81 year old heart valve surgery

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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2013
Salem County, NJ
Question to all my friends out here. Some background, my Mom who has had a masectomy and implant of the right breast is seeing a surgeon to have her aortic valve replaced. She has no blockages so a mini seems to be in order. She also gets chemo for lung cancer via a port. She recently had her port removed because it wasn't working properly and before she had it replaced the surgeon told her to have the port placed in her right chest. Now for anyone who does not know, it is taboo to do anything with the right side after a masectomy. Including blood pressure, blood draws, and deffenitely no pic lines or ports. The surgeon told her to put the port in her right chest because he will access her valve via the left side. I have never heard of them accessing the aortic valve from the left side of the chest. My question is has anyone had a mini avr through the left side????

I know mine was from the right side.

Hi Bob..hope you find the answers you need here as i am sure you will. you must have a vey courageous mom. what i am asking is what is a "mini". i am too waiting for a heart valve. Ruth
Hi, Bob, welcome to VR. The simplistic answer is that the aortic valve is on the left side of the chest. The only such surgery of which I know was via a left sided incision. I would suggest you ask your Mother to call the surgeon's office and clarify this point if you find it troubling. No doubt others may shortly give you a different perspective.

Hi Bob..hope you find the answers you need here as i am sure you will. you must have a vey courageous mom. what i am asking is what is a "mini". i am too waiting for a heart valve. Ruth
A "mini" stands for "minimally invasive" aortic valve replacement. This means that instead of the whole sternum being cut just a part of it is cut, or even that the cut is made inbetween two ribs instead of the sternum. Here's a link to a website which describes the various incision options: http://umm.edu/programs/heart/services/programs/surgery/valve-surgery They don't have to do a "mini" on the left side. I had "minimally invasive" surgery down my sternum but the incision was practically all the way down the sternum from top to bottom ! Not really mini, but not maxi either !
thank you Paleogirl...like to know as much as i can and learned about the pain killers you were taking and the effects you had. i would think and i will ask about the mini as i do not have any other problems that i know of so far. i am just recovering from the cath and that went well . so is the melody , the procedure by going up the vein to the aortic valve? i have read that there is very little downside to this procedure but it is difficult to get someone to do it as not many are trained for it and i know it is not done here.
the procedure by going up the vein to the aortic valve? i have read that there is very little downside to this procedure but it is difficult to get someone to do it as not many are trained for it and i know it is not done here.
That's called a TAVR - Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacment - it's only done on very fragile people who would not be able to withstand aortic valve surgery.
HI Paleogirl...i dont know where to start a new message...i just received a call from the surgeon's receptionist and she said that he wants to see me right away on Monday as they want to do this soon...i am just sick in hearing this , i dont know what i expected...more time , i suppose to digest it all. i am going through all the anxieties that i had before the cath. get in and get it over with ....cancel it like the guy down the street who goes all over the place. my husband is facing more surgery for cancer. i did however try to give it thought to going to a place that has caregivers for a week or so ...i need to be on my feet when i get home . ah...glad this site is here.
Hi Ruth,

I completely understand all the anxiety you are feeling. When you see the surgeon make sure he tells you exactly why he wants to do your valve replacement soon. Do let him know that your husband is facing surgery for cancer - not that it could mean delaying your op but it's important that he knows the stresses you're under.

You should probably start a thread for yourself in the Pre-Surgery section - to post a new thread click the '+Post New Thread' button you'll find at the top of the list of threads in the Pre-Surgery section, a window will then pop up, give the subject a title and then write your message there as you'll get more specific replies to your anxieites there. To be honest, and with the best will in the world, although you'll be walking, I don't think you'll be "on your feet" in the usual understanding of the phrase when you first get home from the op…..unless you have been to a recuperation hospital afterwards, you will need someone to be there for you.
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Sushine/Ruth, It sounds like there are a few types of "mini" AVR. Mine was done with a horizontal scar (between ribs) on the right side (my right) of my chest. Not through the strnum. It is about a 6 inch scar about 4 inches above my nipple. They have to twist the heart to bring the aorta around to the front, because the aorta is in the back of the heart. That is why it is easier to see it with a TEE. I just have never heard of a mini AVR being done on the other side (left side) of the chest. Also I will say that if you have no other issues like any blockages, you may be likely to get a "mini" AVR. Thankfully my Mom and I are in that boat. I am assuming the surgeon may not want to go through the area of where my Mom's breast surgery/implant is and is why they decided to open her left side up.
i don't know where the hell it is as i guess i need to calm down . i was in it once and left a post and cannot find it . been thinking..what is the sense of putting off the op when it is coming no matter how i look at it or what i do.. another 3 or 4 months of just anxiety when i could be getting better. it is just getting some decent caring help in ...everything else is in order. big 4 level house with lots of stairs...big mistake made years ago when nothing could strike u down. you look so wonderful Paleogirl , i hope i do half as well...
i don't know where the hell it is as i guess i need to calm down . i was in it once and left a post and cannot find it . been thinking..what is the sense of putting off the op when it is coming no matter how i look at it or what i do.. another 3 or 4 months of just anxiety when i could be getting better. it is just getting some decent caring help in ...everything else is in order. big 4 level house with lots of stairs...big mistake made years ago when nothing could strike u down. you look so wonderful Paleogirl , i hope i do half as well...
Hi Ruth,

I think you need to take a deep breath….this forum can be confusing and you've posted in lots of threads so it can be tricky to find what you want. Here's a link to start a completely new thread in the Pre-Surgery section: http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=4 And here's a link to a post you posted a little while ago in another thread - might be the one you mean: http://www.valvereplacement.org/for...-likely-need-surgery-soon&p=555032#post555032 Might be an idea to copy and paste that in the completely new thread.

But if you ever need to find your previous posts, just click on your username and from the drop down menu you can ask it to 'view forum posts' - most useful thing when you've lost where you'd posted something !
HI Paleogirl could i call you by your first name? you seem like my friend now. i am settling down and beginning to realize i am not alone....the part of living through this bothers me and yet , to feel better as many say...i have that clearing of the throat all the time and to....to begin getting better. i looked up my surgeon, he is one of the best all way round...will see him monday. it would be nice to have another way then to open up so much of you but i will do what they say. i think i am in the right place here...thank you..Ruth
HI Paleogirl could i call you by your first name? you seem like my friend now. i am settling down and beginning to realize i am not alone....the part of living through this bothers me and yet , to feel better as many say...i have that clearing of the throat all the time and to....to begin getting better. i looked up my surgeon, he is one of the best all way round...will see him monday. it would be nice to have another way then to open up so much of you but i will do what they say. i think i am in the right place here...thank you..Ruth
Yes please call me by my first name, it's Anne - down there in my signature below. You are definitley not alone. There are so many threads in this forum on pre surgery anxiety etc. Yes, you must do what your surgeon advises, he will know the best way forward and the best way that he works too. You're in the right place, both pre and post surgery ! Don't be afraid to ask on forum for advice at any time, there's no shame in having problems.

4 flights of stairs - just thinking about that, wish you could start a thread of your own, I don't want to hijack knotguilty's thread - I will post you a private message again.

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