Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....12-5-08

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Well, it seems like we have had mixed results this week. I managed to lose a little but it was a difficult week. Those of you who were at our Pigeon Forge reunion may remember that my husband had gone to visit his brother and his wife during that same time. Thanksgiving morning this same sister-in-law suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm while on a cruise with their son and grandchildren. She was sent to Grand Cayman and then airlifted to Florida where she died. My husband came home last night from San Antonio after spending the week with his brother. She was 65 and had no idea she had any health problems at all. It just seemed so unreal. The kids and grandkids continued on the cruise until it finished in Galveston.

Betty how very sad. You and your husband and family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Betty, I'm very sorry to read that your family has suffered such a sudden, tragic loss. Please accept my sincere condolences.
:eek::eek::eek: I am NOT happy. I got on the scale yesterday morning and I'm back to my pre-ThrowDown weight! :mad: :mad: I was 142 when this started August of '07. I managed to get myself down to 132 at one point, and now I'm back up to 142. :( I really need to get myself moving again. I just feel so DRAINED. I keep making excuses (like waiting for my surgery, or for this or that stress to be over...), but I know it needs to stop. Both DH and I need to elevate our efforts to become healthier. His back needs it, and my self-worth needs it!

As of today I vow to make more of an effort to log in to the ThrowDown every day to report progress. I will make myself be active at least 4 days a week (walking, Wii, whatever it takes!), I will reduce my portion sizes and stop eating out so much. I know I CAN do it... It's just a matter of effort.

Thanks for being here, gang!!!
Well, it seems like we have had mixed results this week. I managed to lose a little but it was a difficult week. Those of you who were at our Pigeon Forge reunion may remember that my husband had gone to visit his brother and his wife during that same time. Thanksgiving morning this same sister-in-law suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm while on a cruise with their son and grandchildren. She was sent to Grand Cayman and then airlifted to Florida where she died. My husband came home last night from San Antonio after spending the week with his brother. She was 65 and had no idea she had any health problems at all. It just seemed so unreal. The kids and grandkids continued on the cruise until it finished in Galveston.

Betty, so very sorry about this family tragedy. Am remembering you and your family in my prayers.
Niki-I know. I have gained a couple too. I told my husband that he is going
to have to start eating out:D
Betty, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. It's especially difficult when it is unexpected.

I'm up about 3 pounds, mostly due to the seminar I attended Thursday and Friday. food included, lots of salt, fat, carbs, and verrrry little in the way of green veggies. Some times you can't eat right even if you try.

Hubby and I are going to Mexico (Playa del Carmen) next Sunday, and get back just in time for weigh in, so I'm not looking forward to weigh ins for the rest of the month!
Day One of my New Resolve went okay. I did a little exercise on the Wii (what I COULD do, given the PICC line is still in), and I cooked rather than picking up food from a drive through. Small victories... :rolleyes:
Day One of my New Resolve went okay.
I did a little exercise on the Wii
I was thinking about getting one,how helpful are they, I mean do you find that it makes exercise more habit forming,or do you need any additional equipment? This could be a christmas present to myself:D
I was thinking about getting one,how helpful are they, I mean do you find that it makes exercise more habit forming,or do you need any additional equipment? This could be a christmas present to myself:D

I was wondering about one of those gizmos too. WOuld it be comfortable to use with two gimpy knees and a bad back, or would it be best to stick with my old exercise bike?
I was really good about using the Wii Fit (which you need to have the Wii game console to use.) I did it daily for about 3 months and then slacked off. I need to get back to it. I've often heard it said that if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit. Eating brownies - it takes about 2 days, exercising - I still haven't formed that habit (see above Wii Fit use of 3 months!!!! - still no habit.)

Edit - I also want to add that DH and I do love the Wii game console and play the sports games that come with it quite often. It's good to get up and get moving, no matter what you're doing and the sports games do that. We particularly like the bowling, golf and tennis. Boxing also is a great workout on the Wii.
Well, it seems like we have had mixed results this week. I managed to lose a little but it was a difficult week. Those of you who were at our Pigeon Forge reunion may remember that my husband had gone to visit his brother and his wife during that same time. Thanksgiving morning this same sister-in-law suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm while on a cruise with their son and grandchildren. She was sent to Grand Cayman and then airlifted to Florida where she died. My husband came home last night from San Antonio after spending the week with his brother. She was 65 and had no idea she had any health problems at all. It just seemed so unreal. The kids and grandkids continued on the cruise until it finished in Galveston.

Betty, our condolences to your family regarding the untimely loss of your sister-in-law. What a sad sad thing to happen to your brother and his children.


Maybe we should invite Oprah to join Cooker's Throwdown:,,20245089,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Instead of using all those pricey personal trainers (some of whom have become zillionaires b/c they are Oprah's trainers) and fad diets, Oprah would find lots of support from everyday folks here -- folks who are battling the same problem she is in a variety of ways.
Maybe we should invite Oprah to join Cooker's Throwdown:,,20245089,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Instead of using all those pricey personal trainers (some of whom have become zillionaires b/c they are Oprah's trainers) and fad diets, Oprah would find lots of support from everyday folks here -- folks who are battling the same problem she is in a variety of ways.

I give her credit for revealing her weight, but I do think she would make faster progress if she teamed up with Cindy and Wise from our CTDF group.;)
If I get time later on, I'll send her an email and invite her . . . subject to Cooker's approval!:rolleyes:
Maybe we'll get an invite to be on the Oprah show and share our stories. I'll bring the hankies. :p

Ok, Superbob.:p I really and truly did just send Oprah an email asking her to join us. If she takes us up on it, and invites us to the show, you will be expected to supply hankies for all!:p:p
Ok, Superbob.:p I really and truly did just send Oprah an email asking her to join us. If she takes us up on it, and invites us to the show, you will be expected to supply hankies for all!:p:p

Shucks, Superbob will show up in spandex and cape if The Chimp will come in his furry state and The Ref in her Zebra's outfit! :p
I dunno. Unless she is sporting a scar down her chest........

just coz she's Oprah doesn't mean she is gonna fit in THIS Zoo!! :p:p

You guys are fun!! At the very least we could bring some attention to valve disease. And even more attention to positive forum communities.

I'm gonna one up her on the confession she made. I've been fibbing. I also weigh 200. 201.5 to be exact. I couldn't bring myself to confess even to you guys what my true number was when the throwdown started. But I'm coming clean if Oprah is!!! :p I truly have lost the 25 lbs since surgery, but that leaves me at 201.

Now I can start 2009 and really be honest with myself at how much weight I really must lose.

I mean, I really love my cow valve. But I agree with Oprah! I don't want to look like a cow!!!

:eek: Marguerite