6 months post op , having problems.

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Good luck with the Kidney stone! one thing you didn't need right now, but it is there so get it sorted out. I am sure once your BP is back to normal (120/80 is ideal) you will feel much better. Low BP can make you feel terrible!

Hugs and blessings,
Sarah, I hope you start to feel better without all of those meds. Good luck with your stone...my husband had one this summer and after 3 weeks of problems with it, they finally did surgery to remove it. He immediately felt 100% better.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.

Hi Sarah,

I have a long, now 30 year history with various kidney stones. In addition to the pain they can cause when they start moving, they also tend to cause bladder and other related infections even if they are not directly causing you pain or discomfort. In my case, at least, the removal of stones even when they were not symptomatic has reduced a lot of other mysterious symptoms. Lithotripsy compared to the alternative of abdominal surgery is great, but it still causes bleeding, and so your blood thinners are an added complication. Perhaps some of your problems may be indirectly related to the stone, even if they can’t be tied directly to it. 8 mm is not too large but large enough that I wouldn’t want to watch it grow.

Good luck.
Well ive been off all the extra blood pressure medications now for a few days and my blood pressure has come up and i feel alot better. the first day my blood pressure dropped to 80\50, but it finally started coming up. Today it was 120\70. I did wind up in the ER last night, I was in severe pain in my side back and plevic area, Not only do i have a 8mm stone in the left kidney, i have a small stone in my urether trying to come out. iVe been passing kidney stones since the age of 10 and so far ive passed 39 of them since age 10. So tomorrow i have an appointment with my urologist tomorrow to schedule the lithotripsy. My cardiologist said i had to go off my coumadine for 4 day before it is done and i would have to come into his office those 4 days and have a shot in my stomache , i cant remember what it is called but it is an alternative to the coumadine. then after the lithotripsy is done, ill have to come in for 2 more days and get the shots, then im back on the coumadine. Im hoping once the kidney stone is broken up and comes out, ill start to feel alot better. This 8mmstone has been in there for 2 years, it wasnt as big then as it is now, and i dont want it getting any bigger.

Im just glad that im feeling alot better since i went off all those blod pressure meds. I was feeling like death warmed over. Now im not short of breath like i was and im not as lathargic as i was before or as dizzy. I just hav e to keep an eye on my blood pressure so it doesnt go up too high.

I wantto thank everyone with your replies, it really helped.

You've got to hang in there. I had some issues after I had my surgery in Feb '07 including a-flutter, being put on a med that didn't agree with me for the a-flutter, heart functionality weakness, low blood pressure, pleuresy and on and on. The first year after surgery is full of ups and downs. Two weeks ago I rode 50 miles in a bike ride. Now I'm cookin' at 46 years old!

I said the same thing as you a few weeks out from my surgery....why did I do this when I wasn't having overt issues?? Now I know why. Stick with it and keep in touch with your cardiologist on everything as it comes up. They have a pretty good bag of tricks to deal with everything.

Does your Cardiologist manage your Coumadin?
Or do you use a Coumadin Clinic?

Most likely the shots are LOVENOX which is fast acting but also short acting (12 hours typically). MOST AntiCoagulation Managers recommend one shot every 12 hours. Do a SEARCH for "Lovenox" and "Bridging" and you will find many links to posts / threads on the subject.

Lovenox should be discontinued 24 hours before your procedure. There is a wide variation in Bridging philosophies AFTER surgery / procedures, depending on the Bleeding Risk vs. the Stroke Risk.

Some Surgeons recommend restarting Coumadin the night following the porcedure (8 to 12 hours post procedure), realizing that it will take 3 or 4 days to become fully effective, giving patients time to 'heal' from the procedure. Some will resume Lovenox injections 24 hours post procedure until the patients INR is back in range, having resumed Coumadin 8 to 12 hours post procedure.

Do you drink 48 to 64 ounces of Water (and/or other fluids) per day as recommended by Urologists?

Do you drink Filtered Water?

We have a lot of Limestone in the ground locally and one ER Doc told me he had never seen so many Kidney Stone cases until he came to North Alabama.

Since buying BRITA FILTER Pitchers for drinking / cooking / mixing water, I have had NO MORE kidney stones.
myurologist did a complete work up on me, 24 hour urine test etc. and he said my body produces too much calcium. My stones are calcium oxalate.

I drink lots of water, and i take 2 diuretics already. But i will try the britta water as im willing to do anything to help not to produce these stones. It seems as tho they have gotten worse since my surgery but that could be a coincidence. I see the urologist today.
A suggestion: since your calculi is Ca oxalate--ask your dietician/PCP
what to eat in regards to calcium and dark green vegetables. Oxalate
is found in spinach/broccoli and the less calcium you ingest ,the more
your body will absorb the oxalate. But since you need both in your diet,
you should ask. I would assume moderation with both would be best,but
I am not sure what the guidelines are.
Best wishes--Dina
Sarah, here is good thought and a prayer (catch it)
to make you feel better.
i do hope your appt goes well with the uroligist.
All the best with all this and pray you feel even an ounce better.

zipper2 (DEB)
well i had my appointment with the urologist today and he has scheduled the lithotripsy for monday sept 22. The stone is blocking the tube and i have been in so much pain the past 2 days and urinating blood. The doctor has me on vicodin. I talked to my cardiologist today and he is going to start me on the lovanox shots on the 16th of september. He said i would come in everyday for 4 days for the shot.

Besides the kidney stone pain, i do feel so much better since i havent been taking all those blood pressure pills. I take my blood pressure everyday and so far it has been staying around 120\78. My energy is back, i dont have all those dizzy spells. Its amazing to me how if your blood pressure it too low or too high it will make you feel so bad.Now that its back to normal I feel lsoooooooo much better. Thank god it was only too much blood pressure pills that was the problem.

My urlogist said i will probably feel even better after the kidney stone is zapped. He said i willl be home in bed for a few days after the lithotripsy and i would be in pain as i pass the fragments. He said hopefully only one time will do the trick. They are putting me to sleep for the precdure and then i can come home the same day.

Thank everyone for all the advice and well wishes, i really do appreciate and i value everyones advice. You are all so great.
Since the stone is blocking a tube, and since you are bleeding, and since you are in so much PAIN, I don't understand why your Urologist can't 'break up' the stone sooner than Sept 22.

Do I understand you correctly that your Cardiologist is only going to give you ONE Lovenox Injection per day? I've never heard of doing that.

Does he plan to have you come in on Saturday Sept 20 or will you be OFF all anticoagulation from Friday through the procedure on Monday?

My understanding of the "Bridging" Procedure is 2X a Day (and I've Been There, Done That), Self Injecting twice a Day BEFORE and AFTER procedures, stopping 24 hours before the procedure and starting 24 hours after. My Coumadin Clinic CRNP wrote the precise schedule which was agreed to by my Cardiologist and the Doctor performing the procedure.

Since you will be 'passing' the broken stone fragments, I can see the argument for NOT Bridging following the procedure, just beginning Coumadin that night (several hours post procedure) and allowing your INR to come up gradually. It's a trade-off between Bleeding Risk and Stroke Risk.

Hopefully they will be monitoring your INR frequently. If your INR is NOT in-range within 3 or 4 days, I would recommend asking for Lovenox Injections again, until your INR is back in range. (Just my NON-professional opinion as an experienced anticoagulation / bridging patient).
Sarah, why isn't your urologist putting in a stent. If the stone is blocking the tube, that is what is causing your pain and a stent will allow the urine to pass by the stone and will take away your pain. It worked wonders for my husband and he kept his in for 3 weeks until they went in and retrieved his stone. It can cause damage to your kidney to have a stone blocking your urine from getting out of your kidney into your bladder. In just the four days my husband had a stone before they put in his stent, his kidney was already showing signs of damage which reversed itself after the stent was put in.

I'm sorry you are having to go through this. I know it was agony for my husband.

I'm so glad I came back to this site and saw your post. Haven't been able to email you. My prayers have been with you and will continue to be. Feel free to keep in touch with me if you'd like.
Sorry I can't offer any help with your problems but as far as the metal detector, Sometimes they are set a little more sensitive than usual. Normally only artificial knees, hips, etc. alarm. Even though you have your card if you alarm you still have to go though secondary screening to make sure you are not carrying anything else. If you wear any heavier then normal jewerly etc. could cause the alarm. Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Hello Sarah,

It will be 1yr Feb 12th, that I had aortic valve replacement surgery. I have a pig valve,(medtronic mosaic) I also. had complications. The second wk after the valve surgery, I had to have a Pericardial Window, for effusion. I developed PPS (Post Pericardial Syndrome) I still have pericarditus. The doctors have tried several standard meds, but nothing seems to work, except Prednesone . The pain,and symptoms subside as long as I take the Predesone. When I stop, they reoccur. I am going to change cardios. Maybe we can get a whole new take on this,(and treatment) Ask your cardio about the chest pain. It is possible that you have pericarditus. That is the main symptom.

Let me know what happens, and how you are progressing. Good luck, Kathy M.
Hey Sarah,

Im at 6 months also, I too feel crappy sometimes out of breathe, dizzyness, chest pains, but i think its part of the healing process. It gets worse before it gets better. There has been days i wish i never had the surgery, but it saved my life and i hear you don't feel normal until 1 year after, but i know this older fellow same surgery mech valve it took him 18 months to get back to normal. Go out by a nice bottle of wine, soak in the tub and relax..it works for me..it takes to much energy to be worry bug.. take care