Another newbie checking in and TEE ??

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I had three TEE's when I was awake. They sprayed some really awful tasting stuff into my mouth/throat, which was icky, but not uncomfortable. After that, they gave me a light sedative and I don't remember much.

I have a bad gag reflex, plus in my last one, I had a very sensitive stomach and was vomiting a lot. In that case, they did not spray anything, they just gave me the sedative and I did not remember a thing.

Make sure to tell them you are sensitive and nervous about this. Perhaps they will forego the spray and dose you with sedative so you are in a light sleep.

Regardless - I never had any problems during this test and I'm a big baby.
Hi and welcome to I wonder about your situation a bit. Since you have had a murmur all of your life, is your aortic valve bicuspid by any chance? This can sometimes be missed based on transthoracic echos. If your valve is bicuspid you would want to have tests to evaluate the condition of your aorta, since aortic dilation often goes hand in hand with bicuspid valve disease. Wishing you the best.

I do not remember anything about if valve is bicuspid or not, sorry. I expect I shall have all sorts of alarming details after Jan 12th appointment <sickly grin>.
Actually, the TEE was the best diagnostics I had. I had already had several echos, and a cath, and still had a vague diagnosis, they found the problem with the TEE. I was very nervous, but other than they stuff they make you gargle and swallow, which was ickey, (they claimed it was strawberry) the test was easy. It was quite interesting to watch. I had another in surgery, but of course was out for it. It was no biggie. Good Luck.
I had my first TEE done recently and it was not bad at all. All you taste is the spray and I don't even remember the scope going in or coming out as I was put to sleep.
It depends a lot on who does it. I was talking to someone recently and his physician made him swallow the scope when he was awake so it was difficult for him.
Take care.
The TEE is the only Bad thing I remember about my last surgery.

I did not get a sedative , only the gross spray to numb the throat. I have a thing about being restrained,immobilized or forced to be in one spot and started to panic a bit. I am fine if I choose to sit still but ...

I am hoping to get by without one this time but will see.
I will go through with it again if required as they can see better using it than a standard echo.
I did not have to use the spray or gargle with anything. I was put out and if I remember correctly it was over in a little over 30 min. I don't remember any of it. Maybe this will be the case with you if you do need one.

I had one while in A-fib and going for a cardio conversion. They found a blood clot in my heart so I had to remain in A-Fib until surgery. Nothing they do is pleasant, but it is tolerable!

Esophogeal restriction?

Esophogeal restriction?


Are you worried because of a hyperactive gag reflex, or do you have a restriction of the esophagus?

The hygienist where I work has a pretty severe restriction. She's had it "stretched" a couple of times. Watching her swallow is an adventure.

If it is a restriction, there are other tests. Maybe if the Dr is real good, he can get it past the narrow area, but I don't know that I'd want to take that risk for a diagnostic test.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Thanks. Kristy, I am not sure exactly what the nature of my swallowing problem is, other than I've never been able to swallow large pills, they feel as if they get stuck on the way down.

It sounds like you may have a restriction.
Do you have a history of GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease)?

Acid Reflux will irritate the espohagus and can cause a restriction.
These 'can be stretched' by a GastroEnterologist. Be sure to ask about the Risk vs. Benefits of such a procedure. It sounds like you may need to get a GI evaluation of your esophagus. You might also ask if they can do the TEE at the same time. (i.e. a Joint Effort by GI Doc and Cardio)
No GERD, glad to say. My Dentist believes the problem is just that my mouth and throat are smaller than the norm, and I am not a large person to begin with. Fortunately, I have learned some coping strategies, for example it is easier to swallow with chin tucked down toward chest, rather than chin up. I learned that from a speech pathologist who helped my Mom with some exercises to strengthen her swallowing muscles, after she had lost swallowing ability after a stroke. And to the suggestion I need more diagnostics and or 'stretching' of something, no thank you , the less mucked about with, the better off my body will be, IMO, less chance of Murphy's Law attacking me<grin>. (but I appreciate the helpful motivation if not the advice itself) I will be sure to mention to all medical folks working on me that they may need child size tubings, etc?
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I have had 3 TEE's in the past year. My 1st was a breeze. A banana/bubble gum flavored spray in the mouth, like pop rocks, a couple of times for numbness. Then I was out for the test. 2nd time, spray and I had to swallow a gel-like stuff for extra numbness. I didn't like that too much. Also, I wasn't as 'out' as I was the 1st time. So, for the 3rd I asked to be out, but the doc said it's better for me not to be totally out, and since I had done this twice I knew what to expect anyway. It went just fine. I told him I did'nt like the gel I was given the 2nd time and so it wasn't used. I guess I was more calm the 3rd time, especially since my cardio told me he does it w/o sedation, so I was trying not to be a wimp!
Thanks Gail. If I am lucky, the only one I will have is during surgery and I will be not aware of it at that time<grin>.
Hi and welcome! You have come to the absolute best place for support and information.

I had a TEE a few years ago when the doctor thought I'd thrown a clot. I'm not usually scared of any kind of tests but for some reason I was nervous about this one.

Luckily, it turned out to be much ado about nothing. All I remember is the numbing spray and swallowing the camera. They asked me to turn over on my side and I was out.

Best of luck as you (and your surgeon) make a decision about your valve and you get on the road to feeling better.

No GERD, glad to say. My Dentist believes the problem is just that my mouth and throat are smaller than the norm, and I am not a large person to begin with. Fortunately, I have learned some coping strategies, for example it is easier to swallow with chin tucked down toward chest, rather than chin up. I learned that from a speech pathologist who helped my Mom with some exercises to strengthen her swallowing muscles, after she had lost swallowing ability after a stroke. And to the suggestion I need more diagnostics and or 'stretching' of something, no thank you , the less mucked about with, the better off my body will be, IMO, less chance of Murphy's Law attacking me<grin>. (but I appreciate the helpful motivation if not the advice itself) I will be sure to mention to all medical folks working on me that they may need child size tubings, etc?

I told my husband that he'd better swallow when he heard SWALLOW!

I don't mind taking a vacation/personal/sick day when it's needed for his needs, but I didn't want to have to take TWO just because he couldn't swallow that tiny camera. We were told if he couldn't swallow the camera, they'd have to reschedule the procedure under general anesthesia. More expense, huh????

He got it down just fine.

BTW, I don't remember much about my last TEE because it went so smoothly. I credit that to the difference in cardios who did the procedure and the team who prepped me. I'll take them any time!!!!!!!!
I had a TEE about 1 year after I was diagnosed with BAV and AS to confirm the echo based diagnosis. It was not pleasant but it was bearable. It wasn't painful, just uncomfortable. Don't worry.

They used icky banana spray to numb my throat. That was pretty nasty. Next time I will ask them to use more sedation as I remember EVERYTHING in great detail. I don't think they used enough "happy" serum. I would do it again, but only under more sedation.

I have had two TEEs - one after my initial diagnosis and one after surgery for a-flutter. It really is not bad, except for the numbing. For the first one, they used the spray, which they told be was banana flavored. I have eaten a lot of bananas and never had one taste like that. For the second, they used the gel. I had to gargle with it and swallow. It is thick and gooey, not very pleasant going down. But it was over quickly.

I remember bits and pieces of the procedures and nothing was bad. Had a slight sore throat after the first one, but nothing after the second. You will be fine - try not to stress too much about it.