Medical ID Bracelets

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Premium Level User
Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2007
East Ontario, Canada
This is a reminder for all the newbies.
Now that you have survived surgery and are ready to tackle the world,
it's a really good idea to be wearing some kind of medical identification.

You don't necessarily need to sign up for ongoing membership,
but just wearing an engraved bracelet or necklet will alert doctors.

Whether I'm in a car accident, or passed out in the shower :eek:,
paramedics can tell at a glance that I am anticoagulated with a mech valve.
With a phone call they will know what meds I am on, and who my doctors are.

There are many ID choices: sporty wristbands, right up to elegant gold jewellry.
I chose a sterling silver bracelet and I never take it off.
A card in your wallet or purse is sometimes not good enough, IMO.
I am getting a pig valve. Should i also wear a braclet for that? I have a bracelet stating I have a pacemaker/defibulater and that I am on Tikosyn. Should I have the valve put on their too?
Thanks, Bina, for the reminder.

I was thinking the same, but every day, I say I am ordering mine today, and I cannot believe it has been six months already since my surgery.
You do not think there is a need for the membership! on bracelet that I am on ACT, 2 mechanical valves! or should I specify they are SJ AV and MV? Thanks for sharing your knowledge.:)
Thanks, Bina, for the reminder.

I was thinking the same, but every day, I say I am ordering mine today, and I cannot believe it has been six months already since my surgery.
You do not think there is a need for the membership! on bracelet that I am on ACT, 2 mechanical valves! or should I specify they are SJ AV and MV? Thanks for sharing your knowledge.:)

I would specified Norma; I did. It is also written that I'm allergic to band-aids.
NOW, just don't think about it....get it done :)
I knew I was getting mechanical, so I ordered mine before I went into the hospital - looking back on it, even though I was s**t-scared, that was a very positive thing to do, wasn't it??

I do also carry a laminated business-card-sized paper in my purse with next of kin, PCP, cardiologist, meds etc. etc. on it.
This thread reminds me I need to update my info with MedicAlert since I've changed cardios.

I bathed my Norwegian Forest Cat kitten this evening (we're going to a show in Indianapolis this weekend) and while she was soaped down, I could feel the microchip between her shoulder blades. Shame we can't get microchipped with all our medical information!
Bina, My bracelet never comes off. All the pros (EMTs , docs, and nurses) I know say to wear one. Thanks for the reminder to our newbies. XO, Brian
Mine has my name. Heart Patient. Mechanical Mitral Valve, Pace maker, coumadin. I got the 24k gold necklace tag. And for Christmas my wifey bought me a 14k gold necklace to put it on.
Wanna Bet......??

I have a long scar and a ticking valve. If they can't figure that out, then what can I say? While their getting ready to steal my money (HA) they might look in my wallet and see the pretty warning card.
LOL...I kinda feel the same as you now Rossman...they should be able to figure it out plus my sister is an Ambo here in my home town so I kind of feel safer because of that. She did tell me that they are all trained to look for any jewellery etc that may hold medical info when they go to rescue a patient and if they see the old zipper scar its pretty obvious they have a heart patient.

I was actually more concerned when I had my aneurysm and wore a bracelet that had my details on my opinion I was in more danger then than I am now.

You guys in the US have a lot of really nice medic-alert products to chose from...our Aussie versions are pretty darn boring in comparison.
Ok, As a tissue valver I once again feel left out of the discussion.:( Should I get a medic alert bracelet and if so what would it say?

I've thought about having one that identifies the valve type/brand and providing phone numbers of emergency contact, physician, and cardiologist. Maybe my blood type? What else is important to emergency personnel? I figure the numbers would be good if I'm out somewhere without my wallet or ID.
