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New member
Jan 27, 2012
Beloit Wi
Hi! I've been reading a bit on here and have learned quite a bit. After years of off and on chest pains with left arm weakness and numbness, trips to the ER and Dr. only to be told my heart is perfect! It must be a chest cold, pulled muscles, etc. Lots of tests and bills... UGH! Last June, my (NEW) Dr. (I went in for vertigo-everything was spinning) heard chest pains and made me go across the street to the ER again...and scheduled a stress echo. I went across the street, had yet another EKG and was told my heart is perfect. Must be pulled muscles. Went to the stress echo in July and I noticed something weird (before the Dr. came in). I asked the tech... Isn't that supposed to close all the way? She told me the Dr. would talk to me when she came in. I asked about the red and blue tornado (isn't the red supposed to go one way, blue another?). Same response. The Dr. came in and they went back and forth over whether it was moderate or severe...finally settling on moderate. My valve looks like a pizza cut in thirds with a piece missing. I did the stress part and technically passed ( I stopped it because I was ready to pass out and couldn't breathe). I just made it to the numbers they wanted. Dr. informed me that I have BAV with moderate regurgitation. She said I will need it fixed sometime. No follow up was scheduled with her or my reg. Dr. I figured that all was ok.
In Nov. I broke a tooth (below the gumline). Of course, my dentist was closed (Fri afternoon) for the weekend. I called the emergency # and nothing until Sun (I love the receptionist there! She stopped in to do some things because it was daylight savings weekend...she called in an Rx for Antibiotics and painkillers.) I was seen on Mon. and had the tooth surgically removed the following Mon. During all this, I had fever, chills and just felt crappy. Was worse after the tooth removal for about 2 weeks... like a reg. cold. Since then, I have chest pains alot. My left arm is very achy most of the time. Chest pains wake me up. I feel like I'm being crushed if I lay on my left side... Now I'm worried. I have an appt. with the card. on the 16th. I basically want her to check things over and tell me when I should be seen for the chest pains, and where. I'm so tired of being blown off at the Er.
History: I'm 46, female, and come from a family of heart issues. My (paternal) grandfather's parents were 1st cousins (not a problem back then in Canada..they just wanted to populate this big continent! LOL!). He was on coumadin before he was 40, had a few OHS and strokes, and a concave chest. One of my uncles got a heart infection had a transplant and died in his early 40's. My dad died at 34 of a pulmonary embolism. Another uncle and all 6 of his kids have marfan.
Any input would be great! I'm learning alot! What should I ask when I go the 16th?
Thanks all!
A heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you found the site most of the community are OHS brothers and sisters, there are some minimally invasive so ask away, there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

Bob/tobagotwo has up dated a list of acronyms and short forms

what to ask pre surgery

what to take with you to the hospital

Preparing the house for post surgical patients

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well

And Lynw added this PDF on what to expect post op
Hey welcome to the site everyone on here are amazing and you'll get loads of support! :)
Love Sarah xxx
Welcome to VR, Jinger. From the time my valve was diagnosed, I was scheduled for regular follow up appointments once a year. If there was any debate about moderate/severe disease following your stress test, I would expect at least minimum follow up. If the doctor who saw you for the stress test was not a cardiologist, I would find one. If the doctor was a cardiologist, I think I would be looking for a different one. With an extensive family history of cardiac issues, it seems to me that you need a doctor that will actually communicate with you. This is one of those times when you need to be a squeaky wheel.

Once again Larry (Mentu) is spot on in his comments. I don't mean to alarm you, but you must find a cardiologist who is well-experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of female heart patients. They present different symptoms than men, and many cardio's seem to diagnose everyone as if they are men. I mention this because my own dear wife went through several cardio evaluations for chest pain and was sent home from the ER with various "pat the dear on the head" sort of diagnoses. I finally convinced her to see my cardio, who was one of the most knowledgeable and sincere cardio's I've ever met (have since changed doc's - he moved) and he did a thorough work-up. They found a blocked artery that the local hospital had completely missed. Severe blockage that would have resulted in a real problem had it not been detected. All is now fine, but we now know the value of finding the right cardio for each of us.
Thank you everyone for the welcome. The Card. was there for the stress echo, but she's technically not my Dr. until I see her on the 16th. I figure I'll see what she says... and if I don't like the answer (deal with the pain and uncertainty), I will go to UW Madison. I'm just tired of being tired, having pain and nothing to do about it... Hoping she comes up with something!