Possible Aortic Valve Disease Symptom: Sleeping Position?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Grove, Fire Is. NY
It's not in the aortic valve disease literature that I've found so far, but these days I am very uncomfortable sleeping on my left side or on my back, and I think this is because of my AS. My heart pounds like crazy if I sleep on the left side or to a somewhat lesser extent, on on my back. I can get relief, and some solid sleep, when I sleep on my right side. In searching the web for confirmation of this phenomenon I found the following:

"It has been shown that patients with chronic heart failure tend to prefer sleeping on their right side as opposed to their left. Subsequent studies have demonstrated that, indeed, sympathetic nervous system activity is lower in patients with chronic heart failure, or in those who have had a heart attack, when they lie on their right sides versus their left. Sympathetic nervous activity is what controls heart rate and blood pressure and thus, for these
patients, lying on the right reduces their heart rate and blood pressure, both of which are good for the heart when faced with these medical conditions. As such, some authorities recommend that patients with heart failure or who have had a heart attack not sleep on their left sides. It should be noted, however, that this therapy has not been studied to confirm that it changes other clinical outcomes.

Why lowering of sympathetic nervous system activity happens with changes in position is not entirely clear. Some researchers have suggested that when the right side is down, the heart is in a more superior position, making it easier for it to pump blood out. However, this has not been studied at this time to prove this is the case. Furthermore, whether the effects noted are of any significance to individuals who do not have heart failure or have not had a heart attack is unclear."

The web site this came from is here:

Has anyone else experienced this symptom/phenomenon in relation to their valve disease? It's certainly real for me whether napping or sleeping, as time goes by and my AS worsens, sleeping comfortably becomes more of a challenge. Sleeping on my right side works for me by alleviating the heavy palpitations that I get otherwise.

I have the same problem sometimes.. It gets easier if I'm really worn out from exercising. But I do sleep more on my right side. I find that very interesting.
Thanks for the research I never would of thought of that.
I didn't have valve replacement. Had quad bypass and a heart attack before the bypasses. I find sleeping on my right side is more comfortable. I can feel heartbeats when lying on left side and find it uncomfortable - even scary at times when the heart seems to pound. Good article - whether it's been studied or not.
Jim, there's also a very similar thread - "skipped beats," posted by Sheepdog - in this forum on almost the same issue. If you haven't seen those posts, you may want to look.
I'm still waiting for something to be done with my aortic valve. I, too have had problems with skipped heartbeats and chest pain when laying on my left side, but not on my right side. Since i am a paraplegic, i have no choice but to lay on my left side every 2 hours to prevent bedsores. I get the skipped heartbeats and sometimes my heart races, but nothing serious happens to me while on my left side.
Try putting 2 or more pillows under both your head and shoulders. Lifting both helps me breath better. Sleeping any way but on my back has been out for me for about 10-12 yrs.
Pre ohs sleep

Pre ohs sleep

Before I had OHS, I would wake up with stabbing pains in my chest when I slept on my left side. Now I sleep on either side or my back. I switch positions a lot during the night. Hope you find a comfortable way to sleep soon! Rest helps us cope so much. Brian

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