Angeogram question for ladies

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ponygirlmom Supporter
Supporting Member
May 2, 2008
Fountain Hills, Arizona
I will be having an angeogram in a few weeks, and I have a shaving question for the ladies. I am definitely going to do this myself, but I need to know how much to take off. Any advice from ladies who have been through this?
I suggest that you reconsider and wait and just let a woman nurse attend to this. You might shave too much or not enough. I hope that you receive good news! Good luck!
No matter what you shave, they'll come along and shave you again. I think it's mandatory.
blessed1416 said:
I suggest that you reconsider and wait and just let a woman nurse attend to this.

I had all male nurses when I had my cardiac cath last October, at that point I did not even care, so many doctors over the years I think they've seen every inch of me. :eek: They shaved very little but I bruised a lot. Oh, I almost forgot, they shaved a bit off of both sides in case they had to go in the left side, my cath was on the right.
Ditto..... I had all men at my cath and that was the least of anything I cared about. Two abdominal surgeries, a previous heart surgery..... at some point, you lose a little modesty though I have to say they were respectful and preserved modesty for me where possible. It's all in a day's work to them.

Let the professionals do their work.
Good luck and hope you get a good angio report.
I had very professional pre-care and they shaved both sides first (and used both sides) in case they needed access. The second time, since they knew they weren't going to get up to my heart anyway, they just shaved the right and used it for the vessel check.

You'll have surgical towels covering all your personal bits, it's all very modest, the staff have their sensibilities too. Remember, the people taking care of you, do. They care, just let them do their jobs.

Take heart.

First of all, yes please wait for a female nurse to do it - they are very quick and can see what the heck they are doing.
2nd of all, Listen to what Mary said, because there is a 50/50 chance that even after you are shaved, they will do the angeogram through the wrist - which is exactly what happened to me.
Freddie said:

2nd of all, Listen to what Mary said, because there is a 50/50 chance that even after you are shaved, they will do the angeogram through the wrist - which is exactly what happened to me.

Through the WRIST? Really? That sounds better to me, although maybe it's worse. I haven't heard of that before. I wonder how many are done that way.
ponygirlmom said:
Through the WRIST? Really? That sounds better to me, although maybe it's worse. I haven't heard of that before. I wonder how many are done that way.
There aren't a lot of Interventional Cardiologists trained to go through the brachial vessels, you can ask about it before you're booked for an angiogram and that way, if the equipment and the doctor are available, perhaps you'll be able to have the method used in your case.

The down time is much shorter afterwards but one study found that there are higher incidents of thrombosis and failed access particularly in women. Many labs find that if there is peripheral artery disease then the brachial approach is a viable alternative to the femoral access procedure.
Shave and a haircut, 2 bits:D :cool:

All kidding aside?.when I had my surgery the shaved me from shoulders to toes and everyone knew I was not having any bypass etc and no vein harvesting would be needed?.I guess it?s just SOP.


I was just handed the shaver by the nurse and instructed to do both sides just incase they couldn't get it in one side. :eek: The nurse then said they would return in 20 minutes and inspect the job I had done. :eek: I passed inspection. :D
Oh wow!!!!:p ...I got out of this real easy. The lovely lady nurse came in with one of those little electric hair trimmers and just did the bikini-line on one side...even got to keep my knickers on...too easy!
PS.I didnt bruise at all.
ponygirlmom said:
I will be having an angeogram in a few weeks, and I have a shaving question for the ladies. I am definitely going to do this myself, but I need to know how much to take off. Any advice from ladies who have been through this?
I am going for a double angiogram a week on monday an have got instuctions from hospital to shave 10 cm square area over both groin creases so i woould think you should do same on one...hope this helps poppy uk
double angiogram..

double angiogram..

hi there in answer to what is a double angiogram,,,I have had mine done now so I can tell you,,,,,first of all it was because i was suspected that 2 of my valves were damaged so both sides of my heart needed examining,,,,,it involved putting the camera wires up to the right side and the left side of my heart through the right groin into the femeral artery....once into the femeral artery the venus and the ariel are seperate veins and these were the sources that the cameras were threaded up to the wasnt painful but it did take considerbly longer than a single angiogram......I was very bruised from the hip to 9inches down my leg...the cardilogist was right ,,,I do need 2 new valves,,,, the aotic and the mitral,,,,,I am just waiting for a date to have them both replaced and it cant come soon enough now,,,,I am looking forward to feeling and being much better soon......many thanks to ross who has seen me through so far and given me so much good advice including getting me to join this wonderful organisation.......hope this answers your question.....kindest regards to all,,,,,,,,,,,,poppy (uk)
Thank you, Poppy. Yes, that does answer my question.

I'm very glad you have joined our community but sorry for your reason for coming here.
I hope you get an early date so you can get your surgery done and begin your recovery to feeling loads better.

Please let us help you with your questions....... I'm coming up to four months after my second OHS and it was easier than I thought it would be.

Hope the same for you.