anyone get a bump after cath?

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2009
Wilton, CT
hey all.. im wondering if i need to be worried..its been a week since my cath and i have a small bump right under the area where they went in..anyone else have this and know what to do about it?

Megan, it is probably just the "plug", if that is what they did to you to stop the bleeding, and yes, come people feel that for a while. I didn't notice it. but I have a good thick layer of fat to hide lumps of all kinds!

Some people get plugged, some people get lots and lots of pressure to stop the bleeding; the cath is place in an artery in the groin, and they have to take these almost drastic measures to stop bleeding.

The "plug" is what I had - put simply, they plug the hole that they made with a synthetic cork made of collagen (I think) and it dissolves slowly over time.

Best thing to do is call your doctor if you are not sure.
I always get them. They are a pain. Mine usually lasts 6 weeks. Thanks for the reminder, I get a cath on the 23rd :(
My plug is a nitinol clip. It concerns me in that I don't think it would dissolve. I don't however have a bump.
Is the bump getting bigger or staying the same size?

If it is getting bigger, there could be some bleeding under your skin (Hematoma) which should the examined by your Cardiologist 'just to be sure / safe'.

The usual treatment is to lay flat for several days (maybe a week) until it subsides, assuming that it is no longer actively bleeding. It it is actively bleeding, they may need to go in there and stitch it shut.
After my second cath I had a hematoma that was about 4 cm, but it eventually went down, but it was painful for a long time. If if it getting bigger see your doctor.
I had a bump and big bruise, today is a month and a day since heart cath and all is well. I was worried at first and kept showing doctor in the hospital.
thanks everyone- the bump isnt getting bigger but i think im just paranoid. in fact i know i am because i had a little panic attack yesterday im just worried i wont get to disney this week! i dont have the plug-just a big bruise from them putting pressure on my groin to stop the bleeding. i did call the cath lab and they said if its pea to grape size that is normal. im also going to see my GP tomorrow and she can take a look for peace of mind. my problem is that my cardiologist is about an hour away...i could see a local cardiologist but its just a pain to reeducate..anyways... thanks for the advice!
If it is getting bigger, .........should the examined by your Cardiologist 'just to be sure / safe'.

The usual treatment is to lay flat for several days (maybe a week) .

The cardio who performed my cath used a "Frensh Seal". I do not know what other kinds there are. But as Al said, if it is not growing, lay flat for several hours each day...if getting bigger, check it out.

I had mine on a Friday, and stayed lying flat over the weekend!