6 Months Ago

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2010
Charlotte, NC
6 months ago today, I checked into Duke Medical Center and was being prepped for AVR surgery. I was beyond scared and was sort of numb. I had accepted the fact that I had to go through the surgery and I'd either die or I would feel better. I'm so happy today to tell everyone that the past 6 months has been better than the last 6 years of my life.

There are times when I sit and think about have an artificial valve but most of the time I'm busy living life. I work full time and work out on a treadmill and cross trainer bicycle 4 times a week for 45 minutes and am getting ready to start yoga. I couldn't do any of this for the last several years before the surgery.

I started going out with Husband and neighbors each week even if it's to a neighborhood restaurant for dinner. We hosted our first party in our home since we moved here 12 years ago and we had a blast. Everyone joined me in dancing to Michael Jackson's Wii Dance.

I'm sharing all of this in hopes that someone else may have the same experience I've had or that it may give others hope that they may have similiar results. I'm really glad that I had the AVR and I'm so happy to be able to enjoy life again. :)
and we are happy you are enjoying each day
Sevgi, that's a great story! It's so easy for us to post mostly BAD news, while the "success stories" just drift away and get on with their lives!

You probably didn't (and don't) think of it this way, but in a way, the fact that you felt so bad for the years before the OHS have been a psychological blessing in your recovery. My history of symptoms was very different. In fact, I would have bicycled to my own OHS 6 weeks ago, except that I couldn't figure out how to get the bike back home (so I took the subway instead)! My recovery has been quicker and smoother than average, and I feel amazingly normal already -- but I'm still not back to bicycling, and part of me is frustrated that my heart is still weird-er -- from the "user's" point of view, not from the EKGs and echos -- than it was pre-op! Thanks to your years of symptoms, you got "ahead of the game" very quickly! :)
Great to hear! Many of our new members often express the fear that a valve replacement may not "fix" their problem as well as it does for others. I think it is very helpful for us to remind them that many of us felt the same concern only to be surprised at the difference a new valve makes in our lives.
