12 Day Post-Op Checkup

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Bryan B

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
Well I got to spend several hours in the Childrens's Center at Duke today. I had my vitals taken (I'm closing on my all time recoord high weight), then had blood work, then chest x-ray, then echo, and finally a physical by Dr.Jaggrss. He also removed my sutures on the chest tubes and said my scar was looking good. He said my pulmonaary valve is fuctioning perfectly as my aortic valve and my homograft valve is working perfectlly too. I had to lay on my left side for the entire echo and that was not comfortable at all. Luckily the echo tech was a very friendly and cute girl which made things a bit more bearaable. She also had a Ross Procedure done 8.5 years ago and so far so good for her (that made me feel good). I also didn't see any wedding bands on either hand which caused my curiosity level to rise! :D

On another note, I woke up this morning with what feels like a hitch in my right side. It has gotten progressegeely worse throughout the day and I'm not sure if I just slept on it funny or if there's somthing more to it. I have also noticed that my readings on my spirometer have been down today due to the sharp pain I get when I try to take deep breaths. Has anyone experienced this type of pain? I'm wondering if it's jst a pulled muscle or possibly a partially collapsed lung. I ended up taking a nap from about 3p-8p. My last complaint is that it appears that I'm taking on some fluids, especailly on my right side. It's mostly on my right side, and it looks like my right foot and ankle running all the way up my right leg. He considered puttiig my on Lasix but decided to wait and see if my body takes care of itself.

So I guess I got mostly good news. All the parts he moved around seem to doing great, but I have a couple of nagging issues that I hope I can overcome in the next few days. If these turn our to be my worst complicatons I'll be pleasantlly surprised!


Considering you got hit by a truck, your update sounds just terrific. You must be feeling good to have included a verbal pic of that "cute tech." :p

Keep those good updates acommin

Can't really offer any useful info on your "hitch" or water retention. I think there are others who can speak to those issues with greater knowledge than I. As to that cute echo tech, it was your curiosity level you say that was raised?
Glad to hear you're on the mend. Take care and keep us posted as to the the concerns you've mentioned.
Sue ;)
I got those sharp pains too and was concerned so I talked to my doctor and what he told me was it was the tissue in my lungs trying to heal and come together and to make sure I use my spirometer often so that it promotes healling faster. He said it was nothing to worry about unless I was short of breath and dizzy when doing so. I dont think you have anything to worry about but if you do just call your dr.. I am sure he or she will be able to reassue you.... Have a great recovery....


I suggest you CALL your Cardio's office (or surgeon's) and tell them about your sharp breathing pain ASAP. It could be due one of several conditions.

I experienced a similar problem, had several trips to the ER, and FINALLY, I was told that the layers of my chest wall were inflamed and moving. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.
I was treated with a short course of anti-inflamatory medication which provided considerable relief (and yes, I am on Coumadin). I'd like to know who inserted my chest tubes and have the opportunity to 'return the favor'! :D

Also, one of my lungs had not fully inflated and there was fluid retention between the lung and chest wall. Using my Incentive Spirometer for 10 minutes every 2 hours and pushing until I could actually feel the fluid being pushed out eventually resolved the uninflated lung issue.

Bottom Line: Breathing Pain should NOT be ignored.


If your cardio/surgeon isn't totally aware of your situation, make sure you do so right away. I had a small pleural effusion post-op that caused me pain in my right chest and that is extremely common in the first couple of months.

Over-all you sound like you are doing great and I am glad to hear it.

You didn't tell us if you got the echo-tech's name................?
Thanks for the replies. I do think it's related to my right lung somehow. The pain originates very close to my right chest tube incision. And on Sunday I was moving towards 1750 on the spirometer and after I noticed the hitch yesterday I'm lucky to get it to 1250 without significant pain. I've been pretty good about taking ibuprofen in tandum with Tylenol (not on Coumadin) to try and reduce the amount of "hard stuff" I need to take. I've been kind of slack about it the last couple of days. I think I'll get back on the anti-inflammatories and work my spirometer a little more than usual and see where that gets me. If I don't get any relief in the next 24hrs I'll call the surgeon and let him make the call.

And yes I got the tech's name...just wished I would have asked for her #.



I think you need to get back on the hard stuff..Don't get macho..You need to take the pain meds they gave you..They do not want you in pain. They want you up and walking..Gets the nasty stuff out of you. :p :p How long of a drive was it for you..Riding this soon in a car is tough too :eek: :eek: Get back and sleep in your recliner..Take it easy..Enjoy, Mama's cooking..and soon you will be able to find out that tech's info...Name, number, ect. and then invite her over for a weekend on the Island. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Bonnie..The Matchmaker.
The great no nothing Ross says to call your Doctor now. It sounds to me like that fluid is building up and you need that lasix right now. It can get very bad very quick, so if you get any worse in the slightest, high tail your rear end down to the ER.
Thanks Ross. I've been watching it closely. My right foot and leg is less swollen than it has been the last few days. I've been trying to take more breaks from sitting at the computer and putting my feet up on the recliner. My surgeon looked at my feet and legs and "almost" put me on Lasix. He wanted to hold off a few more days and see if it resolved on it's own. The pain on my side is doing a little better too. I've started to take the ibuprofen regularly and have been hitting the spirometer with more frequency. I'm pretty much back to the level I was at before the pain. Also, instead of taking 2 short walks, the last two days I took 1 walk of a little over a mile so that I felt like I was doing some deep breathing towards the end of the walk.

I've actually been sleeping in bed for the last week. Last night I even slept on my right side for a little while. I've been lucky in that I have been pretty much sleeping through the night. The only problem I'm having is getting to bed early since I have been napping some during the day. I've missed a couple of breakfasts due to sleeping in. :eek:

Anyway, I feel very fortunate that my recovery has gone so smoothly so far. I'm more worried about Dale and the fact that we haven't heard from Lisa yet. Still trying to figure out a way to get that tech's number without seeming too forward. I may call my surgeon and see if he will put in a good word for me. :D

I'm so glad to hear that your recovery is going so well. You are so fortunate to be sleeping well.

How about sending the tech a card with your email address in it? You can address it to her at the hospital.
Bryan, it sounds like you are doing great! ;) Too bad that you don't live closer. :( I have an unmarried daughter. She's about two years younger than you are. I see that you live in Tennessee. Where at? She was once married to Alan Cockrell, the quarterback for the Tennessee Volunteers. (WAY BACK WHEN) She's been divorced as long as she was married (13 years.)

If it's meant to be, you will be able to contact this young lady.
Hi Glenda,

I live in Nashville. I'm probably not going to contact the echo tech, but it's nice to know that those types of "feelings" are functioning properly. :D

One good thing about Nashville is that Southwest has several nonstop flights to RDU daily. That's how I normally come home to visit, but I drove this time because I didn't want to leave my car unattended in my apartment complex for so long. I was married for only 3 years after dating my ex-wife for 7 years, and we never had kids. I've been single now for 7 years and I think I might be ready to think about a serious relationship again if I were to meet the right person. So get to work all you matchmakers! :D
Whoa, Bryan-

You're worried about being forward? I bet that a cute tech gets hit on by patients all the time. She'd probably be grateful, for once, to be hit on by someone under 65! :D

Do her a favor and aske her out!

And keep an eye on the fluid retention, OK? We don't want any nasty surprises, and I need you to be in tip-top condition next week!

You don't want to mess with those kinds of pains PLUS the possibility of water retention like that, especially if it's localized to just one area of the body.

When only certain parts of your body are retaining water that's showing a problem in your circulation. More fluid is building up in those places because the blood isn't moving around as much as it should be and THAT means less oxygen is getting to those same spots and waste products aren't being cycled out as much as they should be.

I hope you are doing better and that the swelling has abated. When you mentioned that your doctor had "almost put you on lasix" it reminded me of something my cardiologist told me at my last visit. He said that there is more focus being put on a neuro-hormonal effect that has been attributed to Lasix and he would prefer I be off of it and would rather I double-up on the diuretic I have been on for many years when I would have otherwise taken Lasix.

I haven't really found too much searching about this neuro-hormonal response but found it interesting that Lasix and it's effects might be being given a second look. I know the relief it has given me at times but that the effect is rather short-lived as well.

You do know that inviting us to be matchmakers is quite a daring move don't you? :)