

Thanks for your interest and ...............

Bath and body works has an antibacterial line of hand soap, hand lotion, ect that moisturize at the same time , they have alot of really nice scents too, every couple months they have a sale like 4/10-15. (right now they have 4 paks for 14)

input about bodyworks products. Almost anything for dry skin is useful. The problem rests with eczema--practically nothing agrees with it. So it's bags for me. There's probably nothing a patient can do about catheters, lines and the like. I find the above postings shocking and probably true unfortunately.
input about bodyworks products. Almost anything for dry skin is useful. The problem rests with eczema--practically nothing agrees with it. So it's bags for me. There's probably nothing a patient can do about catheters, lines and the like. I find the above postings shocking and probably true unfortunately.

I hear you, My husband has it on his hands and they were torn up after Justin's month in the hospital last year, BUT the BBW were much better for him then the purell, which really burned.
For a more depressing statistic. I found out recently that one of the public hospitals in Greece had a 100% infection rate for people who were admitted. This is not to say that there is not decent medicine there. I had a friend have a heart surgery at that hospital a few years ago and it all went fine and the state paid for it. But still a depressing new statistic.