Depression and Anger...?

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
rural area outside Buhl, Idaho, United States
A am having an unusually peculiar form of depression this winter. Unlike previous years where I just simply sat around and did little except get fatter or maybe play computer games and the like, I have woken up in consistently bad moods, but worse than just depressed. I'm angry, and am really surly in the mornings. My family is now suffering for it. I have gained weight anomalously fast since the new year. I was 199 lbs. New Years Day (already up from 190 lbs. in November) and have gained 8 lbs. since then (207 lbs.). I have avoided eating too much fat, but the weight just keeps coming on. Even using Wii Fit (see Small Talk), it hasn't helped stabilize my weight. I took one furosemide (lasix) a few days ago and lost 6 lbs. water in one day and gained it all back the next. The Wii Fit didn't know what to make of it--questioned the weight change.

I tried to get my cardiologist to see me for my one year followup in December (OHS anniversary 12/12) and I could not get an appointment. Now I finally got one for January 19th, but it's a new insurance year and, with the $2000 deductible, we'll have to pay for the entire thing including the echocardiogram. This actually legitimately got me mad, as we could have used the money for something else and insurance would have paid in full the charges if they had done it in December like I asked them to. I'm also scared that my mitral valve repair is failing, and perhaps this is contributing to the problem. I have read a few people's stories about how they had to have a second OHS in just a year after a mitral valve repair to replace it with a mechanical valve. I don't want a mechanical valve--the thought terrifies me, as clicky noises are a phobia to me (I cringe when people click pens nearby). I really need the reassurance that my valve is okay. On that account, I'll report the results of the echo here when I know something.

I had laryngitis for about a month, and it caused me endless distress since it seemed my kids would not obey me when I could not raise my voice. It's a terrible feeling knowing that the main reason why they behaved before was because I had to yell at them. In hindsight it wasn't black and white; most of the time they did obey my requests. The only times it was a problem was when they were themselves tired and I was being unreasonable for some reason. One does tend to remember the exceptions rather than the rule in this case.

I know that depression is sort of something that frequently accompanies OHS, and there are major studies that show that over half of OHS patients will have at least one episode of clinical depression (as in bad enough to warrant medical and/or psychiatric intervention of some sort). It happened to me, and it's taken on a bizarre and very uncomfortable twist for me. I am angry a lot and sometimes, to my shame, I can be verbally cruel to my children and wife. I hate that in myself, as I was a victim of such cruelty when I was a young teenager (after my father was disabled and had to stay home while my mother had to go to work full time). My mother, while firm, was never cruel or psychologically abusive. I become that way when I'm most depressed about life in general. Like my father, I am also fairly permanently out of work (a very stale Ph.D. in chemistry with little current knowledge in the field), along with Asperger's Syndrome (I think it's mild, but others seem to see it as more severe, especially in the workplace, but less severe at home.).

The type of depression is worse this year even if its overall intensity is less than before. :( I am in counseling, and taking buproprion for the depression. Additionally, I have even made a computer screen setting that's strong in the blues and greens for a SAD lamp of sorts, and a yellow-orange monitor setting for night so I don't disrupt my biorhythm. I try to get out in the sun (yes, it's reasonably a frequent occurrence here). In the mornings I'm almost unbearable, while in the evenings I'm actually pleasant to be around. I don't like to take the kids to daycare constantly, but for their sake maybe I should--so I don't damage them further than I already have. By the evening, I usually am far nicer to be around. I'm worried, though, that the damage has been done, and my kids will grow up wounded and angry themselves. My son KC and I frequently get into shouting matches, even over simple stuff like some trivial procedure in a video game. The Bible says to not "vex your children" but I seem to be doing that--and I despise that in myself. I frequently pray that God delivers me from this, too.

What else is odd is I woke up with me coughing and my heart hammering away at over 200 bpm as if I had just run a sprint. Aside from the initial coughing, I was never really out of breath--just concerned. My heart rate slowed down to normal without PVCs gradually over 3 minutes, and I was able to sleep uneventfully the rest of the night. I guess that my heart's okay, then--though I have put on weight. I have also noticed that my teeth are showing lots of wear from renewed grinding, and I can no longer tolerate a mouthguard--since I can't get to sleep with it in--for some reason I'm afraid I'll inhale it and choke so I can't doze off while wearing it. Any ideas there? The bruxism is no doubt from some sort of emotional turmoil at night.

Any suggestions on how to deal with the anger? It's an ironic problem for me as I was almost never angry as a child (sad a lot, though). I didn't grind my teeth, and was a very patient person as a kid, especially with the handicapped and younger children. Now it seems I no patience with kids or hardly anyone else. Is this a type of depression, or is it a sign of something more dangerous? I have made a covenant with my wife to never strike her in violence in any way, and never to slap the kids across the face or any other dehumanizing manner. I also make sure to tell them I love them. I read to them most nights and always pray with them before bed, even in my worst moods. I manage to be kind right at the end, even if the rest of the day is bust.

I don't know if this behavior is coming from fears that something has happened to my heart (i.e. weight gain and persistent cough), or some other reason.

Please pray for me and my family, as we need it.

Chris, I'm sorry that you are still struggling with your depression and now with anger as well. I don't think that I really have any great insight into your issues, but just thought I would share a couple of thoughts.

First off, I wouldn't waste any energy on being mad about having to pay your deductible to see the Dr. Wouldn't you have to pay it sometime this year anyway? This way, you'll be good for the rest of this year. I understand your fear about the surgery having failed. When I started experiencing all of these rhythm issues along with carrying a little bit of extra fluid, I just knew that my new tissue valve was failing. After careful checking by my cardio, he assured me that my valve was working beautifully and there were other reasonable explainations for the things I was experiencing. An eight pound weight gain in about 9 days sounds a little suspicious to me. I would definitely have to suspect fluid. I'm sure Laura would be able to offer you more sound advise about this than any of us would until you are able to get in to see your cardio.

As for your depression, have you thought that maybe the medication you are taking for this isn't working for you at this time? I have never taken any of these meds, but I have friends who have had to try several to find one that works for them. You might up your sessions with your counselor to try and get at the bottom of your anger. If you find yourself not being beneficial to your kids right now, day care may be a good alternative until you get to a better place.

Chris, I wish the best for you and Laura. Hang in there, things will get better.


It's a shame that you are having these problems, since you so obviously don't want to be this way. That means that you will seek help for the situation. And I like the fact that you know what an impact it has on your little family.

I am wondering about a few things.

You have mentioned weight gain and coughing and a racing heart. Sometimes these are signs of CHF, and I know you do have that.

Joe had terrible problems with CHF, and his was not only in his extremeties, but he had a terrible problem with ascites. Fluid would back up in his abdomen, and his liver and sometimes his spleen. His kidney function was also compromised.

When was the last time you had a complete blood workup? If it has been a while, I think you should ask to have one done, checking for everything. It should also include a BNP for CHF, and I think you should also have an ammonia level check.

There were times when Joe would have anger and other cognitive problems. It wasn't like him at all. But one time when an ER doc saw that he did check the ammonia level. It was high, and treatment was started to lower it. That can come from compromised liver and kidney functions.

From then on, I kept a close eye on his behavior and when it started to get different, I requested an ammonia level check. About 75% of the time it was high and needed treatment.

Maybe this isn't your problem at all, but it is worth checking out.

And the complete bloodwork definitely has to be done.

It could be that these symptoms have a medical cause instead of an emotional cause. Right now, you seem focused on the emotional part of it, but it sounds like that's being covered with medication and your use of lighting to help.

So get the physical things checked out now.

Wishing you all the best!

I am not a psychologist nor a doctor, but if you are angrier in the morning, this could be due to the lack of good sleep or sometime a reaction to a medicine taken before bed time. Did your wife notice if you snore at night?! if you stop breathing for a moment or so at night?! I am wondering if you might have sleep apnea where one stops breathing at night momentarily several times dring the night, thus the body is deprived of oxygen and you wake up with a high heart rate because your heart is hungry for oxygen! Just for clarification, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, but everyone who has sleep apnea snores. I have a mild case of sleep apnea and since I started using a CPAP machine, I do not wake up with the headaches or fast beating heart, or upset which I used to before knowing knowing I had this or using the CPAP machine.

Also, if you take any medication before bedtime, it might be affecting you in the morning on wake my personal case, when I took more than 1/4 mg of Xanax, I woke up angry but was able to control it. Lack of good sleep pushes you to eat more...your body is hungry for sleep but the mind tries to make up for it with food!

You may want to talk to your doctor...maybe the medication is not the right one for you! tell him what you are telling us and seek his advice. It is a shame to feel like you do and waste your time and energy on negativity intead of enjoying your new life with your kids and wife and be happy. Depression after surgery is emminent but not to your degree...sometimes traumas may trigger other past traumas! again, I am not a doctor and this is my humble opinion...I a people oriented person and fascinated by our behavior. As long as you continue to feel like this, it will be hard to find a job, and thus you shall feel worse with time and this will go on and on.

You and your family shall be included in my prayers...children are angels and need to be loved all the time and unconditionally.
I'm sorry to hear what you are experiencing and certainly hope your valve repair is still good. If it concerns you terribly about a clicking mechanical valve (it was a concern of mine), remember there is always a choice for tissue valve but hopefully it won't come to that and most likely will not.

I hope your cardiologist gives you good news about your valve and has some excellent suggestions how to get you help.

Please let us know how you are doing.
I agree with what others have said. Get a complete check up to find out why you are having the fluid problems and also definately talk to your counslor or who is givning you meds and see if maybe a different med would be better. Heck maybe you could even print your post out and give it to the doc to read since you describe everything so well here (I can describe in writing but when talking to the docs sometimes I ramble and am not as clear what I'm trying to describe.)
I understand your anger about the detucable, but like Nancy I try to think of it as at least MY detucable it coverred and we're good for the rest of the year. even tho I know it is tougher financially when it happens right after Christmas. (I hate when I pick up my meds in Jan and Justin just had his 6 month check up too)
I'm glad you posted about this here it probably helps just to get it out. You are all in my prayers.
Thanks for all the good advise. I will look into trying another antidepressant. As for the CBC, I think I'll also look into that. Ammonia levels? I wasn't aware of there being a test for this, but I'll ask Laura about it.

As for the weight gain, I gained a few more pounds since yesterday and am nearly 208 just before posting this evening. I haven't been this large in over 5 years (except for the brief runaway water retention during my mitral valve failure where my abdomen just went up like a balloon and I went from 200 lbs. to 218 lbs. in just one day of IV fluids and lots of juices and water). As recently as two years ago I weighed 180 lbs., and only started putting on weight in late fall the month prior to my mitral valve blowing, my weight was up to 190 lbs. by just after Thanksgiving 2007 and climbed steadily to 200 lbs. just before I felt the fluttery feeling in my carotids (12/9/07) meaning my mitral valve had gone flail.

Over the summer my weight never went lower than 185 lbs., so the change isn't as dramatic as last year, but still worrisome, as this gain occurred after the holidays (I weighed 199 lbs. New Years Day and 1/2/09).

Laura has listened to my heart and she doesn't hear a murmur. Before, the murmur was obvious to all, though I don't recall getting a chance to listen to it for myself.

Frankly, I'm scared and probably this has led to the depression and anger. Laura has me on antibiotics for possible sinus infection, but the cough continues...

Thank you all for your continuing prayers.

Sorry you are going through all of this. I can relate, I was also depressed. My surgery was 1 year ago Jan.3rd, also went through the depression. I know all about the anger also. My surgery was aortic valve replacement, tissue valve. I know my valve is failing. It makes me very angry some days that I went through all of this and now my "new" valve is failing. What made me the most upset, is I never was informed of the things that could go wrong with the valve. We discussed the things that could go wrong during surgery, but never hey you know this tissue valve could be a problem... Anyway, 5 months post op my valve aready had moderate stenosis and I am now bodering on severe stenosis, gradient levels have more than doubled from May to Nov. 08, I feel bad most of the time, no better than before the surgery, sad as it is, it's true. I take anti anxiety med.s and they help.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish you the best; I hope you find some answers soon.
You guys might be aware that I have a healthy distaste for beta blockers and I try to blame alot of stuff on them. So I was thinking maybe you're depressed from a new beta blocker regimen. I think I read you're on Toprol. Doctors are reluctant to admit it, but they can mess with your head, and your weight, your lungs, and your hair et al.
Have you ever considered seeing a Trauma-councellor? After my last "time share" in ICU end 2008 I had weird dreams, could not sleep during the night without the help of sleeping pills and I had panic attacks during the night.

So, I went to see a Trauma-councellor, 2 days ago, and I am now sleeping without a problem!!! I had my OHS 9 months ago and had ups and downs and I thought I was okay with everything that had happened... and I think the last visit to ICU (emboli in Ventricle) was just to much for my system to handle.

So, my advice to you: go and see a Trauma-councellor.
Thanks again for the advice. My father has had complete thyroid failure since he was about 30 as did his father, but my blood tests have always shown normal thyroxine levels and TSH levels, even through my knuckle skin is abnormally thick compared to my otherwise normal skin. I don't know if there is a thyroxine insensitivity or receptor disorder akin to type II diabetes' low insulin receptor number problem. I've considered that possibility, but I have never been able to find such a syndrome. Anyone here know of one?

As for the idea of the trauma counselor, I would like to consider that a distinct possibility, as I react to even modest trauma rather strongly. Perhaps it's related to my mild autism. I even get flashbacks for months after something as simple as a slightly flooded basement (deepest was 3 inches above the carpet top in one room; other rooms more shallow). We never lost anything really valuable except 12-18 hours sucking the water out of the carpet with an old carpet steam cleaner (It works like a dream). I'd be exhausted almost to collapse, but the carpet would be dry and we could sleep downstairs that very night (all our bedrooms are in the basement). The carpets never even had to be replaced due to mold and are still fine to this day. So the flooding was never worse than a surprise squishy carpet in the middle of the night (or day most of the time), a sudden need to pick up and move a few dozen boxes and other loose items to a dry area, plus a few pieces of furniture shifted around. Then the steam cleaner with 20-30 runs up the stairs to dump the reservoir outside, and setting up of 4 or 5 strong fans with the windows open to finish the drying process. I think I was more afraid of my emotional state rather than the flooding itself.

Years later I'd run some irrigation water for the lawn and then I'd be somewhere else for a few hours, then I'd be practically in a panic attack when I remembered it's on. It's arid here and to keep the trees alive in our front yard, sprinklers just don't cut it, hence the flood irrigation--can't do without it or we'd lose the trees. Usually I'd get home, heart pounding, cold sweat, etc. to find the place perfectly fine and the water nowhere near the house. The irrigation basement flooding happened about 8 times in the first couple of years we were at our house, the last one about 5 years ago. Even so, if the water gets too close to the house (even this past summer), the nervousness, etc. starts to come back. When the snow started to melt last week, I felt the same thing as I lined up buckets to catch the meltwater next to the house as it ran off the roof. So maybe I have long-term PTSD (for those who don't know the acronym, it's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) over my emergency OHS, too, even if I don't consciously think of the possibility. The only thing I consciously get even remotely like flashbacks about the OHS experience is the lancet finger pricks for the blood sugar tests at the hospital. OHS is a heck of a long ways further down 'trauma-alley' than a flooded basement! Maybe I should look up some counselor or psychiatrist who understands PTSD and see him or her and see if that helps. There could be an awful lot of unconscious stuff hidden under the surface. This could be the real reason for the topsy-turvy emotions and the weird depression.

As for you, roundsgirl, I am going to pray for you that you get through all of this with the least amount of trauma possible. Here I am feeling sorry for myself for a possible (translated: unlikely) problem with my valve, and you're here supporting me when your own valve deterioration is an established medical fact. :eek: Please forgive me for my self-pity. I'll know for sure after January 19th (got an echocardiogram scheduled for that day), but I suspect things are okay.

BTW I dropped 2 lbs. today. 206 lbs. :) Thank you everyone who prayed for me and the family.

Been following your posts Chris and even sent one reply but lost it

in cyber Vr haha.

I feel your right on track and i feel your anger is due to your fear,you nailed that right on.
connection of fear is i always say like weeding your garden and only pulling the heads off,because the roots untouched ,the weeds come back shortly.
You have alot going on and fears the most terrible intence emotion,to experience so terrible we respond to being mad or angry.
the biggest step in victory is your here at VR and venting more fear.
As if not enough weight gain ,fear of 2nd surgery and so forth you described.
anger is the secondary response to fear and sounds like its paralizing you.
Get it checked and your on another antidepressant now if not working go back.(get it checked)
I hope you can keep your cardio appt on the 19th to ease your mind abit from all this fear too.
Glad Laura has you on an antibiotic in case and keep us posted.
prayers regularly going to you and Laura and your children,stay with us and keep us updated or just vent:p

zipper2 (DEB)

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