3 days post-op!

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
New York, NY
the avr went very successully on Tuesday! Only 24 hours in the ICU and the are talking about sending me home tomorrow! A little soon but things seem to have been on track. It still hasn't hit me yet that the whole thing is over
Great News. I'm glad things are going so well. Now remember, your only job is to take care of your self, don't overdo. Eat ,sleep do your breathing excercises and take you walks and most likely you will find that naps are your friend. I'm so glad to read your update, I've wonderred how you were doing Thanks. it will be evn better to read your first update from home.
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KS, I'm glad to hear your surgery went so well. My surgery was on Tuesday, also, and by Friday, my surgeon decided to send me home on Saturday. I thought it was a little soon but I realized later that it was more of an emotional reaction than a physical one. It is very natural to feel a certain sense of fragility in the days after surgery but your confidence will improve with every walk. In most ways, you are far less fragile now than you were only a few days ago. Besides, hospitals are full of sick people and you just need rest and exercise (lungs & feet) unless you have a complication that would keep you there. Rest and exercise you can do more comfortably at home. Let us know how things are going.

I'm glad that everything went so well for you. I had my surgery on Wednesday and got out on a Tueday. Just not the next Tuesday. :) Take it easy and don't try to do too much too soon.
Congrats on making it through OHS. As recommended by all the others, your next focus will be recovery. Best advice, take it slow. Think before you Act. Out of habit I would attempt to do things I did pre-surgery and my body would immediately remind me to stop (via pain) not to mention my family who was super-protective of me especially the first 3 weeks. Best of luck and a very speedy recovery to you.
Welcome to the Society of the Zipper Chest. You'll need to take it slow. Scale back your expectations. You won't feel completely normal for a while (I'm six months out, and I still don't feel completely back to normal). But you'll feel pretty darned good pretty soon.
thanks everyone! indeed taking it slow. my wife and daughter are very focused on keeping me honest. i in fact got a little overzealous today and took an extra-long walk, was suprised by how quickly my body got me back to taking a nap. but generally good stuff overall so far.
Just don't get stupid. Stupid makes you go backwards on recovery and believe me, your body will, in no uncertain terms, kick you in the butt.
Glad to hear that you are over the major hurdle!

Like others have said, take it easy & take your time! All will come back eventually...you just need to give it time! :)
KS, enjoy your naps. Over the next month you will notice that your walks will become longer and your need for napping will diminish. It is important to listen to what your body is telling you. The naps are an important part of healing. My friend, the surgical nurse, says that increasing your protein consumption is also a good idea.

I came home from the hospital last night, today was my first day home. I was definitely ready to leave the hospital, but have to say that I felt better yesterday than today. I chalk that up to the extra wear today on getting my body reacclimated to the home environment and just generally moving about a bit more. I also noticed they had omitted a regular dose of ibuprofen I had been receiving in the hospital from my discharge intstructions. I called the nurse-practitioner and cleared that omission up, she put me back on the dose on tonight I feel much better.

I wound up going with the Edwards bovine pericardial valve. Apparently I got the max size that they produce - 1 more mm and I would have had to go with another valve.