Are there concerns for upper GI endoscopy w/ aneurysm?

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
Texas, USA
This may be a silly question. But I've been having reflux that isn't being controlled by 60 mg of Prevacid a day and I'm needing to have an upper GI endoscopy. Does anyone know whether there are any special precautions or concerns about having that procedure when you have a thoracic aneurysm? I'm not that conversant with anatomy and physiology. But the thought of them bumping around in the region makes me nervous.
Most likely, the aneurysm is off to the side of the heart and would not be disturbed by an upper endoscopy. You might want to confirm this with your Cardiologist just to have peace of mind.

Your Reflux issue may be the result of a weakened Lower Esophageal Sphincter.
There is a surgical procedure that can help with this: (Fundoplycation)
Try not to get 'freaked out' by your upcoming procedure.
An upper endoscopy is the best way for your GI Doc to 'see what is going on'.
He will spray the back of your throat with some YUCKY Stuff to suppress the Gag Reflex
and probably use conscious sedation (Versed) which can take you anywhere from
"You're going to do what? Can I watch?" to "I don't want to know or remember ANY of this!"
by varying the IV dose.

I just had one a few weeks ago--piece of cake. I don't remember anything, even the yucky numbing spray.
After a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE TEE years ago, I was really nervous about the GI endoscopy. The doctor made sure I had only happy memories, to which I am very grateful. I remember nothing at all. I took a nice nap the rest of the day.

I have BAV w/ aortic stenosis. I did have to take the antibiotics before the procedure. So you might want to check on that if you have to do that for dental work.
Thanks a lot, you all. That makes me feel better. Might make that call to the cardio just in case. I'm way too anxious of a person...PTSD.

Drivetopless, I don't know what a very uncomfortable tee is....

AL, did you you have the fundo? I've unfortunately read some nightmarish stories from people who've had that and some of the newer procedures.

I had an upper endo several years ago, so I'm familiar. But I didn't have the aneurysm at that time. It just gave me pause. I'm glad to hear there's a little distance inside, hopefully, between the esophagus and the aorta.

Yes, no doubt a faulty LES and I've got a hiatal hernia. Was on Prevacid 30 mg a day for years, but now it's not enough. A very few doses of two common meds last summer seem to have made made my stomach super duper sensitive ever since.
I *assume* you are aware of the Reflux Triggers such as Caffeine (Coffee, Tea, Cola's, and CHOCOLATE), Peppermint, Tomatoes?, and others I have long forgotten. Eating Large Meals is also a factor.

Do you raise the head of your bed 6 inches or so?

Clothes that are tight around the waist also contribute to Reflux issues.

No Fundo, No thanks!
Thanks, AL. Yes, it's broken my heart to cut out tea and colas and other goodies, too. I got away with drinking them for years. I ordered a large inclined reflux pillow b/c my H says this bed can't be raised. Probably should've done it 6 mos. ago. Trying to do all the right things.
Hi Catie,
A little off topic here but I have reflux with Barretts Disease. I have upper endo every 1-2 years and have for, I guess 20 years. I gradually had to increase the strength of my meds. I now take Nexium 40 mg in the morning and 150-300 zantac at bedtime. Sometimes I require an antacid at bedtime, but only if I have been bad by eating too much or too late, etc. I hope you have a good gastro. that is very important. I don't know if your husband would consider an adjustable bed, but I have a kingsize that is made up of 2 extra long twins and that works great for my husband and I. I had the bed long before I had the husband!! LOL
Best wishes!
I agree with the advice to call your cardio--we don't know your exact condition now. Mine didn't want me to have a colonoscopy the year before my AVR, probably because of the anesthetic (which I realize is different for endoscopy). But it won't hurt to call. Let us know what you find out.
Catie. One of the pleasant side effects of my VR surgery is that ALL my reflux symptoms disappeared immediately after surgery and have not returned now more than 18 months later. I have suffered from reflux very badly for many, many years. It was so bad that I could only sleep on my back in a semi-upright position propped up with pillows. Over the years I have had many oesophagus examinations and a hiatus hernia was diagnosed. Medication didn't really help me.

Then came the OHS surgery and, magically all the reflux symptoms disappeared. I can sleep in any way I want and have not had a single reflux episode since my OHS surgery. All my Dr's are mystified. It is highly unlikely that the reflux was a symptom of my stenotic valve as the former was present many years before my valve reached severe status.

I did not suffer from an aneurysm so I had all my endoscopic examinations without this added worry...
I'm so sorry. I didn't realize there were more replies and hadn't been back. Thank you all. I still haven't had the silly endoscopy but I need to. Things have gone bazooey with my stomach since taking one (just one!) magnesium supplement 12/27. I have to eat and eat to get things to stop burning at night. The 9-inch prop up pillow I bought doesn't help and neither does sleeping elevated in the recliner. If only I could sleep standing up.

Tasha, I'm sorry you're a fellow sufferer. Things were well controlled so long that I didn't need a GI dr., but I just made an appt. with the first guy available as those at our university hosp. are booked into April and May.

Debby, Oh that is interesting about the colonoscopy. Hmm, my PCP has been pressing me to get one of those as well b/c of my age. I see the cardio 2/7 and will ask her.

Johan, that is amazing about the double cure. I would never have dreamed such a thing could happen. Great for you, no doubt about that. What a relief to be done with the GERD struggles now.
This has been a very interesting thread.

Johan, your recovery is, as you know, AMAZING!

Debby - my GI guy (and Cardios) ALL use the same form of Conscious Sedation (VERSED) and a pain reliever (usually Demerol) for Upper GI, Lower GI, and Heart Caths.

Catie - it sounds like you have a Serious Failure of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter that needs to be evaluated and treated ASAP. If you are having difficulty scheduling an Upper Endoscopy, you may want to ask your PCP or Cardio if they can intervene on your behalf to expedite this procedure. If you are unable to sleep at all, you might even want to consider going to the ER where they can order a test STAT. Please keep us informed on your progress, diagnosis, and treatment. I'm hoping that your Doctors will be able to find an effective treatment for you.

'AL Capshaw'
Thanks, AL. Things have gotten much worse. But I'm finally having that upper endo Thursday. And it took that long with the referral of my PCP weeks ago. Prevacid was causing some burn also, despite a 10-12 year history on it. I went to urgent care tonight and am starting on AcipHex. One appt with a GI dr. was canceled because the city was covered in ice. The gastro dr. I tried to see at the beginning of the year was ridiculous and my h & I had to walk away. Lots of Murphy's Law going on...

Sorry you needed to be checked out, Duff Man. Hope all is well.

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