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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Well found out today I have pneumonia and am freaked out. I know i am not the only one on here to ever have it, its just that the meds they want to use can mess with my INR and throw my heart rhythm out of whack, so doc and pharmicist are trying to come up with a plan for the morning. I was just wondering if i am serious trouble here or if with antibiotics I should be fine? please let me know your experiences and any suggestions you may have. thank you guys, Just want to be normal again.
I had pneumonia last November. I was given a prescription for an antibiotic for 5 or 7 days, sorry I can't remember the name of it and it didn't really effect my INR.....not sure about heart rhythm but within 10 days after starting this antibiotic I sure felt better.

I did get blood work done (lab) on day 7 to see what my INR was and it was within range.

Relax and don't freak out. Life is full of little bumps and sometimes we just have to do what we've got to do. Get the antibiotics, rest, drink lots, use Dristan before bedtime and get your INR checked 5 days after starting the prescription.
Your INR may get out of whack with the pneumonia anyway. You may not be eating the same way, you won't be exercising, or active, etc. etc. If you can test a few (3-5) days after you start the antibiotics, you can get/keep your INR under better control.

I feel for you. I had "a little" pneumonia umpteen years ago, and nasty bronchitis that triggered my MVP in 2006. Those are just awful. As Marsha said, drink lots of fluids, sit near a cool vaporizer, and get as much rest as you can.
Hey Larry, don't worry. Take your antibs if needed and just test your INR a few days after starting them.
Some decongestants and/or antihistamines can mess with BP and heart rate, our pharmacy clearly marks those.
Best wishes.
Hey guys, was at docs today and he prescribed some new meds, kind of irritated that i have lost 3 days of fighting this thing but whatever. This sucks, fever 102, face is on fire, heartrate is up, if i move i get the shakes from the pain in my muscles and joints, unreal. I absolutly hate the site of a wiggly tooth, but I told my wife tonight that I think I would watch someome twist and turn a loose tooth for half an hour if it would cure me. I am so past the point of frustration and am dumbfounded. I am so cold and the blanket feels great but It is just making the fever worse. My GP told me within 48 hours I should notice a difference, can't wait, I am just so scared and always have this gnawing feeling that everything is worse then the doctors tell me, like when i got the clean bill of health and had the GI bleed 2 days later.
I hope everyone else is feeling well and will talk soon, take care
Hey guys, was at docs today and he prescribed some new meds, kind of irritated that i have lost 3 days of fighting this thing but whatever. This sucks, fever 102, face is on fire, heartrate is up, if i move i get the shakes from the pain in my muscles and joints, unreal. I absolutly hate the site of a wiggly tooth, but I told my wife tonight that I think I would watch someome twist and turn a loose tooth for half an hour if it would cure me. I am so past the point of frustration and am dumbfounded. I am so cold and the blanket feels great but It is just making the fever worse. My GP told me within 48 hours I should notice a difference, can't wait, I am just so scared and always have this gnawing feeling that everything is worse then the doctors tell me, like when i got the clean bill of health and had the GI bleed 2 days later.
I hope everyone else is feeling well and will talk soon, take care

It must be terribly frustrating. Keep in touch with your GP and if things are freaking you out, don't be shy to go to the ER. This time
of year some bugs are starting up; pneumonia, colds, etc. Keep hydrated with whatever will stay down.
Best wishes :)