3 Weeks Post Op Did I reinjure my sternum?

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Sep 5, 2011
Raleigh, NC (Rex Hospital)
Any tell tell signs if you have recracked your sternum? I'm fairly young 33 with two very active children and a husband that works 60+ hours a week. My Mom and Dad have used all their vacation time taking care of my kids during my week of surgery and the week following my surgery. I've noticed an intense burning and pain in and around my sternum. Is it really possible to break your sternum or am I being paranoid? The on call doctor is a true jerk and honestly I rather suffer in pain than talk to him. A little over 12 hours before my surgeon's off is open. Any words of encouragement?
Well, the wires are in there to hold you together until the sternum heals. It is possible to injure it. Is it popping or clicking when you move, or just hurting? The only way to tell if you hurt it is to go get an x-ray, I think. You could either do that tonight by going to the ER, or you can wait until the morning and call your Dr.'s office. Even if you have re-injured it, I would think it could wait until the morning if you aren't in too much pain. Do you think you did something specifically to hurt it?
Embarrassing to admit... My 3 year old was throwing a tantrum and decided it was best to slap me right in the chest at the top of my incision that was following my 3 deer running out in front of the car and my husband slamming on breaks that jolted me really hard. I know that it is a major no no but thank goodness I had not buckled my seat belt or it could have been a lot worse. Since then it has burned so bad and it hurts. As long as I don't move my arms and sit still it's just a burning sensation.
I would be surprised if a 3 year old hitting you could have done that much serious damage...if they had kicked you, maybe a different story! The deal in the car could be a different story, however. The burning sensation could just be the nerves healing. You won't know any of this for sure unless you go tomorrow and get an x-ray. I would imagine your Dr. can do that in his office. Call them in the morning.
My dr. told me to be careful for up to 6 mo on lifting things .. hard to do when you have young children. When i go in the car , i also put a big pillow between me and the shoulder strap of the seatbelt in case we have to stop suddenly . I am at the 4 mo mark and still have tenderness and i know the bones are healing but still want to be careful. Hang in there.
3 weeks is still pretty fresh. I had lots of tenderness and aching for at least 3 mos. I'm sure there is at least some inflammation from the two incidents you describe.

I would just keep still as much as possible as see if it gets better. The wires are pretty snug, so it would be hard to break them, but it is possible.

I am 8 mos post op and still have some non-painful popping when I raise my arms.
I hate to tell you this, but I am 7 months post-op and still have very sore chest and my scar burns/stings still. Not constantly, but enough to be annoying. The motto on this site is 'when in doubt, check it out'. I did just that and they ordered a chest CT. Everything is normal they said. Mine is being chalked up to a nagging cough I had due to lisinopril. Now I'm off that and I'm not coughing as much, but still coughing due to allergies. Good luck with your recovery. It does take awhile - I was told up to 6 months - and then told everybody is different in how fast they heal. It's all genetics.

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