2002 ValveReplacement.com Reunion

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VR.com Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
On October 9th through the 13th of 2002, The third annual Valvereplacement.com reunion will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Flights are relatively cheap there, Lodging and Dining are affordable and we will make it the biggest and bestest reunion yet.

It will be hard to top Nashville, but we are the type of folks who enjoy a challenge!!
First international confirmation..

First international confirmation..

If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise...I'll be there.
Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Is this another place where they wear boots and jeans? Whatever........I'll be there in my Khakis and penny-loafers, and I'll bring my clubs, of course. Maybe Ben will get a pair of golf shoes by then.

I like the mention of "all you can eat buffets".......Los Vegas may regret that after we are done.

Dick I am sure we can find a pool table to defend our title.......all challenges are accepted, but we'll give Perry and Hank the first shot at the "TITLE".

And, maybe, just maybe, I'll bring a pair of JEANS.......
Golf Shoes or Boots

Golf Shoes or Boots

I will have my golf shoes and clubs with me in Vegas.

But you have to promise to wear jeans and cowboy boots at least once while you are out there.

I bet you can be as cute as Billy is if you have jeans on. lol.

Hey Ben......

Hey Ben......

If I wear boots and jeans it will make you weak in the knees.....I'll do the jeans but BOOTS? No way..........my toes aren't pointed enough like you cowboys.


Just knew I should have bought you that cowboy hat on the way to Nashville!

Well, there is always Christmas;)

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