Approved meds (tylenol, heart burn med...)

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I keep reading conflicting info and couldn't (successfully) research this.

Is it okay to take Tylenol, without affecting my/our INR? What is a safe heartburn med? I'm afraid to take anything now for fear of messing up my INR which is only checked once a month.

Advice would be appreciated.
I have always taken Tylenol with no problem, as long as it is not every day but rather when needed.
For heartburn I'm not sure but for gas, stomach upset,etc I was told some years back to use only Mylanta which has worked well.
I believe some of the other OTC meds contain aspirin like Pepto Bismol, Alka Seltzer and A few others.
I too get checked once a month and have for almost nine years.
You are wise to research this subject, a good pharmacist should be able to guide you also.
Tylenol is fine. I take tums for heartburn and, if it gets really bad, I take Zantac (or generic). Cardio says stay away from Tagamet as it does affect INR.
Ask your PHARMACIST is always good advice.

Tylenol (up to the recommended limit) is the usual pain prescription following OHS. Some surgeons even send their patients home from the hospital on nothing stronger than tylenol!

As stated above, watch the INGREDIENTS (i.e. Read the LABEL) of antacids.

For ACID REFLUX I take Prilosec (a.m.) and Pepcid (p.m.)

The PRIMARY CAUTION with Antacids is to leave 2 HOURS between taking the antacid and taking Coumadin as the antacid can 'absorb' some of the Coumadin if taken together.

'AL Capshaw'
My pharmsist suggested Immodium for my tummy troubles, since can't use the pink stuff. Always ask before taking. Good luck.
I got a question. I am a sufferer of Migranes and take Imitrex when I have a migrane. Is this safe to take with Coumadin and what do others take for their migranes that is if anyone else has these from time to time. My theory is, since a migrane is constricted vessels and restricted blood flow, since I am taking coumadin and that thins my blood down to a little bit more than water with red food coloring in it, I shouldnt have a problem with restricted vessels and blood flow. My blood should be thin enough to zip right on through. I doubt that this is the case though.

Just to be clear, Tylenol is ok to take as a general cureall for everything but that one genetic disease. I myself very rarely if ever need/take any kind of medicine (except coumadin and toprol). I havent been sick and needed to see a Dr. in running on 7 years now. That is from your general illnesses and stuff like that.
You are correct that your theory is wrong.

Warfarin slows the ability to form a clot. It does not change the viscosity of the blood - regardless of what the New York Times says.

One rather odd observation is that many people who have migraines and start warfarin report fewer headaces. It has never been studied as to why this would be so. Maybe they subscribe to your incorrect theory and believe that they will have fewer!!
I seldom get heartburn, but when I do I take a teaspoon of Arm & Hammer baking soda in a glass of very cold water. Old household remedy, cheaper than any med, very effective, and as far as I know no interaction with meds.
I used to work with an elderly psychiatrist who came to the pharmacy about one day per week and ate a tablespoonful or so of it without water. I was a young pharmacist and amazed to see him "smoking" immediately after swallowing this.

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