Are you cold.......

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Today, I was talking to a friend a mine who also had OHS about 2 ½ years ago (Mitral Valve Replacement) and I mentioned that since the operation I feel the cold more intensely. She told me that the same happens to her. That she feels the cold more now than before the operation. She was wondering whether this is common to all who have OHS. I told her that I would post the quetion in this forum and let her know. Does anyone have the same experience? Is there any correlation about feeling the cold or warm weather more after OHS?
yep, still cold 3 years running.. only way I warm up..besides well..:eek: to take a very hot bath...:eek:
Yep Chloe feels the cold easily too. Her feet and hands are often little ice blocks. But then shes not very big - not much meat on her! I've never been sure if its that or if its just 'her' (as I feel the cold fairly easily too as a HH person) or if the surgeries have had anything to do with it.
Interesting that other people have found it too.
I am closing in on 8 weeks post-op. Weeks 2 and 3 had me socked in with a low grade fever. Then it went away, but I ran sub-normal for a week or so. The last few weeks, I have been normal - usually 98.6. However, I admit I times when I get cold to where the only thing that warms me is a hot bath. Maybe it's the weather??

This is all probably too soon after surgery to mean anything, but I thought I would reply anyway.
Still cold at 4+ years after surgery. My hands and feet in particular. I'm OK if I keep moving, but have a diffucult time watching a football game or a spring track meet despite extra clothing.
11/17/2003 AVR and cold since.
I was told it was due to the coumadin (thin blood).
Do others use a blood thinner?????
I hate the heat, don't have air conditioning at work so I hope I am cold more often, I can always put on more clothes. When it's 95 and humid there's only so much they'll allow me to take off. I'm also on coumadin. So far this year I can't tell if I'm colder or not.

Bone chilling cold? Me too

Bone chilling cold? Me too

Torso chilled to the bone most of the winter. Funny thing is my body radiates heat at the same time I'm chilled. It's very peculiar. Cannot tolerate an air-conditioned vehicle in the summer--need a blanket. Hands and feet are fine.

When something doesn't suite me I either blame the government or the warfarin. This time it's the warfarin.

Would it be warfarin causing it though? People have said that to me about Chloe but we know that its not actually a blood thinner in the true sense of the word - it slows the clotting process, so would that really cause you to be colder??? I don't know, I'm merely wondering?!

I know alot of kids w/ CHd are always cold ( I THINK just because their heart have to work harder so it is harder to warm themselves up) but thats why many of them need to wear Warmbelly suits (littlewet suit like things) when ever they go swimming, both kids w/ and w/out using coumadin, lyn

(hope this isn't a double post, the first didn't seem to go thru)
ps this was mostly to Emma I don't know much about adults
Yes, Tyce had OHS about 4 years ago and ALWAYS feels the cold, especially in the winter. IMHO I think it's the warfarin.

Am much colder since ohs, but nothing like I was immediately after surgery. However, I also don't tolerate heat (I know that's a side effect of beta blockers). So I have about a 2 degree comfort zone. Hm-m-m.
I'm thinking outside the box now, but could it be that after OHS your heart doesn't need to work that hard anymore? Perhaps you've gotten used to the cardiac activity prior to surgery and thus a particular "heat level". My $0.02, please continue.
"Thin blood" and cold intolerance?

"Thin blood" and cold intolerance?

Two of the many side effects from warfarin are: feeling cold and intolerance to cold taken from the print-out from the druggist.

One of my co-workers for many years was a hemophiliac--now deceased and much missed. During all the years we worked together I can never remember him complaining about being unduly cold nor feeling cold more than anyone else.
Thank you so much for all your replies. My friend is on coumadin,,,I was for about 4 1/2 months after the operation but now I'm out of it for a little over 5 months. I feel that I'm more sensitive now than prior to my operation to both, the cold and the heat but maybe it was worse when I was in coumedin.
Lance, I know what you mean when you say "body radiates heat at the same time I'm chilled". I feel phony too, it's like the cold is inside me and warmer clothing won't help.
I'll pass the information on to my friend (she does not have a computer otherwise I'll definitely tell her to join this forum). She'll be interested to learn that we are not the only two "weirdos" :D
Sorry I forgot to ask, has any discussed this with you doctor? Interested to know what they said
maka said:
Does anyone have the same experience?

Oohhhhhhh yes!

Course, I've always blamed the intolerance of cold weather on the fact that the snow/salt keeps my older 4 MCs in for the winter ... and, thus, I can't drive 'em ;).

But, seriously, I, too, have noticed an increasing intolerance of cold weather the last few years. Some days, I can't get warm ... and it feels like I'm getting sick ... a very frustrating feeling :(.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Relight the flame when it's cold"...Godsmack...'Serenity'
I can't speak for the impact OHS has on cold or heat tolerance, but I've found that over the past couple of years, I don't tolerate either extreme as well as I used to -- and I'm still pre-surgery. My only difference is that I've been taking Avalide for hypertension for these past couple of years. I have been blaming the combination of reduced heart efficiency and the angiotensin receptor blocker (Avalide). Any medical professionals around to give us the theoretical scoop?