What to do to get ready for Surgery?

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I have a MVR surgery by sternoomy scheduled for July 6th, 2009. Since I have several months to prepare, is there anything I can do to physically get ready for this event. Are there things I should be doing like weightlifting or other excercises that will help with the whole experience?

HAving done this before I am looking for any advantage can get!


Hi Eddie,

I'm not an exercise junkie, but I was in pretty decent physical shape when I had my AVR surgery. Both my cardiologist and surgeon felt that my physical condition helped me make one of the quickest recoveries either of them had seen.

What and how much you do to get in shape before surgery really depends on how severe your condition is. The safest course is to discuss what you'd like to do with your cardiologist and follow the recommendations he/she makes.

If your cardiologist is like mine, he/she will probably appreciate any effort you make following surgery to maintain decent cardiac health. Mine often comments that he wishes more of his patients would exercise more because he sees way too much repeat business.

In my opinion, your cardio would be the best to advise what to do or not to do as he know your heart better than anyone else, but until you check with him/her, I only recomment walking before surgery as the safest exercise to keep your heart muscle strong and to stay fit...I, personally, do not think weight lifting is a good idea unless you want to speed up the surgery time.
Thanks Eva. Like I said i really have no idea if there is anything i can do, but if there are some things i am open. I certainly wouldn't want to do anything to make it worse either.

Thanks again, that's what I like abou this board. Quick, honest feedback.
Thanks Eva. Like I said i really have no idea if there is anything i can do, but if there are some things i am open. I certainly wouldn't want to do anything to make it worse either.

Thanks again, that's what I like abou this board. Quick, honest feedback.

You are welcome, Eddie,

In my personal case with two bad valves and SOBs, I was advised to walk half an hour a day. Six months earlier, my ex-cardio wanted me to live a normal life with all exercise I do...Yes, I did and my condition deteriorated rapidly without knowing and I was lucky to have stayed alive until the surgery!

So, if you do not have shortness of breath, walk as long as you can and the fitter you are before surgery, the sonner you recover.

Good luck. With my prayers that all go well,
I have a MVR surgery by sternoomy scheduled for July 6th, 2009. Since I have several months to prepare, is there anything I can do to physically get ready for this event. Are there things I should be doing like weightlifting or other excercises that will help with the whole experience?

HAving done this before I am looking for any advantage can get!

I too had about a 6 month heads up for my surgery. I bought a treadmill, and walked fast on that for a 1/2 hour every day. And I mean every day for 6 months. I watched my diet, and continued to work out with weights, like I had for the 25 years prior to my OHS. My surgeon was amazed at my physical condition, even at age 69. My surgery and 6 day hospital stay was uneventful. My recovery post-op was better than I had expected. Cardio is the big thing that can help you the most. Your lungs don't function during pulmonary by-pass, and as a result tend to weaken. It takes time to get them back, so the prudent thing to do is go in with the best lungs possible. That's why the surgeons want people to quit smoking at least 2 weeks prior to surgery. Lose some weight if you need to and get the cardio in the best possible shape pre -op, and you recovery will be easier!

Good luck
After watching Justin go thru a couple OHS, I think I would practice stretching your neck, shoulder, back ect just to get everything al ittle more loosened up/flexible type things.
i was told to exercise if possible right up till surgery ,i use cross trainer 30- 40 minutes at least 5 times a week . light high 20-30 rep weights at least 4 times a week and walk as much as possible
He siad it would give great help to recovery if your as fit as possible prior to OHS
he summed up the two things you dont want going into this kind of surgery is to be overwieght or smoking i have never smoked , i intend to watch my diet and exercise steadily .my doctor also said try to keep your heart rate under 130 just steady exercise!
I have a MVR surgery by sternoomy scheduled for July 6th, 2009. Since I have several months to prepare, is there anything I can do to physically get ready for this event. Are there things I should be doing like weightlifting or other excercises that will help with the whole experience?

HAving done this before I am looking for any advantage can get!

I'm putting you on our calendar for the July 6th surgery date, but if that changes, please let me know.
Regarding weightlifting, we've had some posts where those who are muscular actually have a more painful recovery than those who aren't. I suppose it's due to the amount of muscle being cut through, and of course, that's just heresay.:)
I would promote being in the best cardiovascular shape you can be. I also found that I relied more on my leg muscles immediately following surgery since you won't be able to put weight on your sternum and your arms are useless for a bit.
Thanks again to everyone and thanks for putting me on the calender. I could work out from now until July lifting weights and no one would confuse me for muscular! :) I am short of breath so th3e wallking thing has to be slow and steady. Lifting weights could be dumbells and machines at the gym. The suggestions here have been great.

I remember after the last surgery how great it felt to be in rehab. When the valve started leaking again things deteriorated and began to go backwards. I look forward to getting moving again but until then I think the suggestions here are the way to go. My cardio is ok with all of it to a point.
assuming your cardiologist clears you for exercise...

the better shape you're in before surgery, the easier and faster your recovery will
be (barring complications).

you want to do exercises that will strengthen your heart and lungs. aerobic stuff.

running, cycling, kayaking, walking, jumping rope, lots of sex, aerobics, jazzercise,
stair-climbing, dancing....walking is probably the best exercise.

weight-lifting, other than just basic range-of-motion exercises, probably won't
do much for you in terms of getting ready for surgery. (my opinion)

don't know your current physical situation. just start slowly, think moderation.
you might want to consult a trainer at your local gym to get you started.
Another vote for walking. I had two OHS in four years and there is no question my being a walker made a considerable difference in my condition. Walking and heart healthy diet are the best things you can do for yourself both before and after your surgery.