Antibiotics question

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2007
Osaka, Japan
Happy November everyone! I'm preparing for a dental visit, but I have a question, so here goes:

What antibiotics does your dentist typically prescribe before a dental visit? The last time I had a prescription written it was over 8 years ago, and at that time my cardiologist prescribed Amoxicillin: 4 500mg capsules taken 1 hour before dental procedures.

Some of you may be wondering why I haven't asked my cardiologist about it, but my situation is unique. I'm living in a foreign country and have scheduled a dental visit to coincide with a trip back to the states during the holidays. It's a dentist I've never been to, and he (or she) is going to write the prescription for me. I've got a mechanical valve now, so wasn't sure if the dosage should be bumped up, or if 2000mg is enough.


Definitely something to discuss with your cardiologist & dentist... even by phone if need be. Just FYI, 2 grams (2000 mg) amoxicillin one hour prior is still the AHA recommended dosage for premedication prior to dental procedures in patients who are not allergic to penicillin, but not everyone is "standard". Your cardiologist may decide they want a different dosage, antibiotic, or dosing regimen for you based on your specific history. Find a way to talk with both your dentist and cardiologist to find out - only they know your specific history.

Here's a .pdf link to the the American Heart Association's most recent guidelines for antibiotic prophylaxis prior to dental procedures (revised in 2007). Dry reading, but a summary chart of dosages can be found on page 39:

Remember.. find a way ask your doctor.. this is for informational purposes only :)

Your memory as far as I'm concerned is correct.
Amoxicillin: 4 500mg capsules taken 1 hour before dental procedures is what my dentist gives me.
I take 4 - 500 mg amoxicillan one hour prior to my dental appointments. My surgeon, cardiologist and dentist are all firm about this. I have tissue valve.
4/500 mg amoxicillan is Dick's dose too- looks like you have total agreement.
I'm allergic to penicillin and pre-medicate with Clindamycin prior to any dental procedures.
I take clidamycin too, allergic to pennicillin. 4 clindamycin one hour prior to dental visit. My dentist had me get the original script from the cardio. I thought that was a good idea. Good luck.
A Cardiologist gave me a Wallet Card for
"protection from Bacterial Endocarditis"
approved by the American Heart Association and
the American Dental Association.

The Guidelines have Changed for patients who do NOT have artificial Heart Valves. Antibiotics continue to be recommended for patients WITH artificial Heart Valves.

Amoxicillin 2000 mg 1 hour before Dental Procedures
is still the primary standard recommendation.

Ampicillin IV or IM for patients unable to take oral meds

Patients Allergic to Amoxicillin / ampicillin:

Clindamycin 600 mg for ADULTS (children 20mg/kg), OR
Cephalexin or Cefadroxil 2000 mg for ADULTS (children 50 mg/kg) OR,
Azithromycin or Clarithromycin 500 mg for ADULTS (children 15mg/kg)

There are more protocols listed for GI procedures
and / or High Risk Patients.

'AL Capshaw'
I'm off to the dentist next week (oh yay!) and she gave me 3g of Amoxicillin in the form of a sachet of lemony flavoured stuff to mix with water to be taken 1 - 1 1/2 hours prior to the procedure. The last time a dentist prescribed the cover I also had this, which I remember vividly from my childhood (good thing it tastes yummy!). My doctors usually give me capsules but I don't recall the dosage.

Anyone requiring dental work over 2 or more days should also check with their cardio/dentist about the type of antibiotic cover they take. I was advised I should have "mixed up" my antibiotics when I had 3 days of dental work in a row to help minimise any nasties acclimatising to any one drug. It was only on day 3 the dentist realised I'd been taking the same thing (prescribed by a GP) and was a bit worried - although fortunately nothing ever came of it.

A : )
A Cardiologist gave me a Wallet Card for
"protection from Bacterial Endocarditis"
approved by the American Heart Association and
the American Dental Association.

The Guidelines have Changed for patients who do NOT have artificial Heart Valves. Antibiotics continue to be recommended for patients WITH artificial Heart Valves.

Amoxicillin 2000 mg 1 hour before Dental Procedures
is still the primary standard recommendation.

Ampicillin IV or IM for patients unable to take oral meds

Patients Allergic to Amoxicillin / ampicillin:

Clindamycin 600 mg for ADULTS (children 20mg/kg), OR
Cephalexin or Cefadroxil 2000 mg for ADULTS (children 50 mg/kg) OR,
Azithromycin or Clarithromycin 500 mg for ADULTS (children 15mg/kg)

There are more protocols listed for GI procedures
and / or High Risk Patients.

'AL Capshaw'

I'm confused.:eek:
I have a bovine aortic valve . . . do I need an antibiotic before a dentist visit?

Yes...the protocol says...if you have a non-native (not your own) valve you must still premedicate for dental procedures that involve manipulation of the gum tissue, i.e. cleanings, crown preparations, extractions, fillings at the gum line.

Yes...the protocol says...if you have a non-native (not your own) valve you must still premedicate for dental procedures that involve manipulation of the gum tissue, i.e. cleanings, crown preparations, extractions, fillings at the gum line.

Thanks, Kristy!

Originally that's what I thought, but I can get lost in these discussions!:eek::p