Achey Breakey Sternum

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Vicki -

When I came home from my AVR (second heart surgery), I tried to sleep in my new recliner but found the lumbar support irritating to my back muscles. I went to bed, rolled over on my side and fell asleep. I DEFINITELY could not sleep comfortably following my previous CABG. Apparently the nerves in my chest had all been cut and I felt nothing for 3 months. THEN, I began to get short sharp pains in my sternum and / or chest muscle soreness that I was more aware of. My PCP agreed that my nerves were probably growing back together causing my new 'awareness'. Several patients have recommended a 'Body Pillow' to facilite sleeping in bed. Extra Strength Tylenol seems to be the pain reliever most often recommended for moderate pain.

Thanks AL and Jack - I do believe that my chest nerves are mending and I think what I'm feeling is "normal" and nothing to worry about. I do see my surgeon in two days and will express to him what I'm you think my wires would bother me after only 3 months? I'll just wait and see what the good doc tells me. I do take two Aleve twice a day and that seems to help a bit. Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great! :p
Thanks for bringing up this subject

Thanks for bringing up this subject

I'm 7 weeks posts surgery, and been having a lot of trouble with my sterum and upper back.
a heating pad helps the upper back/shoulder pain (what I'd give for an advil,it always helped with skeletal/muscular pain), but I haven't found a comfort level for the sterum.

Oh! by the way this is my first posting here, just trying to get familar with this sight!

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Pain Meds

Pain Meds

Terry..Didn't you come home with pain meds..You shouldn't have to suffer..slows down the recovery period. You should be out walking. Call your doctor for pain meds..Glad you posted..Read ALL our post-surgery threads. You will find a lot of helpful suggestions. Bonnie
Hi Terry-

Welcome to the site. You'll love the support you will get here. I agree with Bonnie, get on the phone and tell the doctor that you need some pain help. You need to be able to breath deeply to fully expand your lungs. You don't want scar tissue to heal with them in a deflated condition. Also, you have to be able to be active.

Many, many people have the upper back, neck, shoulder aches and pains. I've watched my husband go through 5 thoracic surgeries, 3 heart and 2 lung, and I find that he has an exaggerated posture which is sort of a protective stoop, leaning forward. This stretches out his back muscles and shortens his chest muscles. It's a hard habit to change and he's still working at it. Some folks have gotten relief with mild exercises, but you should run it by the doctor to make sure it's OK to do, since you're a short time after surgery. Others find that massage helps.

Hope to see you here often.

Take care,
Thanks granbone & nancy

Thanks granbone & nancy

I've had a lot of trouble with medication, even winding up back in the emergency room, I've been back to my doc 5 times since release from the hospital, and I'm on the phone with them often, all due to medication and the violent reaction I've had to them.
I am stabilized now with only 2 meds to my daily regument.
I have 2 different types of strong pain meds here which I choose not to take, tylenol extra strength has been my main pain reliever

I am getting that hutched over posture which scares me a little, but it's a little too soon to be doing stretches, I think???
I'll be starting cardiac physical therapy soon, I just had my stress test done at the hospital wednesday to find out my starting level, and my husband and I have been taking daily walks around the neighborhood for mild exercise.
Thanks for responding,
I have a lot of post to read

what a wealth of info...

what a wealth of info...

I just finished reading all of the post here, I will be looking into the sleep bra, and it scares me that after 1 year it still hurts to sneeze!

I've heard of the wires causing irritation, that's been in the back of my mind since I saw my chest x-ray and the "lovely" cross stitch design of wires across my sterum.

And Vicki,
I've been having trouble with "brain fog" also, since surgery, and keep telling my kids to have patience with me, my recall is very slow right now, but I don't think it menopause, at least I hope it's not!

Terry40 - I'm 48 and should have been thinking about menopause, but that was the farthest thing from my mind. But, when I kept having symptoms and my drs. were scratching their heads and couldn't help me, then I knew I had to investigate. I started reading about menopause and realized how complicated the entire situation is. I'm actually "perimenopause" and a lot of what I was feeling after my surgery had nothing whatsoever to do with my heart surgery, but I do think my surgery put my menopausal symptoms on "fast forward." So, if your brain fog continues after about 3 mos. or so, then check out other things. Also, my anxiety level increased 1,000% after my heart surgery. It's tough getting older, but there are wonderful medications out there!
P.S. Women begin perimenopause in their late 30s and through their 40s. Beware!!!! :confused:

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