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  1. R

    1 year ago today..

    I know I havnt been around much lately but its amazing how much life takes off when you are feeling good. At this time as I am writing this they were starting to take me off the vent one year ago today. Today, I am at work and getting ready to go home to my 2nd son who is 5 DAYS old today...
  2. R

    Update Almost 5 months Post OP...

    Everything is right on track. Its hard to believe it has been 5 months since the surgery. I have had no set backs of any signifigance. I can cough and sneeze with only mild discomfort. My blood pressure is slightly on the higher side so he has me on blood pressure medicine. The fluid build...
  3. R

    Fluid retention at 10 weeks post op question.

    10 weeks post op and all the sudden I am filling up with water again. What would cause this?? My calves, forarm and torso mainly.
  4. R


    Tomorrow I am 7 weeks post op. I have come down with a stomach flu. I feel sick to my stomach but nothing has come up yet. Does it hurt to puke like it does coughing??
  5. R

    6 weeks post op.

    I am 6 weeks post op today and things are going well. I have had no instances of A-Fib in the past 1 1/2 weeks. I am wearing an Heart monitor so that might be "KEEPING" the a-fib and palps away. Other than that everything is great. This time 6 weeks ago I have had the breathing tube out of my...
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    3 weeks post op today .. How to Celebrate?

    Im going to disney world today till sunday. Now, before anyone says it, I only plan on going into the park tomorrow and only for a few hours renting a wheelchair. I am stir crazy and tired of being in this house. My sons birthday is monday so this is sorta his birthday celebration. Hes 3...
  7. R

    Any tricks ??

    Does anyone know of any tricks that can be used to counteract the effect that the pain meds and other meds are having on my bowels. Its constipated with hard stool its oversized and when it decides to come it comes regardless of pain or pressure on my chest. I am on Colace three times a day. I...
  8. R

    I honestly thought it was a joke..

    I didnt take it seriously when they said laughing hurts but laughing hurts as bad as coughing. Thats no fair at all. I cant even watch a comedy. Also whats with the nerves turning on and off making me aware of my bones in my chest then all the sudden they are gone and at the same time my...
  9. R

    Wait I still function

    I have made it through the surgery. Everything went well and I am already out of icu. They had the vent tube out by 5:00 pm yesterday. I am weak but just ate my third meal. I only have a chest tube and an iv. It's hard to focus so I'll write more later.
  10. R

    Preop Done... One more thing left.

    I had pre op this morning. That was fun (rolls eyes). I will say this Blood gasses still hurt like a BLEEP. I could do without having that done again. I am having the Bentall Procedure. I have to go look that up. Everything is set. I got my special wash to shower tuesday and wednesday. I...
  11. R

    Question for Ross about Coumadin

    My cardiologist wasnt a big fan of Coumadin. He mentioned diet and vitamin K. I made a comment about Dosing the Diet not Dieting the dose and he agreed. He mentioned a drug that is in stage 3 trials to replace coumadin that was alot better in his opinion. Do you know of anything like that...
  12. R

    Going to the cardiologist for the first time..

    Well this paticular ones office anyways. He is the same one that did my heart cath but by switching hospitals the initial cardiologist was out the door. I went straight to a surgeon at this hospital but now I need an admitting doctor for the hospital. I do not currently have a primary so I...
  13. R

    Official Marching orders (surgery date)

    I have preop on July 9th. I am to report to the hospital on July 14th. The surgeon wanted to do it next week but after talking to him he agreed to keep my original date of the 14th. I told him by keeping the 14th I will be stress free from work. I have some reports and payroll to do on the...
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    Question about bathing and swimming.

    How long do you have to wait after the surgery to get in a full bath or swim in a pool?
  15. R

    Kind of a gross question...

    In planning on WHO should stay with me after the surgery besides my wife. Did any of you have trouble getting off and on the toilet?? and did you have trouble wiping after going number 2???
  16. R

    Almost 38 years coming.

    Hello, I was born with aortic stenosis. I have been in "the waiting room all my life. I have been really bad about following up with a cardiologist. In hindsight, I've felt it for the past six months but recently I could tell things were changing. I got an email from my stepmom saying the...