Anyone ever get "clicky" nights?

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It's 4 a.m. and I haven't slept a wink, so I know exactly what you're talking about. There are some nights that even though I take trazedone to help me sleep and have a fan turned on high to drown out the clicking, I stilll have trouble sleeping. Add the clicking noise to back pain and it makes for a miserable night. Sound machines and fans do help...and sleeping with a "snorer" also helps to drown out the click. (LOL!:rolleyes:) Good luck!
I can hear my click any time I am in a quiet room. I sleep with a tv and a fan on to drown it out to sleep. I don't sleep as hard as I did before surgery and I guess that could be because of the click. It is kind of funny though, I have had employees in my office say, "You have a really loud watch." I always tell them when the ticking stops, call 911.
I used to notice the click of my heart in the winter, but this summer I am using a fan right next to me, so I have NOT noticed the heart click at all.

(At first I thought you meant the click of a sternum wire. This single click happens when I take a very deep breath. I guess something is amiss with my sternum wires, but I have too many other things to do to worry about this one at this time.)
Fortunately mine thumps! I can hear it almost all the time but it's not annoying. I lucked out. I was expecting it to click.
I hear my happy little St Jude Valve, but i have gotten so used to it id actually miss it if it was gone..I know that is quieter when i sleep on my left side, and if i want to really quiet it all i have to do is place the little heart teddy bear i was given in the hospital, against my chest. But the Valve sound itself never keeps me awake. Michael
lol - the docs and surgeons all say you won't hear it!! hahahahahaha

i hear mine at night, in the bathroom, when really quiet - etc

i also have the darn muscle and back pain
My valve is almost always noisy in the morning. I have no idea why. I thought it was because I was taking my beta-blocker too early in the p.m., but even taking it later, by around dawn or so, I can hear it. When I go to bed, I hardly hear it all. A couple of weeks ago I slept with a different pillow and did not hear it all even in the morning.
The only time I hear the clicking is when I lay on my left side. Otherwise I've gotten used to and seldom notice it.
Fans in the bedroom are another matter. We're all different I guess.
Having a wow this is loud night and can't sleep.

Like almost everyone, I can "sort of" remember laying in bed listening to the click. My wife could hear it too. At some point we no longer noticed it .....and I'm pretty sure it's still working:wink2:. I think it helped muffle any sound as I gained weight. I went from 140# prior to surgery to about 155# after and now about 170+#:redface2:. Apparently, some folks because of body and/or bone structure continue to hear theirs long after surgery.

On the few occasions that I hear it today, it is because of something on my mind when I go to bed that won't let me sleep:smile2:.
I sometimes have problems sleeping but has nothing to do with my valve.
I seldom hear it, unless I'm laying just right.

The little click never bothered me... after I found out it was normal. No one had told me I might hear a click. (and we didn't have a computer or internet back then) :eek2:

For several years after AVR, the last thing wife would do before going to sleep would be listening to my valve. She thought she would be able to detect a change in the click if something wasn't right. She finally got over that after several years. :thumbup:
I have had employees in my office say, "You have a really loud watch." I always tell them when the ticking stops, call 911.

I will have to remember that one. Mine does keep me awake night when I am not really tired. I can no longer sleep on my left side, too loud. Cardio will not prescribe a sleep aide. He said to use white noise. The ceiling fan helps but not always.

The constant clicking has always drove me mad!! Like others it's louder for me in the morning, when I first wake up....I believe it's because of an empty stomach. A pillow does nothing to help mine, because the sound travels through my throat!

The constant clicking has always drove me mad!! Like others it's louder for me in the morning, when I first wake up....I believe it's because of an empty stomach. A pillow does nothing to help mine, because the sound travels through my throat!

Have you try going to sleep while listening to music on your Ipod. I know it help me out the first few months after surgery.
I find the clicking to be a comforting sound.

3 weeks post-op in a movie theater several people around me made comments about clicking from someones loud watch, and it made me laugh so hard I cried.
It's nearly 19 years since my clicker was installed. It took a while, but I've pretty much stopped noticing it. (Of course, after reading this thread, I'll probably be hearing it all night).

I can't imagine a doctor implanting a valve without informing you of the click. (Of course, decades with a valve that may never need to be replaced, even if it clicks, is still better than having to replace a tissue valve every 10-20 years or less, but the click SHOULD be part of the decision making process).

Can you imagine how a reunion of St. Jude Valve recipients in a small room would sound?