Another April Date for Surgery !!!

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
Ready Set GO!!!!

Its official...
I am to have my Bentalls' procedure on the 20th of April...
as per usual I will go in the day before for all the meeting and greeting of my care-team...

I had my X-ray and Bloods done today and now I just need to pack my jammies and stuff and I am ready to go...

I am terribly excited and not at all scared...
3 weeks and counting :D

It really truly is happening...

My mum came with me today as she wanted to check-out and give her approval to the guy who is to chop-up her daughter :p
...she approves...he is so nice you couldnt not approve...
confident but not at all cocky!...he is perfect!

anyone else wanna join us on the ride over the mountain in April!? :D

Hey Ton,

I don't really have much to add except where is my plane ticket so I can hold your hand???? remember you said you would send me a ticket - first class and the limo yeah a limo too on both sides of the trip:p

You definitely have the right attitude for this.

I just want to take the chair lift to the top so I can bomb the downhills (sorry mountain bike lingo)
Congratulations, Ton. I put you on the calendar for April 20th. Dick and I will be leaving FL for the long drive home to CT on that day, but I will check in on arrival and expect to read all good news. You will do fine and we wish you the best!:)
April 20th !!!! I have just engraved that date on my forehead so I can spend the day praying for you...although I have to figure out the time differences between Australia and Ireland :confused:

Best of luck to you...can't wait to hear all about it.


So glad you have finally got your date. I will be thinking of you and praying for you on April 20th - I'm nearly on the right time although we're still 2 hours ahead of you here in Melbourne!! I'm looking forward to hearing all about your experiences and your successful climb to the other side of the mountain! :)
At Last!

At Last!

I know you have been waiting for this day for some time when all is confirmed and in readiness for the big day. The next 3 weeks will pass quickly. Has the surgeon advised you of the valve that is planning to be used? Good luck for the big day. I am not ready for another trip over the mountain, come see me in another 10+ years. :)
Best of luck, Ton. You are about to be on the other side of the mt. and on your way to feeling better than you probably ever remember feeling! Will be sending good thoughts your way all day on the 20th (and to Maureen on the 18th). Congratulations on getting this far, and don't forget to enjoy being pampered and all the extra love and attention for the next few weeks, and after.
So it looks like we have 8 surgeries set for April.......any others??? Going once, going twice...........Oh, wait, we have a new member who is also on the 18th he said..... Robert... volsfan. For a Ross procedure.

Well, Ton. It's gonna be a great month!! I'm glad that you are so else can we be, eh?

Enjoy your next few weeks with your family!!

:D Marguerite
We are wishing you all the best Ton for your big day. You must get the timing details and such and post them (and translate them to Central time for those of us who still can't seem to figure this stuff out!). We will be thinking of you and Marguerite and all our other valvers during this busy month.

You guys should pack up for a mini-weekend get away shortly before your surgeries...This is what Nathan and I did, and I can't speak for him but it sure was helpful for this spouse ;)

Take care guys....I will be thinking of you :)

I share your joy Ton!

I share your joy Ton!

I have been all over the spectrum with emotions while in the waiting room, but I have found my comfort zone and I am totally at peace with my surgery. A week from today! I hopefully will be in post-op la-la land about now. I am glad you have found that confidence early on in the game. It sure will make your next three weeks alot easier. I am sure it helps our loved ones when we express 'excitement' instead of dread.
Take care of yourself! Keep your spirits flying high! Positive attitude is everything!!!

April 20th was my mom's birthday so you have picked a lucky day in my opinion. ;) I am sure things will go great and it is good to hear you are not afraid. I will see you as soon as my plane tickets arrive.:D


Welcome to our world. You have found a great place for support and information. Please try and start a thread to let us know a little more about you (not a requirement, of course). Also, let us know how we can help.
20 days and counting :D ..

well actually I am not gonna start counting days til after Easter otherwise this day will take forever to arrive!

I forgot I have the dreaded dental thingy to do...yikes!..I am a total dental-phobic! I really wish I could skip that one bit!

Everything-else is all coasting along nicely...

Mum is busy informing all the relatives of my date and answering their questions...and preparing my luxury recovery room for me, I am staying at mum's for a week or two when I get out otherwise I will end-up doing stuff at home and not concentrating on mending-me !
Hubby is still at home hobbling round on his buggered foot...
The boys are all begging me for my undivided attention:D
I am cooking all their favourite meals so I can spoil them a bit too!

Apart from that I am so confident I will breeze through this all its nearly ridiculous!:rolleyes: and yet a little over a week ago I was having that big "OMG" panic what have I just organised to have done!

I love you guys here...

You have helped this lil Aussigal here so much...I am eternally grateful

I am also training mum-up on how to use a forum as she will post updates on my amazing progress while I am in "The Mount" on my journey!



Wow...I think you're going to come through this like nothing just on pure positive energy and confindence!! I'm glad you got your date and good luck, even though something tells me you won't need it!

See ya on the other side of the mountain!